5 easy ways to care for your lawn

5 easy ways to care for your lawn

Maintaining a lush-green lawn is one of the most challenging tasks. It involves many hours toiling in the dirt, sometimes only to result in a lawn that doesn’t look like one. At times like these, you might not want to be associated with it. But for better or for worse, it is a part of your household chore if you have a beautiful garden in the first place and are bound to take care of it.

5 tips on how to care for a lawn
Sometimes when you look at your lawn after all your hours on it, you might feel it is rocket science, but it’s much more straightforward. Here are some tips to help you keep a healthy lawn:

Use less water but make it count
You might have some people say that the best way to care for your lawn is to water it regularly. Wrong. You should water it less frequently as possible, ensuring the water seeps deep into the soil. A deep root system will help you keep your lawn lush and healthy.

Switch the mowing direction
If you have been mowing in the same direction for ages, you are doing lawn care and gardening all wrong. Mowing in the same order, repeatedly, makes it start leaning in the direction you mow. In addition when your mower wheels run over the same places, it also leads to soil compaction.

Do not rake the lawn in the spring and fall
Raking the lawn in spring and fall reduces the build-up of thatch. The thatch is a layer comprising dead grass on top of the soil, and if it is thick, it ensures fewer nutrients and water reaching the roots. You can use leaf guards for your gutter to avoid dead leaves and grass clogging your gutter system. So always rake your lawn after the winter months pass.

Add more seeds
Every year a lot of plants and trees are lost due to the harsh winter months. But adding more seeds ensures the possibility of more plants being able to survive and bloom during spring to give you a beautiful lawn. Also, add more leaf guards to your gutter, as more plants mean increase in the number of dry leaves.

Adding the right nutrients
Potassium and nitrogen are the two components of a healthy lawn. When you add the fertilizers in the spring, always remember the two components and also that less is always more. And if you spot your lawn growing lush and green, do not forget to add leaf guards to your gutters to avoid them from clogging up.

If you are looking to hire a service to clean your gutters, be rest assured that most of them will also provide downspout cleaning services. Some popular companies to look for would include Window Gang, Window Genie, Lawn Love, and The Ground Guys. Check for services near your location and read their reviews to make a decision.