Top 6 natural remedies for indigestion

Top 6 natural remedies for indigestion

Indigestion is a fairly common issue; however, some may experience it more frequently than others. The causes of indigestion can be varied, from choosing the wrong foods and eating too quickly to underlying health conditions. Certain treatments for other health issues may also cause indigestion. Upon noticing persistent gastrointestinal issues, one should consult a doctor and seek appropriate treatment options. Nevertheless, one can also opt for the following natural remedies to quickly relieve indigestion: 1. Try ginger tea Ginger does more than just add a unique flavor to foods and beverages. It is a well-known remedy for nausea and vomiting and regulates the speed at which food passes along the digestive system. So, it can help reduce gas, bloating, and a constant feeling of fullness. A cup of ginger tea in the morning or a ginger candy after meals can help aid digestion. 2. Chew on fennel seeds Fennel seeds can make the stomach alkaline, so they can help deal with acidity and heartburn. They also provide quick relief from bloating and gas and relax the intestinal muscles, which helps relieve constipation. Eating raw or roasted fennel seeds is the easiest way to have them, but one can also add them to boiling water, strain the solution, and have it warm.
5 harmful side effects of drinking tap water

5 harmful side effects of drinking tap water

For humans, water is vital for survival as it regulates electrolyte levels, lubricates joints, and transports oxygen and nutrients. For drinking purposes, tap water is often preferred since it is convenient and cost-effective. However, unbeknownst to many, tap water is also filled with invisible contaminants and can be quite dangerous for long-term use. Here are some of the side effects of drinking tap water and the reasons why one should purify it before consumption. Contains chlorine Chlorine, a chemical often found in tap water, is known for producing many corrosive acids. Chlorine is mainly used in water treatment facilities to disinfect the tap water. While it doesn’t show signs immediately, drinking chlorine water for a long time can put one at risk of developing chest and lung irritation, cough or sore throat, breathing issues, or even cancer. Presence of heavy metals or impurities Even though the local municipal authorities regulate tap water, one can often find small traces of chemicals or heavy metals like mercury, copper, lead, cadmium, and aluminum. If it has not been purified, it does not entirely eliminate all the toxic heavy metals. These metals, as they collect in the body over time, can cause brain deformities, kidney issues, high blood pressure, and other health concerns.
Common and uncommon side effects of antidepressants

Common and uncommon side effects of antidepressants

Antidepressants are a type of treatment option that may be suggested for symptoms of depression. However, antidepressants, like most treatments taken over a prolonged period, may have certain side effects. Sometimes, these may be severe and need professional intervention. So, it is important to observe any noticeable changes in the body once the prescription is being taken. One must consult with the doctor immediately and ask for the treatment to be modified. The effects of SNRI and SSRI Called Serotonin-Noradrenaline Reuptake Inhibitors and Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors respectively, they are the most common type of antidepressants used in the treatment of symptoms of depression. Taking them can lead to some common side effects and some uncommon ones in individuals. It is also normal to experience some of the common side effects for a couple of weeks when treatment starts, which then subside over time. However, one must always keep the doctor updated on how the body is reacting. Side effects of antidepressants Some of the common side effects of this type of treatment plan include dizziness, blurry vision, anxiety, nausea, dry mouth, feeling exhausted, tremors, encountering sexual problems, headaches, and increased sweating. Also, one must note that all these side effects are typically not experienced together.
Identifying and managing spinal muscular atrophy

Identifying and managing spinal muscular atrophy

Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA) is a rare genetic disease that causes the progressive weakening of muscles in the body. This occurs due to the loss of motor neurons, which are responsible for controlling muscle movement. Depending on when the symptoms begin to appear, this condition is categorized into four distinct types, from severe to mild. Read on to find out more about this condition, its symptoms, diagnosis, and recommended treatment plans. Symptoms of spinal muscular atrophy Some of the typical symptoms of this condition include: Floppy or weak arms or legs Mobility problems, such as difficulties in standing up or walking Tremors or muscle twitching A curved spine (scoliosis) Swallowing problems Breathing difficulties Individuals with this condition experience progressive muscle weakness, which can also give rise to complications such as bone fractures, hip dislocation, pneumonia, respiratory infections, malnutrition, and dehydration. Diagnosing spinal muscular atrophy Doctors begin with a thorough physical exam along with a detailed examination of one’s healthcare history. Depending on these results, they may recommend one or more of the following: An enzyme and protein blood test to check for levels of creatine kinase. High levels of this enzyme in the bloodstream signal deteriorating muscles. A genetic test to identify problems with the SMN1 gene.
3 remedies that provide fast relief from indigestion

3 remedies that provide fast relief from indigestion

The sensation of indigestion can be challenging to live with. Unlike in the cases of certain types of discomfort, one cannot simply brush off or take their mind off certain things indigestion makes them feel. In the long run, people must eat healthy and exercise to keep indigestion episodes at a minimum. However, for immediate resolutions, here are some options that provide instant or near-instant relief from indigestion-related sensations like bloating and pain: Having baking soda Many studies have found direct links between baking soda consumption and immediate digestion improvement in people who experience indigestion. Sodium bicarbonate’s high pH levels neutralize the acid levels in one’s stomach and alleviate indigestion-related problems like upper GI discomfort, gas, bloating, and pain. For the best results, one can mix one-half teaspoon of baking soda in around 4 ounces of water before consuming the mix. Do not consume baking soda as a solution excessively, as that causes side effects like stomach cramps, constipation, diarrhea, and nausea. Older people must not use too much baking soda as it may have profound health implications. Consuming peppermint or chamomile tea Peppermint is an effective digestive agent to reduce abdominal pain and cramps. Moreover, peppermint tea is an effective and healthy food that relieves those with an upset stomach.
Risks of drinking tap water and benefits of a water purifier

Risks of drinking tap water and benefits of a water purifier

The US Environmental Protection Agency, or EPA, is an organization that is responsible for the drinking water regulations in the country. And while tap water may be safe for some, it may not be the recommended choice for many. There could also be some side effects from drinking tap water, which are mentioned below. This article also highlights why a water purifier is recommended. Tap water regulations and side effects According to the EPA, anything other than water molecules found in the water is termed a contaminant. However, the EPA suggests that some contaminants are not as harmful at certain levels. The contaminant list includes bacteria, viruses, parasites, industrial runoff, lead, mercury, arsenic, and pesticides. Radium or uranium deposits in the soil could also contaminate the water in some areas. Here are some of the side effects of drinking tap water: In tap water, these contaminants are at deficient levels, and it is not that they are always present. However, if they reach the human body in huge quantities, it can lead to many health issues. Arsenic is known to trigger partial paralysis in some people, vomiting, numbness in hands and feet, stomach pain, diarrhea, discoloration of the skin, and blindness.
11 remedies for managing cold sores

11 remedies for managing cold sores

Cold sores (or fever blisters) that appear on or near the mouth are common symptoms of the herpes simplex virus (HSV-1). These fluid-filled blisters can be extremely painful. While there is no permanent cure for this condition today, one can manage cold sores and relieve associated symptoms to improve their quality of life. Read on to learn about a few natural remedies that may help one get rid of cold sores: 1. Ice To manage pain associated with a cold sore, one should consider using an ice pack. It is important to wrap it in a towel before applying, as icing the area directly could damage the skin. 2. Sunscreen Direct sun exposure could trigger or worsen a cold sore. So, one should always wear sunscreen when heading out. 3. Aloe vera gel Aloe is well-renowned for its anti-inflammatory and healing properties. Using natural aloe on cold sores could be beneficial in fighting off viruses and helping the sore heal faster. 4. Apple cider vinegar A lot has been said about apple cider vinegar’s antimicrobial properties. It may help treat cold sores as well. However, it is best to dilute the vinegar in water before using it on the skin.
Myelodysplastic syndromes – Signs and management options

Myelodysplastic syndromes – Signs and management options

Life without blood cells is impossible to imagine. From supplying oxygen to forming blood clots and helping excrete waste products, the cells perform a host of functions. And that’s why it is important to detect any cell-related health conditions early. Myelodysplastic syndromes are a group of disorders in which the body generates cells that are either deformed or do not function well. Here are some signs and treatment options for myelodysplastic syndromes: Signs and symptoms Shortness of breath Many patients with myelodysplastic syndromes grapple with anemia. Since anemia is characterized by low red blood cell count, those suffering from anemia induced by myelodysplastic syndromes usually experience shortness of breath. Fatigue Anemia also tends to cause extreme tiredness and fatigue because oxygen levels in the body are very low. So, those with myelodysplastic syndromes may be highly fatigued throughout the day, even when not physically active. Frequent nosebleeds and bruises If one has a low platelet count, bleeding and bruising become more common than usual. For this reason, myelodysplastic syndrome causes frequent bruises and nosebleeds, even if the injury is minor. Petechiae Petechiae are tiny reddish spots that appear on the skin’s surface, often on the stomach and legs. Patients with myelodysplastic syndromes often experience bleeding into the skin, which reflects as these tiny spots on the skin.