4 common signs of schizophrenia

4 common signs of schizophrenia

Schizophrenia is a disorder that can significantly affect physical and mental well-being. The condition can influence how one thinks, feels, and behaves, making it difficult for one to carry out day-to-day tasks. If left untreated, the disorder can affect an individual’s personal, professional, and social relationships. So, it is important to learn about and recognize the early signs of schizophrenia and seek timely diagnosis and appropriate treatment for the disorder. Lack of emotional expression Also known as “flat affect”, lack of emotional and facial expression is a sign often associated with schizophrenia. Here, one may not have appropriate emotional expressions for the circumstances. For instance, one can continue to have an expressionless face even when they feel happy. This can often lead to miscommunication and misunderstanding. To address this symptom, one can consider opting for social skills training or cognitive behavioral therapy. Here, one works with a therapist to improve communication and keep up with their daily routine. Hallucinations One of the most common signs of schizophrenia is hallucinations, which involve hearing and seeing things that do not exist in reality. For someone dealing with the disorder, these hallucinations can appear completely normal and feel like a realistic experience. This can make it difficult for one to differentiate hallucinations from reality.
Household products that can harm lung health

Household products that can harm lung health

The market has many products to clean the house and keep it smelling fresh. However, not all of them may be as safe as you think. Some cleaners have harsh chemicals and ingredients that can harm you, the other members of your house, and even your pets. So, it is crucial to research well before choosing items to use at home. Here are some common household products that harm lung health and must be avoided. Cleaning solutions Most cleaning solutions, including floor, window, countertop, rug, and oven cleaners, have volatile organic compounds that potentially threaten the lungs. When used, volatile organic compounds release harmful gasses into the air, which can worsen COPD symptoms. COPD, or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, is a term used to describe a group of diseases that block the airflow to the lungs and create breathing-related issues. What is more worrying is that the gasses from volatile organic compounds can have effects that last for years. Besides volatile organic compounds, household cleaners have ammonia and bleach, ingredients that can be harmful when their quantity is not regulated. Research studies suggest that women who used cleaning products more frequently or worked as professional cleaners and used these products noticed a rapid decline in their lung health as opposed to those women who did not use these cleaning products regularly.
5 trigger foods for atrial fibrillation

5 trigger foods for atrial fibrillation

A heartbeat is the contraction of the heart to pump blood to the lungs and the rest of the body. One’s heart beats irregularly or quickly when affected by atrial fibrillation (AFib). The condition affects millions in our country and is often caused by changes to the heart’s tissue or electrical signaling. Eating the following unhealthy foods may trigger or worsen the symptoms and suppress the effects of AFib treatments. Sausages Processed foods like sausages are easy to prepare and can be found in most supermarkets. However, they are unhealthy for people diagnosed with AFib and must be excluded from the meal plan. These foods are high in calories, preservatives, and salts, which may negatively impact the heart. Poor heart health can, in turn, trigger or worsen the condition’s symptoms. Besides sausages, other processed foods one should exclude from their meal regime include bacon, ham, and frozen foods like burgers and pizzas. Coffee Coffee is a go-to beverage for those who want a quick energy boost during long hours at work. Studies have shown that controlled amounts of the drink could improve one’s health in specific instances. However, too much could lead to excessive caffeine in the body. Since caffeine stimulates the cardiac system, it could trigger episodes of AFib.
8 lifestyle habits that may cause heartburn

8 lifestyle habits that may cause heartburn

Heartburn and acid reflux are related conditions that involve the backward flow of stomach acid into the esophagus. It may cause discomfort and a burning sensation in the chest and can be triggered by various factors, including bad lifestyle and eating habits. By examining these habits, one can find the underlying triggers and learn how to minimize their impact. Here are eight such bad habits and ways to incorporate healthier alternatives to find relief. Lying down after meals When one lies flat, gravity cannot keep stomach acid down, which allows the acid to flow back into the esophagus more easily, causing discomfort. So, one should maintain erect posture while eating and avoid lying down for at least two to three hours after a meal. One can also practice Vajrasana or thunderbolt pose, which is a yoga pose where one sits on one’s heels with the knees bent. This posture aids digestion by promoting healthy blood flow to the abdominal area and supporting the natural movement of food through the digestive system. Wearing tight clothing Tight-fitting clothes, especially around the waist and abdomen, can put pressure on the stomach, leading to heartburn. One can opt for loose-fitting attire to alleviate this pressure and improve digestion.
6 healthy smoothies for managing arthritis symptoms

6 healthy smoothies for managing arthritis symptoms

Smoothies require just a few ingredients and can be whipped up fresh every time one craves a cool, nutritious beverage. The best part is that most ingredients, especially fruits and vegetables, used in popular smoothie recipes are excellent sources of nutrients that help improve overall health and manage existing conditions like arthritis. So, here are a few healthy smoothies that can help one manage pain and other symptoms associated with arthritis: Cherry smoothie Cherries are a rich source of antioxidants called anthocyanins that actively fight oxidative stress and prevent healthy cell degeneration. One can add a couple of almonds and blueberries to the smoothie to enhance the antioxidant properties. Finally, all one has to do is blend the ingredients with coconut water, which is naturally rich in potassium and helps lower inflammation by flushing out the excess sodium in the cells. Blueberry-ginger smoothie Blueberries are another great source of anthocyanins that help counter inflammation and prevent oxidative stress from damaging healthy cells. Ginger is a multipurpose root that also counters inflammation, helps in digestion, and relieves symptoms like nausea or vomiting. One can either use almond milk or any other drink for the base of the smoothie and add a few spinach leaves and half a banana to the ginger-blueberry mix to make the drink thicker.
6 early warning signs of bladder cancer

6 early warning signs of bladder cancer

Bladder cancer is a common mutation that begins in the urothelial cells that line the inside of the bladder. The cancerous cells are also found in the kidneys and the ureters. The condition is usually diagnosed at an early stage and is also treatable. However, bladder cancer may replase after it is eliminated or in remission. In either case, one should be mindful of its signs so that one can get on a treatment plan immediately. Pain in the lower back One may experience pain in the lower back or abdomen for multiple reasons, including an injury. But if the pain occurs with other symptoms, such as those associated with urination, they might need to speak to an expert to determine its cause, which could be bladder cancer. Those who develop this sign may experience pain, usually on only one side of the body. Unusual bladder changes The presence of cancerous cells in the bladder may result in multiple unusual bladder symptoms. One may start urinating more often than usual, wake up many times at night to urinate, or experience pain or a burning sensation during urination. The individual may also have trouble urinating or have a weak urine stream.
Early warning signs of different types of eye cancer

Early warning signs of different types of eye cancer

Cancer that begins in the eyeball, or nearby parts, such as eyelids or tear ducts, is known as eye cancer. All forms of eye cancer are extremely rare. Of these, some common types of eye cancer include uveal melanomas and retinoblastoma. Most people do not have symptoms of eye cancer unless it grows in certain parts of the eye or becomes more advanced. As the condition develops, one may experience the following symptoms: Symptoms of choroidal melanoma Choroidal melanoma affects the tissue that covers the middle layer of the eye. Symptoms of this condition include: Detached retina if the tumor grows large enough A dark growth in the eye that may only be visible as a shadow at the back of the eye Vision changes, such as blurred vision or lights flashing Eye floaters, or specks that move around in someone’s field of vision Pressure in the eye Pain in the eye or the surrounding areas Symptoms of conjunctival melanoma When cancer begins in the outer tissue that covers the eye (conjunctiva), it is called conjunctival melanoma. Some warning signs of this type of eye cancer include: Elevated, dark growths in the eye that may look like small moles or freckles Vision changes, such as blurred vision, vision loss, or lights flashing A spot in the eye that grows or changes Symptoms of retinoblastoma This is the most common form of eye cancer that begins in one’s childhood.
5 mistakes to avoid for a good night’s sleep

5 mistakes to avoid for a good night’s sleep

The quality of sleep at night sets one’s tone for the day. A good night’s sleep ensures alertness and enhances mood, facilitating better decision making, problem solving, and behavior control. Moreover, studies have demonstrated the association between poor sleep quality and cognitive decline. So, it is important to strike the right balance between sleep duration and quality to enhance one’s overall well-being. To do so, avoid these common mistakes that may affect one’s sleep quality. Using electronic devices just before bedtime Nearly 9 out of 10 individuals in a study admitted to using their phones or tablets just before bedtime. Research has shown that the blue light emitted from mobile phones affects the body’s production of melatonin, a hormone that regulates one’s circadian rhythm. One’s sleep-wake cycle is severely disrupted due to the use of gadgets at night. It is advisable to put away all electronic devices at least half an hour before bedtime and relax one’s eyes by meditating. Sleeping immediately after a meal The body digests food most efficiently in the upright position. Therefore, when one lies down immediately after a meal, the food typically gets redirected to the esophagus, causing heartburn and indigestion and impacting sleep quality.