9 foods to avoid while recovering from bronchitis

9 foods to avoid while recovering from bronchitis

Bronchitis is a health condition involving bronchial tube inflammation. Patients typically cough up mucus and experience several other symptoms, including mild fever, sore throat, body ache, sinus, and shortness of breath. Bronchitis is typically bifurcated as acute bronchitis, lasting for a definite period, and chronic bronchitis , a long-term ailment. Timely treatment, adequate care, and lifestyle changes can steadily heal patients with bronchitis. Here are some foods you must avoid if you are suffering from bronchitis: Dairy Dairy products can trigger mucus production and aggravate one’s bronchitis symptoms. Thus, patients with bronchitis must consider limiting or avoiding dairy and dairy products and switching to non-dairy protein sources like lean meats, soy and soy milk, almond milk, and eggs. Sugary drinks and desserts Aerated drinks and beverages loaded with sugar are associated with inflammation, aggravated cough, and lung irritation. Consequently, they can severely impede the recovery of patients with bronchitis and should be strictly avoided. Sugar, in general, is detrimental to individuals with lung diseases — individuals with a high glycemic index may experience hyperglycemia symptoms, including the need to urinate frequently. Such symptoms can culminate in breathing issues, proving harmful to patients with bronchitis. Thus, avoiding or highly restricting your sugar intake is best for a speedy recovery from bronchitis and bronchial infections.
5 unusual signs of schizophrenia in adults

5 unusual signs of schizophrenia in adults

Schizophrenia is a chronic neurological, psychiatric disorder that develops in less than 1% of people in the country, mostly during later adulthood. It has no definitive cure yet, but it is possible to manage the symptoms in the long run. To diagnose it in time, doctors stress the importance of everyone at-risk knowing the common and uncommon symptoms of the disorder. Here are the top five psychological changes that can indicate schizophrenia. 5 uncommon signs of schizophrenia in adults Abrupt and unexplained changes in behavior Schizophrenia triggers many unusual catatonic behavioral changes that stand out from the common symptoms. For example, people may change their posture abruptly to sit or stand in an extremely uncomfortable position. Some also exhibit wavy flexibility with their arms and legs, also called cataplexy. Many people may also sit still doing absolutely nothing for prolonged periods. In addition, studies suggest that impulsive excitement and increased activity levels are telltale signs of catatonic behaviors. Note that the severity of these behavioral changes will vary depending on the condition’s progression. Not all changes will manifest simultaneously, and not all people with schizophrenia will develop all the symptoms. Changes in speech and abilities Though rare, many disorganized symptoms can also be an indicator of schizophrenia.
6 things to avoid for a healthy skin

6 things to avoid for a healthy skin

Skin conditions can be an underlying symptom of many health conditions and lifestyle choices, so it is important to educate yourself about the dos and don’ts of skin health. Here are some tips that will help you from developing unfavorable skin conditions. However, always make sure you are aware of the changing factors like food, other health complications, environment, and genetics that may lead to skin diseases in some people. Foods to avoid Milk Animal milk and dairy products from the same can cause acne in some people. Studies suggest that dairy contains amino acid leucine and this can cause excess sebum production in some people, leading to acne. It is also observed that hormones present in milk may cause an imbalance in the body. High glycemic index Foods that have a high glycemic index raise the blood sugar levels in the body, which leads to excess insulin production. When the body produces more insulin, it stimulates androgen hormone production and sebum causing acne breakout in individuals. This also triggers those with sensitive skin. Some of these foods include chips, cookies, hard drinks, sweet beverages, refined grains, sugary cereals, white bread, and foods with added sugar. Fried foods This is no study that concludes fried and junk food is the best meal anyone can have.
5 common health conditions that can lead to myalgia

5 common health conditions that can lead to myalgia

Most individuals are likely to experience myalgia (pain in the muscles) at some point during their lifetime. Studies show that 11% to 40% of adults in the country live with chronic pain. You might experience the sore, aching feeling in a small area or the whole body. The severity of the ache experienced may also vary. Several factors can lead to the development of this condition; here are five common causes. 5 health conditions that can trigger myalgia Lupus Lupus is a disease caused by the body’s immune system attacking its tissues and organs. The most noticeable symptom of the condition is a facial rash that looks like the wings of a butterfly opening across both cheeks. Lupus may lead to inflammation, which can affect various organ functions. However, each individual may experience different symptoms of the autoimmune disease. A common complication triggered by lupus is myalgia. The condition can also lead to inflammation in the muscles, most commonly in the thighs, upper arms, hips, and shoulders. Those with lupus may experience weakened muscles, making it difficult to raise their arms or stand up from a chair. Strains Several muscle pains are triggered by accidents that may bruise muscles in the body.
8 foods best avoided by those with hyperkalemia

8 foods best avoided by those with hyperkalemia

Our body needs a multitude of vitamins and minerals to function properly. But if the body experiences either a deficiency or excessive availability of these compounds, it can lead to side effects. Potassium is an essential mineral that, when available more than required, can cause hyperkalemia. The normal potassium level in the blood is 3.5 to 5 mmol/L. Anything above that can be fatal, and avoiding foods rich in this particular mineral is necessary. Banana Banana is one of the first foods that come to mind when considering potassium. The general potassium content in a banana is estimated at 422 mg. Due to this high potassium content, this fruit is considered an athlete’s best friend. However, for those with hyperkalemia, it can be potentially dangerous. In such cases, it is better to snack on fruits like berries and apples. Beans and legumes Beans and legumes are common protein sources for vegetarians and vegans. However, they are also a reliable source of high potassium content in daily food. Pinto and lima beans have approximately 300 mg of potassium per half cup. When regular intake is considered, it amounts to a higher number. Dried fruits The nutrient density in dried fruits as compared to fresh fruits is higher.
10 avoidable foods for those with Crohn’s disease

10 avoidable foods for those with Crohn’s disease

Crohn’s disease involves an immune reaction against the intestinal tract. This condition mainly affects the intestines, but it can inflame the mouth, throat, or anus. One can experience uncomfortable symptoms like diarrhea, abdominal cramps, and loss of appetite. Each person’s body reacts differently to Crohn’s disease, so there’s no recommended list of food items to eat for all. But certain foods tend to cause flare-ups, and avoiding them will help manage symptoms better. Whole wheat pasta and bread Whole wheat pasta and bread have a high amount of insoluble fiber that passes through the gastrointestinal tract. For a healthy body, insoluble fiber attracts water into one’s stool and regularizes bowel movement. But Crohn’s disease may block the intestinal tract when there is severe inflammation and cause diarrhea and abdominal pain. One should have foods rich in soluble fiber and low in residue, like well-cooked vegetables, ground chia seeds, soups, overnight, and oatmeal, to avoid inflammation. Popcorn Most people are unaware that popcorn is a whole grain, which is difficult for the body to break down if they experience Crohn’s flare-ups. One can instead go pretzels, a hard-boiled egg, a piece of fruit, etc., as these snack alternatives to avoid triggers.
7 nourishing foods to eat for healthy hair

7 nourishing foods to eat for healthy hair

Having strong and shiny hair is a big part of everyone’s dream. Not only does taking care of hair require scalp protection and using the right products, but it also needs nutrition. Each hair strand contains a tough protein called keratin that needs to be nourished and fortified with vitamins and minerals, making hair a great giveaway for one’s inside health. Some foods that can help one achieve fuller, healthier-looking hair include: Salmon: Salmon, sardines, and mackerel are rich sources of Omega-3 fatty acids, which protect the body from disease and impart shine to the hair. Greek yogurt: Greek yogurt is enriched with Vitamin B5 (or pantothenic acid), which can help prevent hair thinning and loss. Spinach: Spinach is packed with nutrients like Vitamin A, iron, beta carotene, folate, and Vitamin C. These nutrients work together to improve scalp and hair health. Guava: Guavas are filled with Vitamin C, which helps protect hair from breakage. Sweet potatoes: Sweet potatoes contain high amounts of an antioxidant called beta-carotene, which turns into vitamin A in the body and protects against dull, dry hair. Beta-carotene can also be found naturally in other foods like carrots, pumpkins, cantaloupes, and mangoes. Cinnamon: Cinnamon can help improve blood flow in the body, which brings nutrients to the hair follicles, helping one maintain healthy hair.
Top 7 foods to help ensure a healthy scalp and hair growth

Top 7 foods to help ensure a healthy scalp and hair growth

Healthy long hair is a dream for many, regardless of age. But hair strength and growth rate depend on several factors such as overall health, genetics, environmental exposure, and age. Although individuals cannot control all these factors, they can control their nutritional consumption and food habits, which also influence hair health. Read on further to know more about the foods that can help one achieve healthy and strong hair growth. 7 foods to consume for healthy hair While there are many products to help boost the look of your hair, eating healthy food can add to the nutritional levels of the body. Here are some options one can add to their regular meals to help benefit hair health: Eggs Eggs are a rich source of a B vitamin known as biotin, whose deficiency can lead to increased hair loss. Furthermore, eggs provide the body with iron that helps carry oxygen to grow and repair hair cells. Spinach Spinach consists of vitamin A, beta-carotene, and vitamin C. These nutrients work together to provide a healthy scalp and hair and avoid hair breakage by keeping the hair follicles moisturized. Additionally, spinach is also rich in iron which aids in hair growth and repair.