3 tips for maintaining lung health

3 tips for maintaining lung health

Respiratory health is one of the most important aspects of living a healthy and fulfilling life. Air quality has been deteriorating over time with the increasing threat of climate change and natural and man-made disasters. So, here are some tips for maintaining lung health and ensuring healthy breathing practices. If one experiences changes in breathing patterns or any such issues, consulting a doctor is crucial for ruling out respiratory illnesses.

Limit exposure to pollutants
With the Air Quality Index being compromised every day, it is important to make sure that one does everything necessary to maintain respiratory health. This includes avoiding not just air pollutants like dust particles but also smoke from industries and chemicals from cleaning products at home or workplaces. One of the ways to avoid exposure is to be around those who follow a healthy, smoke-free lifestyle at home and work. If one resides in a city that frequently has poor AQI, then it is important to limit going outside too much and instead spend time at home or indoors. Further, one should check the AQI before stepping out every day and limit exposure to only necessary outdoor activities.

Prevent infections
Getting a cough or a cold occasionally may be inevitable, however, frequent infections indicate a weakened immune system. Here, additional measures need to be taken to strengthen respiratory health. It is also important to quickly treat a cold/cough, as if left untreated, it can lead to other health complications. Some tips for preventing respiratory infections include:

  1. One should consider getting flu shots and pneumonia vaccinations. It is possible that one may not be eligible for all vaccinations, so they should speak to a healthcare professional before getting vaccinated.
  2. One should avoid large gatherings or crowded places during the cold or flu season. During this period, an infection can easily spread from person to person.
  3. Washing hands frequently with soap and water is an effective preventive measure, along with using sanitizers to keep them clean. However, overusing sanitizers can lead to dry, flaky skin.
  4. Good oral hygiene is also crucial for preventing germs from entering the mouth. This includes brushing twice a day and getting a 6-monthly dental check-up.
  5. If one does contract an infection, they should isolate themselves and avoid physical contact.

Regular exercise
Exercise is known to have several health benefits, which include strengthening the lungs. Studies suggest that both aerobic and muscle-strengthening exercises can benefit the lungs, so one can pick a physical activity that they enjoy and can practice regularly. Aerobic activities like walking, running, and rope jumping can be extremely beneficial for cardiovascular health as well. Yoga and pilates are great for toning the breathing muscles, along with improving posture and core strength. Another tip for healthy breathing is practicing breathing exercises to strengthen the diaphragm.