Best foods for managing health issues

Best foods for managing health issues

Food plays an important role in managing health issues. A deficiency of certain vitamins and nutrients can lead to complicated health conditions that need to be treated and managed through lifestyle changes, including better food choices. Such modifications can help one prevent complications and avoid triggering symptoms. So, one can opt for the following nutrient-rich foods, along with a healthy and sustainable lifestyle, to help them manage common health conditions: Food and heart health Studies suggest that a heart-friendly meal consists of fruits, vegetables, nuts, whole grains, and omega-3 fatty acids. Fish oil and olive oil are known to be beneficial for managing and reducing inflammation that could lead to heart diseases. Nuts and seeds, like almonds and pumpkin seeds, are known to reduce one’s risk of developing blood clots. Nuts and seeds can also lower the LDL cholesterol levels in the blood. One should, however, watch out for excessive salt in packaged nuts and ensure that they only have a handful of nuts and seeds in the day. One should consider adding whole grains rich in vitamin B, like oatmeal, quinoa, and brown rice, along with various antioxidant-rich fruits and vegetables like cantaloupe, spinach, sweet potatoes, carrots, and cod liver oil.
Ways to avoid Heartburn and GERD during pregnancy

Ways to avoid Heartburn and GERD during pregnancy

Indigestion is a common issue that accompanies pregnancy. Thanks to this little side effect of pregnancy, most moms-to-be suffer at least a handful of episodes of acid reflux and heartburn/GERD. Contrary to its name, the burning sensation from heartburn has little to do with the heart. However, much to all would-be moms’ relief, it has a safe cure that will relieve them of the discomforting feeling without harming the baby. The solution to this problem can be as simple as dietary and lifestyle changes. While there are safe treatments available, there are preventive options that won’t cause heartburn/GERD in the first place. Read on to know more about what causes heartburn/GERD during pregnancy and what dietary choices to make to prevent heartburn/GERD. Why is heartburn/GERD such a common occurrence in pregnancy? Heartburn/GERD is caused when stomach acids start rising into the esophagus. Pregnancy changes hormonal levels and helps relax muscles, which results in relaxation or leaking of the lower esophageal sphincter (LES). LES is what keeps the stomach acids in place, which, in addition to the growing uterus is an invitation for indigestion symptoms. Here are the dietary and lifestyle measures that can help prevent heartburn/GERD during pregnancy. Eat often, eat less A full stomach is an invitation to heartburn/GERD.
5 foods to manage migraines

5 foods to manage migraines

A migraine is a condition that causes recurring and severe headaches accompanied by other symptoms like nausea and sensitivity to light. A migraine attack is far more severe than a regular headache and can last for hours to several days. Common triggers include hormonal changes in women, medications, stress, food additives, and certain foods. There are several to alleviate the symptoms of a migraine attack: these include certain foods to manage the condition better. Here are some foods that prevent and control migraine attacks: Water Dehydration causes headaches and is also a trigger for migraines. This is why it is essential to drink plenty of water to prevent dehydration. About one-third of those with the condition say dehydration is a trigger. In fact, for many, the slightest hint of dehydration can cause a throbbing headache. In addition to that, dehydration can lead to confusion and dizziness and become a medical emergency. It is vital to keep track of one’s water intake and restrict the consumption of diuretics. Sometimes, a migraine attack can be controlled by simply drinking a glass of water. Fresh food Processed foods can be unhealthy and cause migraine attacks. Meals consisting of freshly prepared foods, like fruits, vegetables, and lean meats, are recommended for those with migraines.
Home remedies for protecting dogs from fleas and ticks

Home remedies for protecting dogs from fleas and ticks

With summertime just a few weeks away, the warm weather will invariably bring with it the flea menace. As everyone ruses outdoors and the flea season kicks in, these pests can be a source of much discomfort for our four-legged companions. While you can buy deterrents and repellents from the pet store, quite a few everyday kitchen ingredients are effective natural remedies for fleas and ticks. Natural oils Essential oils are quite effective in eliminating fleas; they are diluted and used to make shampoos and sprays for dogs infected by fleas and ticks. These oils need to be applied with caution because the scent is extremely pungent and indiscriminate use even can cause to harm your dog. The idea is to apply the oils like peppermint, lavender, cedar oil, or lemongrass onto a well-ventilated surface of their body, but not near their face. You can dilute these natural oils in a carrier like almond or olive oil. Garlic Freshly crushed garlic may be added to your dog’s food to protect him from fleas. Depending on how big your dog is, you can use a couple of cloves to get the desired result. But you should not use more than half a clove if their body weight is less than 20 pounds.
5 foods that lower and regulate blood sugar levels

5 foods that lower and regulate blood sugar levels

Diabetes is a condition generally caused by a lack of the hormone insulin in the body. The result is a hazardous accumulation of glucose in the blood. Although there are many factors that contribute to this condition, one way to regulate blood sugar is to follow a healthy nutrition regimen. In this article, we shall discuss five foods that can help lower blood sugar levels and keep diabetes in check: Broccoli Broccoli contains tons of nutrients and is an essential part of wholesome nutrition. This food is also great for lowering and regulating blood sugar. Chopped or chewed broccoli releases the compound sulforaphane that helps reduce and maintain the blood-sugar levels in the body. To efficiently obtain sulforaphane from broccoli, having it raw or steamed is ideal. Whole wheat Bread is typically filled with carbohydrates that can negatively affect the overall blood sugar level. But research has shown that stone-ground whole wheat bread actually scores very low in terms of the glycemic index. This low score is attributed to the fact that stone-ground whole wheat bread does not lose its essential fibers. These fibers help slow the process of digestion and, in turn, help to lower and regular blood sugar levels in the body.
8 superfoods that help manage osteoporosis

8 superfoods that help manage osteoporosis

Osteoporosis is a health condition that weakens the bones in the body, making them delicate. As a result, the bones become prone to injuries, and subsequently, fractures. But the good news is that despite the severity of osteoporosis, medical treatments can help curb its symptoms. There is also evidence that combining medical treatments with healthy foods reduces the condition’s impact. So, here are a few foods that help manage osteoporosis and increase bone density. Dairy Products like yogurt, cheese, and milk are loaded with calcium, one of the primary nutrients that complement bone strength and structure. Other products like soy milk, almond milk, and tofu are also fortified with calcium and work wonders to improve bone health. These are also suitable alternatives for those suffering from lactose intolerance. Dark green veggies Dark green vegetables like kale, spinach, Brussels sprouts, turnip greens, cabbage, and collards are stuffed with calcium. Some of these foods are even rich in vitamin K and magnesium. Together, these help manage osteoporosis. Fruits Certain fruits like figs and kiwis contain high levels of vitamins A, C, and K. These nutrients help boost bone density. Other fruits like bananas, oranges, and papayas have significant amounts of potassium that ward off the growth of acid in the bones, protecting them from losing calcium.
Essential foods that help with seizure management

Essential foods that help with seizure management

The primary point of difference between a seizure and epilepsy is the frequency of episodes. If a person has a seizure attack, it may be a singular occurrence. However, when someone has epilepsy, the chances of multiple and frequent seizures are significantly higher. Depending on the type, severity of the condition/attacks, and frequency, treatments may include medications like XCOPRI®, therapies, and the following recommendations for eating habits. Carbohydrate-rich foods Healthy carbs are recommended as part of the Modified Atkins food regimen. It has fewer restrictions and features various vegetables, fruits, legumes, and whole grains to manage one’s seizure outlook better. Popular choices include potatoes, sweet potatoes, corn, peas, and winter squash, among fresh fruits and vegetables. Split peas, chickpeas, lentils, kidney beans, black beans, and white beans are better legume choices. Additionally, whole grains like quinoa, oatmeal, brown rice, pasta, and even bread can meet the carbohydrate requirements. Protein-rich foods Protein is one of the most crucial building blocks necessary for overall growth. Protein sourced naturally from foods is rich in amino acids that help repair and maintain muscle tissue. It is also essential for boosting immunity. Primary sources of this macronutrient include lean meats, like turkey or chicken, eggs, and dairy products, including milk, yogurt, cottage cheese.
Nourishing foods for sickle cell anemia patients

Nourishing foods for sickle cell anemia patients

A genetic iron deficiency blood disorder is a disease that causes a deficiency of red blood cells in the body. A sickle cell anemia patient has low blood oxygen, which affects the hemoglobin. The abnormal hemoglobin leads to RBCs becoming rigid; hence, the name sickle cell anemia. Eating a balanced diet provides the nutrients required to maintain the health of a sickle cell anemia patient. Here are some foods that may help with essential nutrients. Organ meats Non-vegetarian sources of food contain heme iron. This type of iron is easier for the body to absorb than iron obtained from plant foods. Organ meats are some of the richest foods with heme iron and have been beneficial for people with iron deficiency. According to the sickle cell anemia info available, organ meat is a rich source of iron. Keep in mind that these foods are also high in cholesterol, so they should be had in moderate amounts. Fortified cereals Breakfast cereals are some of the most common food items in various households. We all have some type of cereal lying in our kitchen pantry. Many among these are said to be fortified cereals to help them meet the body’s nourishment needs.