4 cleaning mistakes that should be avoided

4 cleaning mistakes that should be avoided

For most of us, a cleaning routine can seem like an easy task. However, we might make some mistakes wherein our homes remain unhygienic. This can lead to the spread of bacteria and dangerous microbes. It is therefore important to avoid certain mistakes while cleaning. Not making these mistakes will ensure your cleaning routine is effective and less tiresome. Listed below are four cleaning mistakes that should be avoided at all costs. Spraying disinfectants directly onto surfaces Spraying disinfectant solution directly onto the furniture surface like countertops and glass surfaces results in solution build-up. Greasy furniture, streaky windows, and foggy furniture are a result of this mistake. It would also mean that the dirt and dust are sticking to the furniture. To avoid having unclean-looking surfaces, avoid spraying any disinfectant solution directly onto furniture. Instead, try spraying a bit of it on your cleaning cloth and then wipe down the surfaces. Clorox® has some of the best disinfectant sprays. Their laundry fabric disinfectants ensure your clothes are free of harmful microbes. Newer products from Clorox® for laundry disinfection and sanitization provide a fresh, odorless load with every regular wash cycle. These products can be harmlessly paired with your detergent for brighter, safer, and fresher results.
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5 smartphone habits to stop today

5 smartphone habits to stop today

Smartphones are versatile devices that allow you to communicate with people even if they are across the globe. They can also be used to watch a movie on the go, read an e-book, take high-quality photos and videos, and even play games of your liking. But as important as they are, there are some things you should avoid doing when using a smartphone. Here are five smartphone habits to stop today: Using the phone while walking You may use your phone to perform multiple tasks. However, it is imperative to do so when you are not on the move. Using the device while walking can distract and endanger you or another individual. Relying only on GPS The GPS on a smartphone is exceptional but not always 100% accurate. There are days when your phone may guide you the wrong way or take you to the wrong destination. So sometimes, you should self-navigate by looking at the traffic signs or by seeking directions from a traffic officer. Scrolling through the smartphone before bed Most of us tend to scroll through social media or watch content like movies or a web series before sleeping. However, smartphones emit a blue light that suppresses melatonin, a chemical that regulates sleep.
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5 things to avoid with lupus

5 things to avoid with lupus

Lupus is a health condition where the immune system mistakenly attacks healthy tissues and organs. It causes inflammation in different body parts, including the joints, kidneys, blood cells, heart, and lungs. Unfortunately, the autoimmune disease has no cure; available treatment options only help prevent flare-ups and manage symptoms. Therefore, patients must be careful and follow healthy practices to prevent the problem from worsening. Here are five things to avoid when diagnosed with lupus: Exposure to sunlight Those affected by lupus should avoid sun exposure because they are more sensitive to sunlight. It can worsen the symptoms, especially when the sun is at its peak. When venturing out, patients must apply sunscreen, preferably with SPF 70. Sunscreens with higher SPF values might protect the skin from harmful rays. In addition, individuals should cover their skin as much as possible when outside and carry a hat. Physical and mental stress Mental or physical stress can cause lupus to worsen or trigger a flare-up. A severe lupus episode is most commonly linked to chronic stress. Patients can indulge in mild exercises, yoga, or meditation to calm the mind. These activities release happy hormones and put one in a good mood almost instantly. Red meat Red meats like beef, pork, and lamb contain saturated fats that can raise a person’s cholesterol levels.
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