4 surprisingly bad foods for those with diabetes

4 surprisingly bad foods for those with diabetes

Diabetes causes blood sugar and glucose levels to either go too low or too high. One of the ways to maintain balanced levels in the body is to have a strict meal plan. While a few food groups are known to not be friendly for those with diabetes, here are some other common yet unsuspecting foods that are a big no-no for those looking to keep their sugar levels in check. Yogurt Yogurt is usually a healthy option but is probably not recommended for those with diabetes. Flavored yogurt sold in the market comes with preservatives and sugar, quickly triggering insulin levels. Dairy is generally not advised for diabetes patients, but having small quantities of homemade yogurt with no flavoring or artificial preservatives is fine. Cereal Although cereal is something many of us eat in the morning, it’s not the best option for those looking to keep their glucose in check. This food comes with added sugars and artificial preservatives that spike sugar levels. Another factor to consider is that cereal and milk make for quite an unhealthy combination, so those with diabetes need to find alternatives to these foods for breakfast. Granola bars Normally sold as a healthy snack, some granola bars are filled with sugar and carbs.
6 foods that diabetics should stay away from

6 foods that diabetics should stay away from

Diabetes is a chronic condition that interferes with the body’s ability to process blood sugar, or blood glucose, properly. If not managed, it can lead to heart disease, kidney disease, vision loss, and other serious complications. Fortunately, one can achieve and maintain healthy blood sugar levels and prevent these complications by simply limiting or avoiding foods that can cause a spike in blood sugar. Accordingly, we’ve listed below the worst foods for people with diabetes. 6 foods to avoid to successfully manage diabetes Cakes When trying to control diabetes, cakes and pastries are a strict no-no. These desserts are loaded with sugar and low-quality carbohydrates. Cakes provide little to no nutritional value while causing a sharp spike in blood sugar levels. Besides, they contribute to weight gain and increase the risk of heart disease and stroke. Raisins Dried fruits, like raisins, contain a higher concentration of various nutrients, including sugars, than their fresh counterparts. Since the dehydration process also removes the water, it becomes easier to eat large quantities of raisins at a time. This can cause a severe spike in blood sugar. It’s best to replace dried fruits with fiber-rich whole fruits. White bread White bread is made with low-quality, refined carbohydrates.
5 tips to manage diabetes after a sugar binge

5 tips to manage diabetes after a sugar binge

Binge eating is a guilty pleasure that most people indulge in on occasion. And sugary foods, baked confectioneries, and sweet beverages are the ultimate options to satisfy such cravings. However, people with diabetes should be aware that excess sugar can instantly spike blood glucose levels, causing significant damage. But fret not. Here are a few simple to-dos to lower the risk of complications from eating too much sugar at once. Stay hydrated After detecting a lot of sugar in the body, the pancreas release more insulin. This can trigger polyuria, a condition that increases the urge to urinate. To counter dehydration caused by excess urination, doctors recommend drinking plenty of water after a sugar binge. Water also helps dilute extra sugar in the bloodstream to manage diabetes symptoms better. Engage in physical activity Physical activity releases feel-good hormones called endorphins. Endorphins counter symptoms like fatigue, bad mood, and general lethargy, all commonly observed with diabetes. In addition, physical movement engages core muscle groups, allowing the body to burn more carbohydrates and break down sugar faster. Track blood sugar levels Excess sugar increases the risk of hyperglycemia among those with diabetes. And hyperglycemia can trigger temporary weight gain, fatigue, irritable mood swings, and frequent urination.
Know what happens to the body on stopping sugar

Know what happens to the body on stopping sugar

Sugar is delicious; there’s no denying that. Eating it triggers opioid receptors in the brain, releasing tons of feel-good chemicals. So, it’s only normal to struggle with completely cutting sugar from your meal. But then the question that begs an answer is, do you really need to cut sugar from your foods completely? Read on to find out the answer and to understand how completely eliminating sugar can affect the human body. The difference between natural sugars and processed sugars So, do you really need to remove sugar from your meals? The answer to this question is a resounding no. This is because health experts suggest cutting out processed sugars from your meals. Processed or refined sugars are made from sugarcane and sugar beets. They are high in sucrose and provide no nutritional value. Instead, you do have the option to choose healthier natural sugars. Natural sugars are found in fruits, honey, and milk. They contain tons of natural vitamins and minerals. If you were to cut out sugar completely from your meals for health or other purposes, here are some things that would happen to your body Mood swings Consuming sugar can lead to the release of many feel-good chemicals in the brain.
8 signs indicating excess sugar intake

8 signs indicating excess sugar intake

Statistics suggest that almost 90% of the people in the country regularly exceed their daily sugar intake. Excess sugar intake contributes to obesity and diabetes. Moreover, people who are unaware of their blood sugar levels may consume more sugar, worsening the condition. Hence it is important to be aware of symptoms that develop with increased intake of sugar. Let’s take a look at what happens to the body when excess sugar is consumed. Tooth Decay This is the first sign the body sends when you eat excess sugar. The acid produced when sugar is broken down interacts with the enamel of the teeth, which causes them to decay. Increased hunger with weight gain With an increased sugar intake, there is also a surge in calorie intake, which increases bouts of hunger pangs. Stuffing with sugar instead of proteins and healthy fats can lead to excess weight. Skin problems This is yet another thing that happens to the body when you eat sugar. Sugary foods (except fruits that are naturally sweet) have a high glycemic index, and such foods are associated with skin problems, like acne and wrinkles. Irritability It has been observed that excess sugar intake can make you stressed and irritated.
6 health benefits of eliminating sugar from meals

6 health benefits of eliminating sugar from meals

The human body can only process a finite amount of sugar every day. Any excess retained in the bloodstream only increases the risk of chronic health problems like diabetes and cardiovascular diseases, leading to unhealthy weight gain. The good news is that simple substitutions in daily foods that are organically sweet can supplement requirements without severely affecting blood glucose levels. There are six noticeable benefits of eliminating sugar from daily consumption to promote a healthy lifestyle. Reduced risk of inflammation Sugar leads to an increase in abdominal fat due to the excess amount of insulin produced by the body. Over time, these layers of fat release hormones that trigger inflammation in blood vessels. Cutting off sugar lowers the risk of chronic inflammation to a great extent and prevents several health complications. A boost of energy The body has to work overtime to produce insulin and break down the excess carbohydrates circulating in the bloodstream. Eliminating sugar while simultaneously increasing natural protein and fiber intake boosts energy levels to a great extent. It also improves metabolic activity. Helps with a proper BMI Excess sugar in the bloodstream is one of the main reasons for many people not being able to lose those extra pounds.
6 simple tips to quit sugar

6 simple tips to quit sugar

Some people need sweets/deserts to complete a meal. This might have adverse effects on the body. Avoiding or switching to a completely sugar-free diet is beneficial for physical and mental well-being. If you are one of those who have sweet cravings and have been on the fence to quit sugar, take a look at these easy-to-implement tips for help. This will surely help you make sustainable food choices to maintain a healthy life. Get rid of all treats from your house Hoarding sugary treats and keeping them in accessible places in the house is a mistake most people make. Doing so makes their sweet cravings even stronger, compelling them to have the sweets more often. Restricting yourself from filling up those kitchen/pantry shelves with unhealthy packaged sweet treats is one step closer to quitting sugar. Keep a close eye on those snack bars Manufacturers sell snack bars as an easy, convenient option that keeps one feeling full for a longer period of time. But the additives and preservatives that these bars are loaded with are high in sugar or sodium, making them an unhealthy option. Focus on cooking healthy sweets at home and having fruits for snacks. Choose peanut butter without sugar Peanut butter, chocolate, or dried fruit bars, come packed with tons of refined sugar.
5 low-sugar foods that are good for diabetes

5 low-sugar foods that are good for diabetes

Fructose is a type of sugar found in several foods, including natural fruit juices, honey, fruits, vegetables, and sweetened beverages. Though fructose-rich foods and drinks may increase the risk of diabetes, it is the latter that puts one at greater risk of developing type 2 diabetes. The best thing to do if you have diabetes is to eat healthy foods low in sugars. Here are five such foods. Leafy greens Spinach and kale are leafy green vegetables. These vegetables are rich in minerals and vitamins, like vitamin C. There is evidence that suggests that people with diabetes require more vitamin C in their body. Leafy greens are also low in digestible carbs and do not impact blood sugar levels. Avocados Other than being a delicious fruit, avocados have several health benefits. The fruit contains less than a gram of sugar; it’s rich in fiber and healthy fats, and it has low carbohydrate levels. Avocados can help improve a person’s lifestyle and maintain a healthy body mass index. The fruit reduces the risk of an imbalanced BMI, a condition that is otherwise likely to increase the risk of diabetes. Fatty fish Fatty fish like sardines, salmon, anchovies, and herring are abundant in omega-3 fatty acids called eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA).