What are the various signs of schizophrenia

What are the various signs of schizophrenia

Schizophrenia is a term used to signify a spectrum of disorders that involve a disconnection from reality. Its symptoms include paranoia, delusions, and hallucinations. It is a serious but treatable disorder, and patients can live a healthy and fulfilling life. Schizophrenia is also a particular mental health condition that falls under the spectrum mentioned above. According to the World Health Organization, schizophrenia affects approximately 1 in 300 people across the globe. Stages and symptoms of schizophrenia The condition can be broadly divided into three stages. Each of these stages has a different level or intensity of symptoms. Prodrome or onset is when patients have mild symptoms. It can be identified by signs like lack of personal hygiene, anxiety, and social withdrawal. The active stage is when the symptoms are more intense, and the patient has been disconnecting from reality. The following symptoms can be observed during the active phase: Depression Depression is a common health condition that is a cause for concern. Individuals who are depressed and lack trust in others or have misplaced distrust in others can be considered at a greater risk of schizophrenia. Other signs that can be present along with depression include increased pessimism and delusions.
4 foods to avoid for managing multiple sclerosis

4 foods to avoid for managing multiple sclerosis

Multiple sclerosis is a potentially disabling condition of the brain and spinal cord, wherein the immune system attacks the protective sheath that covers the nerve fibers. This issue causes communication problems between the brain and other body parts, leading to permanent damage or deterioration of the nerves. Signs and symptoms of multiple sclerosis differ from one person to another over the course of the disease and the location of the affected nerve fibers. Symptoms There are quite a few common signs of multiple sclerosis, some of them include Numbness or weakness in the limbs Shocking sensations with certain neck movements Tremors and unsteady gait Partial or complete loss of vision Prolonged double vision Blurry vision Slurred speech Fatigue Dizziness Tingling or pain in some parts of the body Risk factors The following factors are known to have quite a major role as far as the development of multiple sclerosis is concerned: Age Such a condition can occur at any age, but the onset usually begins between the ages of 20 and 40. Gender Women are more likely to develop relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis compared to men. Family history Those with an immediate relative who has such a condition have a much higher chance of being diagnosed too.
5 skin care mistakes to avoid premature aging

5 skin care mistakes to avoid premature aging

Flawless and ageless-looking skin is a goal that most individuals aim for. And these people pick up several skin care hacks and routines from magazines, online videos, and by word-of-mouth to maintain the texture of their skin. However, most people are unaware that certain routines may negatively affect the skin, contrary to claims by several websites and companies. So, here are five skincare mistakes that may lead to premature aging if left unchecked. Going to bed with makeup Many individuals return from work and sleep with makeup on. If a person is out, they expose themselves to hoards of pollution. The free radicals in the air quickly latch on and embed themselves in the exposed surfaces of the skin. These radicals can affect the body’s natural ability to produce collagen and elastin. This makeup also clogs pores, making it impossible for the skin to recover. Furthermore, not washing off such pollutants may lead to the development of fine lines and premature wrinkles. So one must ensure they wash off all makeup before bed. Also, it is equally important to cleanse when one wakes up in the morning to get rid of the dirt that develops on the skin overnight. Neglecting sunscreen Several people tread outdoors without sunscreen, especially when the climate is cooler.
Crohn’s disease – 8 foods to avoid

Crohn’s disease – 8 foods to avoid

Crohn’s is a common inflammatory bowel disease that affects the gastrointestinal tract. There are different forms of Crohn’s disease, and the symptoms generally vary depending on the location. Such a condition can be managed to improve one’s quality of life by combining prescriptions, treatments, and alternative remedies. Simple changes in daily nutrition can also help avoid flare-ups. Here are the common foods to avoid or have in moderation with Crohn’s disease. Nuts with skin on Crohn’s disease primarily affects the digestive system’s ability to process foods. So, food not rich in soluble fibers will put the system under pressure. Assorted nuts are foods that fall under this risk category, as people with Crohn’s disease will not be able to digest the healthy fats and nutrients when nuts are consumed raw. Nuts can also irritate the lining of the gut, causing pain and triggering flare-ups. Unpeeled fruits Fruits, in their natural and organic form, pack a ton of essential nutrients, vitamins, and minerals that are good for gut health and overall immunity. However, it becomes exceedingly difficult for the body to process raw fruits, especially with the peel on, when one is suffering from digestive distress caused by Crohn’s disease. One of the reasons is that the fruit’s pulp contains soluble fibers, but the fibers in the peel cannot be dissolved, making digestion a lot harder.
4 foods to avoid with ADHD

4 foods to avoid with ADHD

ADHD, short for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, is a mental health condition commonly observed in children between the ages of 3 and 7. It can also be diagnosed later in life and continue into adulthood if left untreated. ADHD primarily affects one’s behavior patterns, making one seem restless, have trouble concentrating, and feel hyperactive. While the disorder can be treated with remedies and behavioral therapy, certain foods can help ADHD patients manage their symptoms better. Can food affect ADHD? Yes, studies show that food and ADHD are closely associated. A Harvard study has proven that people who eat healthily are able to regulate their emotions better, manage stress, and enhance their brain functions. What foods should ADHD patients avoid? People with ADHD must be mindful of their eating habits because certain foods tend to aggravate its symptoms. Candies It is advised for one to reduce or completely stop having foods with refined sugar and saturated fat. The refined carbs in packaged sugar candies trigger a quick spike, followed by a crash in blood glucose levels. While the spike causes hyperactivity, the crash in sugar level leaves people feeling spacey, confused, and inattentive. Cakes and frosting Cake mix and frostings are loaded with artificial sweeteners and refined sugar, which causes hyperactivity.
5 common mistakes to steer clear of when buying health insurance

5 common mistakes to steer clear of when buying health insurance

Health insurance is a mandatory requirement for all residents in the country. Moreover, a multifold increase in medical costs has made it difficult to afford decent healthcare without insurance. But with so many plans and policies available for Medicare, Medicaid, and Medigap, choosing the right one can be challenging. It is also important to note and avoid these common mistakes while planning for healthcare coverage for self and one’s family. Here are some to avoid: Not researching properly You have to do primary research to understand the options for health insurance. For example, United Healthcare (UHC) offers exclusive Dual Eligible Special Needs Plans (D-SNP) benefits to qualifying applicants covering Medicare and Medicaid. Seniors above 65, those with special needs due to disabilities, and citizens eligible in the low-income criteria can apply for particular insurance policies by UHC. These criteria also impact part A and part B premiums payable for 2022. Without research, you might miss several of these benefits provided by private insurance companies. Taking insufficient coverage Policy coverage is one of the critical factors to consider when choosing health insurance plans. The first point to consider here is the average waiting period for the policies to activate and cover expenses.
Understanding the impact of water contamination on health

Understanding the impact of water contamination on health

Water is one of the most essential components for the survival of all living organisms. However, rapid urbanization and industrialization over the last few decades have led to an increase in the contamination of water sources in the country. Even with multiple facilities designed for filtration and purification, drinking water can have hazardous elements that increase the risk of known chronic diseases and severe illnesses. Here is a look at the consequences of water contamination: Health concerns As the human body is made up of nearly 70% water, most organs and functions are affected by consuming contaminated water. Here are the common consequences: Heavy metal contamination issues Heavy metals like lead, arsenic, and mercury increase the risk of developing cancer in the liver, bladder, or lungs. Long-term consumption can affect neurological development among kids affecting their cognitive skills. Women drinking contaminated water during pregnancy are at substantial risk of developing fetal malformations. Heavy metals like arsenic can also be introduced into breast milk, affecting the health of breastfed newborns. Respiratory issues and autoimmune disorders Byproducts of chlorine and other chemicals used for disinfection can mix with groundwater. These chemicals adversely affect the upper respiratory tract, causing chest pain and lung irritation.
Eosinophilic esophagitis – Symptoms, causes, and therapy

Eosinophilic esophagitis – Symptoms, causes, and therapy

Eosinophilic esophagitis, widely known as EoE, is an allergic condition of the esophagus – the tube connecting the mouth and stomach. When a person suffers from it, their esophagus becomes inflamed and unable to contract. This condition can lead to the development of abscesses or rings, and the body employs eosinophils, better known as white blood cells, to counter it. It can happen at any age, and the symptoms vary between persons. Symptoms Eosinophilic esophagitis is a disease that is often confused with gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) due to matching symptoms. The symptoms of the condition differ with age and can also vary from one patient to another, but may include trouble while swallowing, food getting stuck in the throat, upper abdominal and chest pain, heartburn, and vomiting. Causes and risk factors This condition develops when eosinophils build up in the esophagus, causing discomfort and inflammation. Multiple factors like food allergies, history of the disease in the family, and climatic conditions may put a person at risk of developing this health condition. Food allergies Food allergies are one of the biggest risk factors as it triggers the eosinophils to travel to the esophagus. It can sometimes even lead to medical emergencies and may require the assistance of a healthcare professional.