5 things to avoid doing before bedtime

5 things to avoid doing before bedtime

You may go to your bed at the best hour to get restful sleep on your high-quality mattress from top brands, be it Tempur-Pedic, Saatva, Sleep Number, Serta, or Essentia, but still, you may toss and turn endlessly, unable to sleep. Wondering why? Well, you may have an unhealthy pre-bedtime routine that’s keeping you from a good night’s sleep. Here are five things you must avoid before getting into your mattress for better sleep: Using your phone Many people scroll on their phones while the lights are out and they’re cuddled under the covers. This keeps your mind alert and makes it challenging to nod off on time. Rather than reaching for your smartphone or laptop before bed, read a calming book to get a decent night’s rest. Eating an enormous, heavy dinner Devouring a whole pizza or several tacos may not be the smartest plan before hitting the bed. Our stomachs also need to rest while we rest. The process of digesting is additionally the most minimal around evening time, and a heavy dinner can cause inconveniences, like upset sleep. If you have bladder issues, drinking fluid is among the things to avoid before bed for at least five to six hours for better sleep.
5 ways to improve bone health

5 ways to improve bone health

It is crucial for all individuals to build and maintain healthy bones from an early age. To do so, one needs to ensure sufficient intake of calcium and vitamin D. Weak bones can lead to conditions like rickets or osteoporosis, which can threaten one’s mobility. Hence, it is important to have certain nutrients and make some lifestyle changes to decrease the risk of bone density loss. Accordingly, here are five ways to maintain healthy bones. 5 tips to ensure good bone health Boost calcium consumption Calcium is a mineral that is fundamental for improving teeth and bone health. It is also significant for muscle function, nerve signaling, hormone secretion, and blood pressure regulation. Dairy products like yogurt, milk, and cottage cheese are major sources of calcium. Collard greens, kale, and bok choy also contain a good amount of calcium. Increase vitamin D intake Vitamin D is a fat-soluble element that forms on your skin after it’s exposed to the sun’s rays. It helps calcium absorption and bone cell functions. Fatty fish like salmon, swordfish, salmon, tuna, and rainbow trout are excellent sources of vitamin D. Other foods include oranges, lemons, tomatoes, kiwis, and red peppers. One can also have egg yolks, beef liver, pork, or cheese to increase their vitamin D levels.
Macular degeneration – Foods to eat and avoid

Macular degeneration – Foods to eat and avoid

Macular degeneration affects at least 10 million people in the country, which is more than the infections caused by other common eye conditions like glaucoma and cataract combined. This condition is caused by deterioration in the central portion of the retina. While there are alternate options that help treat macular degeneration, eating and avoiding certain foods can assist in its correction. This article points out the most important ones to keep in mind. Foods to eat The eyes need several nutrients for optimum functioning, making them all the more essential for macular degeneration correction. Including these foods can be quite beneficial: Kale Leafy vegetables like kale, spinach, and watercress are full of carotenoids. The macula requires these antioxidants to protect photoreceptors necessary for vision. Hence including leafy greens and other colorful veggies like carrots and red peppers to maintain carotenoid levels in the macular region. Oranges One of the other reasons for developing macular degeneration is a lack of blood flow in the macula due to weak blood vessels. Citric fruits like oranges, kiwi, and apples are rich in vitamin C. This nutrient helps strengthen blood vessels, hence slowing down the progression of macular degeneration. Adding foods rich in vitamin E and zinc to daily meals also assists in macular degeneration correction.
4 superfoods for nursing mothers

4 superfoods for nursing mothers

New moms have a few challenges to face every day after delivery. They have to accommodate everything around the changing routine of the newborn baby. And one of the most pressing concerns for the mother is breastfeeding. From getting the posture right to ensuring that the milk supply is sufficient for the baby, there are many breastfeeding concerns that a mother experiences. This article highlights some foods that benefit infants as well as nursing moms. Avocados This is a nutritional powerhouse for humans, especially for nursing moms. Packed with essential vitamins like vitamin B, vitamin K, folate, potassium, vitamin C, and vitamin E, avocados are a great addition to one’s meal plan. Avocados are also loaded with heart-healthy fats, which are essential for babies. It also keeps the mom feeling full for a longer time. Green vegetables Kale, spinach, collards, or any leafy greens help in increasing milk production for nursing moms. This is a beneficial tip for new moms with a low milk supply. Besides, the infants will develop a liking for the taste of the vegetables when they are toddlers. Beans and legumes Besides being packed with vitamins, proteins, minerals, iron, and phytoestrogens, some beans like chickpeas are loaded with galactagogue.
5 foods that help relieve migraine symptoms

5 foods that help relieve migraine symptoms

Migraines are different from regular headaches. They cause intense throbbing pain or a pulsing sensation, usually on one side of the head. When it comes to managing migraines, nutrition plays a vital role. While some foods trigger migraines, others can relieve the symptoms and even stave off an oncoming attack, thanks to their potent, headache-fighting antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals. Here are five such foods one can eat to relieve migraines. Spinach Spinach is a dark leafy green packed with many vitamins and minerals. It is also rich in magnesium, a nutrient that can relieve a migraine headache and prevent future episodes. Those who are not fond of spinach can try other leafy greens like kale or collard greens. Salmon Salmon is one of the best foods for migraine sufferers. It is exceptionally high in omega-3 fatty acids, known to reduce inflammation, decrease headaches, and lower the risk of various health conditions. Salmon also contains B vitamins, which help reduce the frequency of migraine attacks. Watermelon Sometimes, dehydration is the reason behind headaches. People who find it hard to keep track of their water intake should eat fruits like watermelon, which are 92 percent water. It can keep one hydrated throughout the day and soothe migraine headaches.
3 common types of soaps that trigger eczema flareups

3 common types of soaps that trigger eczema flareups

Eczema is mostly triggered by skin inflammation. Over 31 million people in the country have some form of this condition. Common symptoms include skin irritation, dry skin, patchy blisters, and surface rashes that lead to infections. There are many triggers and risk factors involved with a condition like this one. However, an allergic reaction to cosmetic products is the most reported trigger. Here are some soaps that can trigger eczema flareups. Soaps with added fragrances Scented products help counter body odor, but there is always a catch with artificial fragrance. About 15% of all people with eczema tend to develop a fragrance allergy while suffering from common symptoms. Using such scented soaps can only trigger flareups and worsen the issue. Some fragrances are also purely made with chemicals that may be added to simply mask the odor of the product itself. But these chemicals trigger severe skin-related allergic reactions. Soaps with active ingredients and cleansing agents A highly concentrated composition of cleansing products will have a harsher impact on the surface of one’s skin. For example, soaps have an active ingredient called sulfate that helps exfoliate the skin by stripping off the natural oils and moisture off the surface. But using these soaps will also dry out the skin and increase the risk of surface irritation and itching.
5 tasty foods for better heart health

5 tasty foods for better heart health

About six million people in our country have heart failure. And half of them don’t make it beyond five years of being diagnosed. To keep the heart in excellent condition, one must stay active and follow a healthy eating routine. Some foods have the necessary nutrients that help manage blood pressure, cholesterol, and other issues that can affect the heart. Here are five such foods for a healthy heart that taste great. Peanut butter People often think that all forms of fat are unhealthy, but that’s not right. Good quality fats, such as those found in peanut butter, don’t escalate bad cholesterol levels. However, one should eat peanut butter in moderation, like adding it to smoothies and shakes. Coffee Coffee is rich in antioxidants that promote heart health and help prevent severe conditions like Alzheimer’s and diabetes. Furthermore, caffeine helps improve the pace of protein mobility to the cells, which additionally helps maintain heart muscles. Dark chocolate Chocolates are often considered harmful. But like not all fats are bad, not all chocolates are terrible either. Dark chocolate is one option that helps keep the heart healthy. The flavonoids in dark cocoa affect blood pressure positively and help lower the risk of calcification.
4 essential tips for healthy living with hemophilia

4 essential tips for healthy living with hemophilia

Hemophilia is a chronic blood disorder affecting about 30,000 people in the country. In individuals with hemophilia, the blood does not clot or coagulate properly due to a lack of clotting factors. Patients experience severe bleeding even after a minor cut. Therefore, it is advisable to avoid activities or objects that can cause injury and take necessary precautions. Here are a few tips to follow for healthy living with hemophilia. Go for annual checkups Studies suggest that patients treated at hemophilia treatment centers (HTCs) lead a better quality of life. HTCs provide comprehensive annual checkups that help track the disease’s progression and identify possible red flags. Therefore, they are the right place to start treatment. HTCs have a team of specialized doctors, including hematologists. If one cannot find an HTC nearby, they must seek a doctor’s recommendation to choose the right clinic and treatment. Get vaccinated against hepatitis Getting vaccinated for hepatitis A and B is critical for healthy living with hemophilia. Since these vaccinations were introduced only two to three decades ago, those born before might not have been vaccinated. Hepatitis is a viral infection that affects the liver. Since the liver plays a crucial role in promoting blood coagulation, one must get vaccinated against the disease.