Huntington’s disease – Food management strategies

Huntington’s disease – Food management strategies

Huntington’s disease (HD) is a rare, inherited neurodegenerative disease. This brain disorder is a result of an inherited mutation in a gene for the protein called huntingtin. It is known to significantly impact one’s functional abilities, leading to the development of movement, cognitive, and psychiatric disorders. Those with Huntington’s have a higher risk of choking and developing eating and swallowing troubles. To ease this, the following tips may be helpful: Food management strategies for Huntington’s disease Rest one to two hours before mealtime. Create a calm and relaxed eating environment. Sit in an accessible spot on the table, just in case choking occurs and a carer needs to be involved. Sit in an upright position while eating. Avoid lying down. Instead of eating three spaced apart meals, eat smaller, more frequent meals. Choose foods that are easier to chew and swallow. Keep eating aids within reach. Use non-slip table mats and light utensils such as plastic knives and forks. Incorporate sauces and gravies to make foods easier to swallow. Avoid hard foods such as nuts and lollipops. Avoid food that separates into strings or sections during chewing, such as tomatoes and bacon. Opt for foods that have a higher nutritional value.
6 common dental implant mistakes and how to avoid them

6 common dental implant mistakes and how to avoid them

Dental implants are one of the game-changing advancements in the field of dentistry, providing a reliable and long-lasting solution for replacing missing teeth. It involves implanting artificial tooth roots that improve oral health and reinstate the ability to bite and chew without discomfort. However, the success of dental implants largely depends on proper planning, execution, and aftercare. Avoiding a few common mistakes in these stages can help individuals prevent complications, pain, or implant failure. Choosing an inexperienced implant dentist Selecting the right dentist is crucial for the success of one’s dental implant procedure. It is advised to research a dentist’s credentials thoroughly, seek suggestions from family and friends, read patient reviews and testimonials, and before-and-after photos of previous implant cases. Going to a dentist who doesn’t have proper training and experience can result in incorrect placement, infection, and other post-implant complications. Not disclosing one’s health history People with existing health conditions, especially diabetes, cancer, or autoimmune diseases, should communicate the same to their dentist. In addition, one should also disclose any ongoing remedies or treatments to confirm if they will not interfere with one’s implant and affect the healing process. A dentist who is aware of one’s medical history can suggest a treatment plan that suits one’s needs.
9 early warning signs of COPD

9 early warning signs of COPD

Millions of people worldwide are impacted by Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD). Statistics suggest it is one of the leading causes of death in patients. While it’s a significant health concern, recognizing its early signs can pave the way for timely diagnosis and intervention. To avoid any progression and long-term complications of the condition, it is important to learn about the key early signs of COPD, their causes, and their intricate link to this debilitating respiratory condition. Persistent cough One of the earliest warning signs of COPD is a persistent cough, often accompanied by increased mucus production. Airway irritants are the primary cause of COPD. Inhaling pollutants like dust, smoke, chemicals, and pollen irritate the airways and cause inflammation. It can lead to coughing as the body attempts to clear mucus and foreign particles. Shortness of breath Experiencing shortness of breath, especially during physical activities, is an early indicator of COPD. When mild, it can be looked at as a sign of participating in physical activity, lack of exercise, or aging. COPD causes airway inflammation and damage to the lung tissues, leading to reduced lung function. This diminishes the amount of oxygen that can be delivered to the body, resulting in breathlessness.
Understanding the 8 common signs of Huntington’s disease

Understanding the 8 common signs of Huntington’s disease

Huntington’s disease is a brain disorder typically triggered by the alteration in the existing DNA structure of the body. It is a genetic trait that gets passed down from the previous generation and develops due to a single error in one gene. The disease mainly causes deterioration in brain activity that controls important physical, emotional, and mental abilities, affecting one’s daily activities. The following are the early signs of the progression of Huntington’s disease. Involuntary muscle movements The brain controls all nerve impulses, which, in turn, control muscles. Due to nerve damage triggered by the disease, the impulses that control these movements are erratic, resulting in jerking or writhing without any control. Unusual movement of the eyes Optic nerves control the eye movements and process all the information that is carried to the brain. So, erratic nerve impulses will also trigger unusual movement of the eyeballs, sometimes in different directions without any warning. Difficulty with speech and swallowing The brain controls automatic functions like chewing and the amount of food that can be swallowed in one go without the risk of choking. So, any miscommunication or interrupted relay in signal will result in problems with swallowing. With this type of cognitive impairment, it also becomes difficult to control speech and voice control.
5 early signs of COPD that should not be ignored

5 early signs of COPD that should not be ignored

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is an inflammatory lung disease affecting airflow in and out of the airways, making breathing difficult. It is a progressive disease, and if not diagnosed early, can increase the risk of developing cardiovascular or pulmonary diseases. COPD is a group of diseases including emphysema, chronic bronchitis, and chronic obstructive asthma. Identification of warning signs and early diagnosis could help reduce other risks and give a head start in essential treatment. Persistent or chronic cough This is one of the first signs of COPD – a persistent or long-term cough. The American Lung Association recommends seeking a medical diagnosis if a cough lasts more than eight weeks. A chronic cough could be an indication of an underlying issue with the functioning of the lungs. Shortness of breath and wheezing Any type of exercise or exertion is generally accompanied by heavier breathing, but if the feeling of being winded or having shortness of breath occurs during routine activities, it could be an early warning sign of COPD. Obstruction in the air passage causes difficulty in breathing and results in shortness of breath. COPD causes excess mucus to obstruct the airways, and this along with muscular tightening narrows the airways, causing the wheezing sounds when one exhales.
5 easy 3-minute breakfast ideas

5 easy 3-minute breakfast ideas

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day and generally it is the most overlooked too. Having a hearty breakfast lends a great start to the day but only if the right food is chosen. Too heavy and one risks feeling uneasy and sleepy; too light and the mid-morning cravings start kicking in quickly. Combining these healthy ingredients into one satisfying breakfast looks like a good start to the day. Here are some 3-minute easy breakfast recipes to kick-start the day. Greek yogurt parfait Ingredients: 1 cup Greek yogurt (full-fat or low-fat) 1/2 cup granola (choose a variety with low sugar) 1/2 cup fresh berries (pick from strawberries, blueberries, or raspberries) 1 tablespoon honey (optional) Recipe: Layer the Greek yogurt, in a glass or bowl. Add a layer of granola on top. Add a layer of fresh berries. Drizzle with honey if desired. Repeat the layers if you prefer a larger portion. Nutritional values: Calories: Approximately 300-350 Protein: 15-20 grams Carbohydrates: 40-45 grams Fiber: 4-6 grams Fat: 10-15 grams Avocado toast Ingredients: 2 slices whole-grain bread 1 ripe avocado Salt and pepper to taste Optional toppings: Sliced tomatoes, poached egg, or red pepper flakes Recipe: Toast the whole-grain bread until crispy.
Top 6 signs of vasculitis

Top 6 signs of vasculitis

Vasculitis causes inflammation of the blood vessels. This inflammation can affect arteries, veins, and capillaries and hinder the normal flow of blood in a person’s body. This hindrance can further cause a lot of other complications in the body. Also, the severity of this condition can vary, from mild in some cases to life-threatening in others. Either way, its timely diagnosis and treatment are crucial to preventing it from causing more harm. The following are the common signs of vasculitis in a person: Numbness in limbs The disruption in blood flow caused by vasculitis can further cause numbness in the arms or feet. A person might feel tingling sensations or pins and needles in their limbs. They may also feel limb weakness and notice swelling in their palms or feet. Shortness of breath Another common sign of vasculitis is experiencing trouble breathing. Besides shortness of breath, a person may even suffer from coughing. Having trouble breathing might also be an indication of some other serious condition related to the heart or lungs. Regardless, if noticed, the person should immediately seek medical attention. Rashes or spots on the skin A person’s skin can also show signs of this blood-inflammation disease. They may notice red spots under their skin, which is a sign of bleeding under the skin.
Tardive dyskinesia – Symptoms, causes, and management options

Tardive dyskinesia – Symptoms, causes, and management options

Tardive Dyskinesia, or TD is a neurological disorder that causes repetitive, involuntary movements of the face, tongue, and other body parts. Facial movements like lip-smacking and rapid blinking can be distressing and significantly impact a person’s quality of life. The side effects of certain prescriptions (used for mental health treatment) generally cause this condition. Understanding the signs, causes, and remedies for TD is crucial for individuals at risk and healthcare professionals. Signs and symptoms The signs and symptoms of TD can vary in severity and presentation. Common manifestations include: Involuntary facial movements These may include rapid blinking, grimacing, or puckering of the lips. Tongue movements Sudden tongue protrusion, darting, or twisting may occur. Gesticulation Uncontrolled arm and leg movements, such as fidgeting, tapping, or flailing, can be present. Choreiform movements These are rapid, jerky movements of the limbs, neck, or trunk. Grunting or snorting Some individuals may exhibit vocal tics, including repetitive sounds like grunting or snorting. Causes TD is most often associated with the long-term use of certain treatment prescriptions, particularly those used for the management of conditions such as schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and severe depression. These prescriptions can alter the balance of neurotransmitters in the brain, leading to the development of TD.