Key things to know about ankylosing spondylitis

Key things to know about ankylosing spondylitis

Ankylosing spondylitis is a form of arthritis that causes certain bones in the spines to fuse. So, people with the condition experience decline in flexibility, a hunched posture, and even chronic lower back pain. Sometimes, if the ribs are affected, it may also become difficult to breathe. The onset is usually observed in one’s mid-20s and may also result in the overproduction of calcium, resulting in increased stiffness. Here is everything to know about the condition: Understanding spondylitis and its types Spondylitis is a broad term for chronic arthritis-type diseases affecting joints and bones. It involves the inflammation of tendons, joints, and ligaments. Based on symptoms and affected areas, spondylitis can also be broadly divided into two types: Axial spondylitis, which covers pain in the hips and spine, and peripheral spondylitis, which covers pain in peripheral joints and tendons, excluding the spine. The common types of spondylitis are ankylosing spondylitis, enteropathic arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, reactive arthritis, juvenile spondylitis, and undifferentiated spondylitis. Ankylosing spondylitis (or AS) is one of the most common types of spondylitis, with inflammation as the primary symptom. It usually develops in the spine but can also affect the eyes. Symptoms of AS The symptoms of the inflammatory disease can differ from one person to the other.
10 healthcare services not covered by Medicare

10 healthcare services not covered by Medicare

Medicare is an essential part of healthcare. It helps prevent many out-of-pocket expenses and even covers a large portion of your health expenses after a certain age. Medicare Part A and Medicare Part B are pretty comprehensive in their coverage. But, it is essential to understand that there are gaps in Medicare coverage. Read on to learn more about what exactly is not covered and how you can get coverage for these services. Dental care Medicare Part A does cover certain parts of dental services. But, for the most part, dental care, including X-rays, fillings, and even cleaning sessions, is not covered by Medicare. So, if you want coverage, you may opt for an extra plan. Vision Medicare also does not cover any eye examinations and eye care in general. This also includes the cost of contacts, eyeglasses, and more. Medicare Part B does offer some coverage for contacts and glasses only if you have had cataract surgery. But even here, the deductibles and costs may vary. If you want vision coverage, you can look into a Medicare Advantage plan. Hearing Hearing issues are another aspect of healthcare not covered by general Medicare. This includes hearing aids and the examinations required to test for hearing aids.
Tips for choosing the best type of sunscreen

Tips for choosing the best type of sunscreen

The sun can emit harmful radiation, such as UV rays, which directly influence the skin. Excessive radiation can cause burst blood vessels, accelerated aging, and skin cancer. Sunscreens help form a layer on the skin cell that protects them from damage. Thus, using such a product all year is essential for better protection. Herein, we help you learn more about types of sunscreen and how to choose the best type and brand. Sunscreens and their types UVA and UVB radiation from the sun cause damage if overexposed, which is linked to early aging and sunburn. Overexposure to these rays causes the skin cell’s melanin, a pigment, to darken and shed. So, it’s essential to use sunscreen that protects the skin from both types of UV deterioration. These products prevent UV radiation from entering the body by forming a filter on the skin. Mineral and chemical sunscreens have their mechanisms for filtering UV rays and protecting the skin. The former immediately forms a protective barrier by reflecting and deflecting UV radiation away from the skin. Mineral sunscreens contain titanium dioxide and zinc oxide as active ingredients. Chemical sunscreens penetrate deeper layers of skin after being absorbed. They absorb UV rays, convert them to heat, and then allow the heat to escape through the skin.
Thyroid cancer – Causes and silent warning signs

Thyroid cancer – Causes and silent warning signs

In the country, around 1% of all new cancer diagnoses yearly are that of the thyroid. This butterfly-shaped gland near the base of one’s neck regulates hormones, blood pressure, heart rate, weight, and body temperature. Any abnormal cell growth in this gland leads to cancer. While such a condition can strike at any age, those more vulnerable are between 25 and 65. Herein, we discuss the subtle warning signs of thyroid cancer and its causes. Silent warning signs of thyroid cancer Thyroid cancer does not exhibit any symptoms or indicators in its early stages. More often than not, it is found during a routine neck exam or during a scan used to identify other conditions. But if left untreated, it may form a lump that develops as a tumor. Below are some of the silent warning signs of thyroid cancer that should prompt one to seek medical help: Neck pain that begins at the front and seems to extend to the ears An unusual lump or nodule that one can feel through the skin of one’s neck A sudden change in one’s voice, including hoarseness Trouble breathing normally; one may feel like one’s breathing through a straw Inability to swallow with ease due to a nodule growing on the thyroid gland A feeling that tight-fitting shirt collars are becoming increasingly restrictive A persistent cough not caused due to cold Inexplicable throat pain Swollen lymph nodes Causes of thyroid cancer According to the American Cancer Society, the risk of thyroid cancer in women is three times higher than in men.
5 foods to avoid on a cruise

5 foods to avoid on a cruise

For most holiday travelers, going on a cruise is a great way to unwind from life’s daily hustle and bustle. Once aboard, they can simply take a nap whenever they feel like it, enjoy sunrise and sunset without worrying about deadlines, or spend hours playing cards with their friends. But, amidst all the fun, travelers must be careful about what they eat on a cruise. Here are five foods to avoid when on a cruise: Scrambled eggs Scrambled eggs (especially when it is made and served on a cruise) often contain harmful bacteria such as listeria and salmonella that can give anybody a bad tummy for days, or might lead to other diseases. This makes scrambled eggs one of the top five foods to avoid when on a cruise. To avoid stomach sickness, travelers can instead opt for fresh or hard-boiled eggs instead of scrambled eggs. Old pizza Unfortunately, most pizzas served on cruises may come with a congealed-cheese look, indicating that they have been kept in the open for a while. Such pizzas are old and, most possibly, stale, making them unfit for a meal. In fact, any dishes containing old cheese, if served aboard, automatically classify into the top five foods to avoid when on a cruise.
7 gut-soothing foods to relieve Crohn’s disease symptoms

7 gut-soothing foods to relieve Crohn’s disease symptoms

Crohn’s is an inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) that affects a person’s digestive tract, primarily the intestines. If mismanaged, it can lead to complications, including specific cancers. Since the disorder affects each person differently, there is no standard list of healthy foods for all patients. However, studies show that some food items tend to soothe Crohn’s flare-ups and provide relief, which doctors may recommend after considering the patient’s symptoms and other factors. Yogurt Unsweetened, natural yogurt is rich in probiotics. It contains digestion-friendly bacteria that help reduce stomach inflammation. However, yogurt is not recommended for those who are lactose intolerant. Overnight oatmeal Diarrhea is a common sign of Crohn’s disease. Overnight oatmeal can help tackle this problem by absorbing water from the gut. Since oats contain high levels of soluble fiber, soaking them overnight makes them easier to digest. Berries Strawberries and blueberries digest quickly and have antioxidant properties that protect cells from damage. Other low-fiber, fast-digestible fruits like ripened bananas and watermelon can also help soothe the gut and provide instant energy. Salmon Salmon is a versatile food that can be grilled, broiled, or baked. Its high content of omega-3 fatty acid reduces inflammation, while its high potassium content maintains the body’s fluid balance during flare-ups.
9 healthy food choices that can help fight the flu

9 healthy food choices that can help fight the flu

Flu season is a time of worry for everyone. The symptoms are difficult to deal with and can leave you drained of energy. During this period, it is essential to keep the kitchen stocked with foods that can help fight off the flu and prevent severe symptoms. Thankfully, most flu-fighting foods are readily available and can be incorporated into daily meals. Therefore, relying on food to avoid the aggravation of flu symptoms is easy. Turmeric Turmeric is among the most efficient foods to relieve flu and its symptoms. Its primary component- curcumin – is known for its immunity-boosting and antibacterial properties. It also helps decongest the throat, lungs, and respiratory passageways. Garlic Adding garlic to the food helps fight off various infections. The compound allicin found in garlic can help maintain a strong immune system while fighting off viruses. All you have to do is add a little garlic to your meal plan. Ginger Ginger has numerous medicinal properties. It is known for its help in reducing nausea, inflammation, and vomiting. Flu patients can relieve their symptoms by adding ginger to their tea or ginger root to their food. Honey Honey is known for its antibacterial and antiviral properties and considerably assists in unblocking the upper respiratory tract.
10 healthy food choices for people with diabetes

10 healthy food choices for people with diabetes

The next time you reach out for a second serving of that delicious pudding, pause and reflect on whether you really need it. Research has demonstrated that a whopping 34.2 million people are grappling with diabetes in the country. On the bright side, some lifestyle changes can help control diabetes to a great extent. Here’s a list of foods that can help individuals with diabetes regulate their blood-sugar levels and lead a healthy lifestyle: Lean meat Lean meat sources like skinless chicken and turkey, pork chops, and beef liver contain high protein levels and less fat content. Having lean meats can help individuals with diabetes receive essential nutrients while avoiding unhealthy fats. Berries Fresh berries like strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, and blackberries have low glycemic indexes and lend themselves to meal plans for patients with diabetes. Unsweetened yogurt Unsweetened Greek or plain yogurt is packed with protein, calcium, and probiotics and can be a great source of nutrition for those with diabetes. Studies have demonstrated that consuming yogurt is associated with the prevention of type-2 diabetes. Fatty fish Fish varieties rich in omega-3 fatty acids are nutritious options for patients grappling with diabetes. Moreover, fatty fish are anti-inflammatory and can help control blood sugar levels.