7 early warning signs of ataxia

7 early warning signs of ataxia

Ataxia is a neurological disorder that affects movement coordination and balance. Various factors, including genetic mutations, trauma, infection, or exposure to toxins, can lead to the condition’s onset. The condition is progressive and can lead to significant disability and reduced quality of life if left untreated. However, early detection and intervention can slow down the progression of the disease and improve outcomes. Therefore, it is crucial to recognize the early warning signs of ataxia. Gait disturbance Ataxia affects balance and coordination, leading to difficulty walking or running. People with ataxia may experience unsteady gait, stumbling, staggering, falling, or maintaining balance. They may also have difficulty initiating movements, making quick turns, or walking on uneven surfaces. Tremors Ataxia can cause involuntary tremors or shaking of different parts of the body, such as the hands, head, or legs. These tremors may worsen with movement or stress and interfere with daily activities such as eating, writing, or holding objects. Speech difficulties The illness can affect the muscles used for speech production, leading to slurred or slow speech, changes in pitch or volume, or difficulty articulating words. People with ataxia may also have trouble swallowing or controlling saliva, leading to choking or drooling. Eye movement abnormalities Ataxia can affect the muscles that control eye movements, leading to nystagmus (involuntary eye movements), double vision, or difficulty tracking moving objects.
7 common side effects of not drinking enough water

7 common side effects of not drinking enough water

Water is an essential life force that regulates one’s temperature, supports food digestion, and flushes out toxins from the body. Additionally, it boosts energy levels and prevents dehydration. Studies have shown that insufficient water intake can lead to many side effects. While some can be immediately noticed, like headache and dry mouth, others can cause long-term health concerns like kidney stones. Here are some common side effects of dehydration that prompt one to drink water. Headaches Headaches can be caused due to temporary factors like lack of sleep. But it is also a symptom of dehydration caused due to fatigue and reduced oxygen supply to the brain. So, before one associates headaches with anything else, it is advisable to drink a large glass of water. Dehydration can also lead to poor concentration and affect one’s cognitive functions in the long run. Dehydration is also a common trigger for migraines. Here, one experiences episodes of severe throbbing and pulsating pain on one side of the head. So, drinking enough water and avoiding triggers may reduce the risk of headaches, however, healthcare professionals can offer prescriptions to relieve the pain and lower the risk of frequent migraine episodes. Muscle cramps Without enough water or fluids, muscles tend to become more sensitive to cramps or spasms with every movement.
Top 5 foods that fight bad breath

Top 5 foods that fight bad breath

Fresh breath is a sigh of relief, signifying good oral hygiene and the absence of dental conditions. Conversely, bad breath can indicate poor dental care, accumulation of bacteria on the tongue, and dry mouth. Certain types of foods can also aggravate bad breath and contribute to poor oral health. Besides using dentist-certified dental products and following good oral hygiene practices, adding the following foods to one’s meals can help prevent and eliminate bad breath. Yogurt Yogurt is packed with calcium, an essential element in reducing bad breath. Moreover, yogurt can help reduce the levels of hydrogen sulfide (a major contributor to bad breath) in the mouth. Thus, some yogurt or buttermilk after one’s daily meals can help fight bad breath. Orange The body requires vitamin C to prevent the accumulation of bacteria in the mouth. Orange is one of the citrus fruits that is rich in vitamin C and can help prevent bad breath. One may consume oranges directly or in the form of fresh fruit juice, preferably fortified with vitamin C, to prevent bad breath. Apple An apple a day can not only keep the doctor but also bad breath away. A study demonstrated that apples can help alleviate the unpleasant odors caused by ingredients like onion and garlic.
Top 6 warning signs of prostate cancer

Top 6 warning signs of prostate cancer

Prostate cancer is a type of cancer that occurs in the prostate gland. It is one of the most common types of cancer, but it can often be treated successfully. Some cases of the condition are confined to the prostate gland and may require minimal treatment. However, some types of cancers are aggressive and can spread rapidly. Hence, it is vital to know the warning signs of prostate cancer to pursue timely treatment. 6 warning signs of prostate cancer Weak or slow urine flow Most people with prostate cancer experience trouble urinating. Patients can experience troubles like slow or weak urine flow or even lose the ability to control it. Hence, it is suggested that when one experiences this warning sign of prostate cancer, they consult a doctor immediately. Pain or burning sensation while urinating This particular condition, also called dysuria, is most commonly associated with urinary tract infections. However, in rare cases, it can also be an indicator of an underlying health condition, such as prostate cancer. Frequent urination In some cases, a tumor in the prostate can put pressure on the urinary bladder and even the urethra. Hence, healthcare professionals suggest that people at risk of prostate cancer take note of the frequency of urination, especially at night.
Breast cancer – Warning signs, types, and more

Breast cancer – Warning signs, types, and more

Breast cancer is one of the most commonly diagnosed cancers in women in the country. The disease leads to abnormal cell growth in one’s breast, leading to tumors. Cancer can begin in any part, including milk-producing glands or the connective tissues. Early detection of breast cancer and prompt treatment increase an individual’s chance of surviving the disease. Thus, here are some of the warning signs, types, and treatments that one shouldn’t ignore. Early warning signs of breast cancer The early signs of breast cancer may differ from person to person. Some cases may be asymptomatic, but here are some common symptoms to watch out for: Lumps and color change If one feels lumps around the breast area, in the armpit, or on the collarbone, it may be a sign of cancer developing. Similarly, any changes in breast color may be an early symptom of the disease. Swelling A cancer patient may experience swelling in and around the breast, or feel that the breast has become tender, hard, or warm. Any abnormal or sudden change in the size of one’s breast should prompt one to see a doctor. Skin issues One may find that the nipple has turned inward or the skin around the nipple area has started to become red or flaky.
10 warning signs of prostate cancer

10 warning signs of prostate cancer

The prostate is an integral part of the male reproductive system and is a small gland below the bladder and surrounding the urethra. Prostate cancer is caused by changes in the DNA of prostate cells. The condition typically occurs in older men, with about 6 in 10 people affected by it being 65 years or older. It is rare among men under 40. Here are some warning signs of prostate cancer that shouldn’t be ignored: Frequent urge to urinate Prostate cancer typically grows along the nerves in the groin area. As a result, people with the condition feel the urge to pass urine frequently, particularly at night. Urine hesitancy Hesitancy, or difficulties with urination, is another common symptom of prostate cancer, although it is prevalent among older adults. Urine hesitancy should not be ignored in any case, and one must undergo tests to rule out the possibility of cancer. Unsteady urine stream Many with prostate cancer may experience an unsteady urine stream or reduced force while urinating. Such changes in urination patterns should be tested immediately. Blood in urine or semen Blood in the urine (hematuria) or semen (hematospermia) can indicate the development of prostate cancer, though these are less common symptoms.
4 constipation mistakes that can be avoided

4 constipation mistakes that can be avoided

Constipation occurs when a person has not passed regular stools or experiences painful passing of hard stools. One might also experience abdominal discomfort and bloating, two of the primary symptoms of constipation. There are multiple factors, from underlying health complications and side effects of prescriptions to changes in daily nutrition and lifestyle choices that impact the frequency and regularity of bowel movements. It is important to address and avoid these mistakes that can worsen constipation. Using excess laxatives Doctors suggest the use of laxatives for constipation relief as a temporary measure. One should never take laxatives in extremely high amounts. Such frequent use for bowel movements makes the body become overdependent on the prescription. There may come a time when the digestive tract will be rendered inactive and cannot promote bowels. Excessive laxative use can also make the stools watery and can cause diarrhea as a result. Eating too much fiber too quickly Fiber is good for digestion but it’s necessary to slowly increase its intake. It’s also crucial to understand the difference between soluble and insoluble fibers. Insoluble fibers found in whole grains and even some vegetables may worsen the symptoms of constipation like bloating and flatulence. Nutritionists suggest increasing soluble fiber intake gradually, allowing the body to get used to it.
4 most common allergies

4 most common allergies

A lot of people in our country struggle with allergies and hypersensitivities. It means their bodies react negatively when they come into contact with an allergen like specific foods or dust. The condition can have mild symptoms like hives and lip swelling that one can control easily or severe reactions like shock and fatal respiratory issues that need a visit to the doc. Learning about common allergies is the first step to managing them. Common allergies in the country Preventing allergies is always better than going through the hassle of treatment. People with this condition should do their best to recognize and avoid their allergy triggers. Here are some of the most common allergies to know about: Cow’s milk It is perhaps the most common and dangerous allergy that little kids and babies develop. Cow milk leads to allergic reactions in two to three percent of babies and toddlers in the nation. But one does not have to worry much because 90% of these little ones outgrow the issue by the time they turn three years old. When down with a cow milk allergy, the child may battle rashes, swelling, hives, and vomiting. In rare cases, it may even lead to a life-threatening reaction called anaphylaxis.