6 food sanitation mistakes with easy fixes

6 food sanitation mistakes with easy fixes

Cooking a delicious and nutritious meal for oneself, family members, or friends can be enjoyable. However, despite taking measures to ensure the cooked meal is safe for consumption, a simple cooking error can contaminate the food, causing food poisoning, paralysis, and other complications. These mistakes could be as minor as using the wrong spoon or touching a bacteria-filled surface. Therefore, one must be aware of these six food sanitation mistakes and how to fix them. Not cooking foods thoroughly Foods such as chicken, seafood, turkey, and eggs should not be consumed raw. Undercooking these food items can result in germs getting into the system and triggering health complications. Therefore, it is recommended to use a food thermometer to ensure the right temperature is reached before eating any meal. Poor hand sanitation Our hands may come in contact with various surfaces throughout the day that are usually infested with germs. These germs can be transmitted to our palms. Therefore, cooking meals without washing hands can infect the food and pose health risks. It is important to always wash your hands before eating or cooking, and even when changing a diaper. The best way to wash hands is to scrub them thoroughly with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.
Avoid these 5 foods for healthy skin

Avoid these 5 foods for healthy skin

Maintaining healthy skin is not just about external skin care through creams and oils. Skin health is also affected by one’s food choices. As a variety of foods and supplements are advertised as “healthy” options, many may go for trending food products that do not offer long-term benefits for the body. Some might even cause skin issues and premature aging. So, here are five foods to avoid at all times to maintain healthy skin: Fried food Fried foods are high in fat, increasing the risk of heart disease. They contain trans fats, which may increase one’s risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Fried foods have also been shown to cause skin inflammation, making the skin more susceptible to breakouts or other problems like blemishes, wrinkles, and premature aging. While the precise impact of fried foods is still being studied, there is no denying that they are high in fat and calories. So, one should avoid foods like chips, French fries, donuts, and other deep-fried items to keep skin issues at bay. Sugary beverages Sugary beverages are one of the worst items for skin health. They can cause acne, wrinkles, and dry skin. The drinks contain excessive refined sugar, so they do not quench one’s thirst or hydrate the body but rather cause dehydration.
Signs and risk factors of increasing levels of cholesterol

Signs and risk factors of increasing levels of cholesterol

Cholesterol is a waxy, fat-like substance that is produced by the liver. It helps in the formation of cell membranes, hormones, and vitamin D. Although cholesterol is needed by the body, too much of it can cause multiple health problems, especially for the heart. Moreover, since cholesterol cannot travel through the body, particles called lipoproteins do the job. Let’s understand these in detail and learn about the symptoms of increasing cholesterol levels. Forms of lipoproteins LDL is a form that makes up most of the cholesterol found in the body. However, too much of LDL puts the heart at a high risk of developing diseases like stroke and other cardiovascular diseases. The high build up of LDL on the walls of the arteries is called plaque. HDL absorbs the cholesterol in the blood and brings it back to the liver. This is then flushed out of the body, therefore, higher levels of HDL are considered to be good for one’s health. Symptoms of increasing cholesterol levels There are no specific early signs of increasing cholesterol levels; however, one should always be observant of the body’s responses to food, environment, and activities. In most cases, high cholesterol is only observed too late when it is already affecting the body with health illnesses like a stroke or heart disease.
5 signs indicative of high cholesterol levels in the body

5 signs indicative of high cholesterol levels in the body

Cholesterol is naturally produced by the body and is also found in regular foods and beverages. It’s a fatty substance stored in the body’s cells and produces vitamins or minerals to support vital bodily functions. The body stores both good and bad cholesterol so any imbalance in either levels can trigger high cholesterol. A buildup of high cholesterol can lead to severe health complications, making it imperative to identify the warning signs of the same. Signs of high cholesterol There are no direct symptoms of high cholesterol. However, high cholesterol does increase the risk of several underlying health complications that trigger the following discomforts. Discomfort in the chest High cholesterol greatly increases the risk of coronary heart disease. So, one might experience chest pain, extreme fatigue, shortness of breath, and nausea, as a precursor. As cholesterol levels increase in the arteries, it causes a buildup of plaque, causing blockage. Cognitive problems Problems with cognition are also indicative signs of high cholesterol. As the plaque buildup increases blood pressure in the arteries, vital oxygen supply to the brain is cut off. This can result in loss of balance, coordination problems, dizziness, drooping eyelids, paralysis on one side, confusion, slurring, blurred vision, severe headaches, and even numbness.
8 warning signs of a seizure

8 warning signs of a seizure

The brain is the most complex organ in the human body and controls all movements, functions, and responses. It comprises a network of nerves that sends and receives vital signals to the body. However, any abnormal activity in this electrical impulse can trigger seizures. Some people only experience mild seizures, while others develop chronic seizure disorders like epilepsy. Here are the warning signs of a seizure to look out for prevention: Cognitive symptoms Minutes before the seizure, one might experience multiple discomforts that affect cognition, for example, confusion and anxiety, starting with a general feeling of uneasiness. Some people also experience headaches and become irritable before a seizure. Abrupt movements Uncontrolled movements, like sudden jerking of the arms or legs, are also warning signs of a seizure. A developing seizure will disrupt vital communication signals from the brain that control gross motor skills. One might even experience physical uneasiness that causes the body to become stiff. No balance Losing consciousness is also one of the precursors to developing seizures. A person may blackout moments before the seizure kicks in and fall suddenly, having no control over balance or gross motor skills. Falls are commonly associated with severe seizures, but a person might feel dizzy right before the seizure, which affects overall balance and consciousness.
Follow these 8 tips to stop snoring

Follow these 8 tips to stop snoring

Are loud snores keeping you up at night? Whether you are a sleep-deprived partner or someone who is bothered by their own snores, it is important to address the cause and find suitable solutions to get uninterrupted sleep. Snores are sounds triggered by obstructed breathing. From lifestyle changes to tried-and-tested remedies, various approaches can help clear the nasal passages. So, here are a few tips to follow for a quiet bedtime: Fix the sleeping position Sleeping on your back can worsen snoring, as it allows the tongue and soft tissues to collapse into the airway. Try sleeping on your side. You can get pillows designed to keep you in the correct position to breathe easily. Clear congestion Nasal congestion from allergies or colds can restrict airflow and cause snoring. Use saline nasal sprays, nasal strips, or a humidifier to keep your nasal passages clear and lubricated. Nasal strips are among the most common options to stop snoring, but they may not work for everyone. Stay hydrated Dehydration can lead to the production of thicker mucus, narrowing the airways and exacerbating snoring. So, drink plenty of water throughout the day to keep your air passages moist. Follow a bedtime routine Establishing a regular sleep routine helps regulate the body’s internal clock leading to better sleep quality.
5 harmful household products that can affect human eyes

5 harmful household products that can affect human eyes

There are probably several things in your house that have the potential to harm your eyes if you don’t take adequate precautions. You need to be extra careful, especially when you have kids around the house. While some of these products can be done away with, most are often considered essentials. So you’ll have to take action appropriately and store the essentials as required. Here’s a list of harmful household products that could hurt your eyes. Household cleaners Nearly all household cleaners you buy from the supermarket contain tons of chemicals, including bleach and ammonia. Both of these irritate the eyes. From floor cleaners to window cleaners, floor polishing waxes, furniture polish, drain cleaners, toilet cleaners, bathroom cleaners, multi-surface cleaners, and glass and mirror cleaners can contain these chemicals. This is why it is always important to read the labels and follow the usage and storage instructions. Use these products in a well-ventilated space with the spray nozzle pointed away from you. Vinegar Vinegar is one of the most versatile and useful household products. You not only use it while cooking but also for getting rid of stains and other purposes. However, you need to be careful while using it.
5 lung conditions that contribute to breathing difficulties

5 lung conditions that contribute to breathing difficulties

Are you finding it difficult to catch your breath lately? Breathing difficulty can be a significant cause for concern, and its symptoms should not be ignored. While common conditions such as asthma and COPD are widely known, several lesser-known lung conditions can also contribute to respiratory issues. In this article, we will explore five lung conditions contributing to breathing difficulties and learn the different approaches one can take to treat the condition. Lung conditions that can cause breathing difficulties Pulmonary hypertension Pulmonary hypertension refers to high blood pressure in the arteries of the lungs. This can strain the heart and cause breathing difficulties, fatigue, chest pain, and fainting spells. Pulmonary hypertension can be idiopathic or secondary to underlying conditions such as heart or lung diseases. Various treatment options may help widen the blood vessels, improve blood flow, and address the underlying cause. Chronic bronchitis Chronic bronchitis is characterized by inflammation and excessive mucus production in the airways and is often caused by long-term exposure to irritants. A persistent cough lasting at least three months in two consecutive years is the hallmark symptom of chronic bronchitis. Treatment involves bronchodilators, inhaled corticosteroids, and lifestyle modifications. Lung cancer Lung cancer is a type of cancer that originates in the lungs and can cause breathing difficulties as it progresses.