9 alarming symptoms of esophageal cancer

9 alarming symptoms of esophageal cancer

The esophagus is an elongated muscular tube that connects the throat and the stomach. The prevalence of esophageal cancer has been rapidly increasing, with approximately 22,000 new cases diagnosed annually in the country. Despite a growing awareness of it, the condition can prove to be difficult to detect in its early stages. Thus, it is crucial to be vigilant about some common and alarming signs that indicate the presence of the condition.

Warning signs of esophageal cancer

Chest pain
Patients with esophageal cancer might experience chest pain or discomfort, which is especially noticeable when swallowing. It might even feel like a tightness or burning sensation in the chest. Some patients might feel the pain radiating to the neck and back.

Chronic cough
Chronic cough or hoarseness that does not go away might also result from esophageal cancer because the condition affects the vocal cords and irritates the throat.

Regurgitation is the involuntary return of food and fluids from the stomach to the esophagus. Persistent regurgitation may occur as a sign of esophageal cancer as it can cause blockage in the esophagus, preventing food from moving further down the stomach.

Vomiting blood
Hematemesis, or throwing up blood, is one of the alarming signs of esophageal cancer to look out for. The presence of blood occurs due to bleeding in the stomach or the esophagus.

Tarry stools
Tarry stools are another sign or symptom of esophageal cancer as the cancer cells lead to bleeding in the esophagus or the stomach. In this symptom, individuals have black and tarry stools due to the presence of blood in them.

Advanced esophageal cancer can cause inflammation and irritation of the diaphragm. This inflammation can give rise to hiccups. Therefore, persistent hiccups can be a sign of advanced stages of esophageal cancer.

Fatigue is another common symptom of the condition, wherein the patient experiences a persistent lack of energy or exhaustion. The growth of cancer cells can cause decreased absorption of nutrients in the body, robbing it of energy.

If the heartburn or indigestion does not abate after treatment, it can be considered a symptom of esophageal cancer. This symptom results from the esophagus’s narrowing or the blockage caused by cancer. It can cause reflux of stomach acid into the esophagus.

Throat pain
In some cases, the condition can give rise to pain or discomfort in the throat. This sign of esophageal cancer can be attributed to cancerous cells causing inflammation or irritation in the specific area.