Foods to eat and avoid for macular degeneration

Foods to eat and avoid for macular degeneration

Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is a disease that affects one’s eyes, causing partial or complete loss of vision. Symptoms of this condition include blurry or fuzzy vision, difficulty recognizing familiar faces, a blind spot or the loss of central vision, which is essential for activities like driving and reading. Modifying one’s food regime can help slow down the progression of this condition. This article highlights foods to eat and avoid for managing macular degeneration. Foods to eat to manage macular degeneration Salmon Salmon contains EPA and DHA omega-3 fatty acids, which can help the body fight inflammation and reduce cholesterol levels, which have been linked to AMD progression. Other sources of omega-3 fatty acids include mackerel, tuna, anchovies, avocado, walnuts, and flaxseed. Berries Oxidation is a major contributor to expediting the progression of AMD. Berries can help combat this oxidative damage. Blueberries, bilberries, black currants, strawberries, and goji berries are rich sources of antioxidants like anthocyanins. These can help protect the retina against degenerative damage by regenerating retinal cells and improving blood flow to the region, slowing down the progression of AMD. Berries also contain vitamin C, which helps the blood build collagen, strengthens the blood vessels in the eyes, and protects vision.
5 viral infections and their associated warning signs

5 viral infections and their associated warning signs

Viruses are the most common carriers of infections. There are more than 200 distinct types of viruses that can cause a range of illnesses in humans. These viruses are often found on common surfaces and regions across the country, making them highly contagious. However, once the initial warning signs and symptoms are detected, viral infections are usually easy to manage. Below are some of the viral infections and their associated warning signs. Common cold The common cold is caused by a virus that enters the body through the mouth, eyes, or nose. This infection is usually transmitted when people touch contaminated surfaces or come in contact with infected individuals and then touch their face. Symptoms of a common cold include fever, runny nose, coughing, red eyes, and hoarseness of voice. Other disorders with these symptoms include sinusitis, laryngitis, pharyngitis, and epiglottitis. Common colds are highly contagious but can be easily treated by resting, staying hydrated, and taking prescription-based solutions as recommended by a doctor. Shingles Shingles, medically called herpes zoster, involve painful and usually itchy rashes that develop on one side of a person’s face or body. The rash usually scabs over within 7 to 10 days and takes up to 4 weeks to fully clear up.
11 places that are respiratory virus hotspots

11 places that are respiratory virus hotspots

In today’s world, the need for awareness about respiratory virus hotspots is greater than ever. Understanding the environments that serve as breeding grounds for these infections is crucial for safeguarding public health. From bustling transportation hubs to seemingly innocuous daily spaces, each location presents a unique set of challenges. Due to the constantly changing weather and other factors leading to increasing respiratory issues, here are several places that can be hotspots for respiratory viruses. Public transportation hubs Public transportation hubs are bustling centers where people from various walks of life converge. The proximity of individuals in buses and trains and inadequate ventilation create an ideal setting for respiratory viruses. To reduce the risk of transmission, commuters should wear masks, use hand sanitizers, and maintain a safe distance. Airports With their constant influx of travelers, airports are potential breeding grounds for respiratory viruses. The confined space of airplane cabins and shared facilities increases the risk of transmission. Travelers are advised to use personal protective equipment, practice frequent hand hygiene, and maintain physical distance to mitigate the risk. Shopping malls The vibrant atmosphere of shopping malls, especially during peak hours, facilitates the rapid spread of respiratory viruses. Shoppers can reduce risk by limiting time spent in crowded areas, maintaining distance from others, and diligently sanitizing their hands after touching surfaces.
4 mistakes new hearing aid owners must avoid

4 mistakes new hearing aid owners must avoid

Using a hearing aid for the first time can be daunting because of how alien the experience feels. People using the aid can always contact their audiologist for any kind of assistance and to familiarize themselves with the device. However, there are still plenty of mistakes to sidestep on a day-to-day basis. Doing so improves their overall user experience with the device. Here are some of the common mistakes new hearing aid owners must avoid: Avoiding general maintenance and cleaning Hearing aids are not only fragile but also prone to accumulating dirt and filth from time to time. Using them in such conditions can cause ear infections among users. This is why one must pay due attention to the device’s maintenance to ensure that it has a long and useful lifespan. To meet that objective, users can change the device’s batteries and routinely clean it in order to keep it from becoming dirty. One can use small cotton buds and a cleansing solution for cleaning the device. Cleaning the device incorrectly can cause wax and debris to accumulate in its crevices, leading to hearing loss and balance issues. To avoid these problems, it is recommended that users contact the device manufacturer to learn the right techniques and apparatus for cleaning their hearing aids.
Top 5 foods and beverages that are bad for the teeth

Top 5 foods and beverages that are bad for the teeth

A person’s teeth and smile play a huge role in creating a good first impression. Moreover, the teeth are critical for good digestion and overall hygiene. This is why eating the right foods is imperative to keep one’s teeth strong. The teeth are incredibly sensitive to certain foods. Some foods and beverages can cause significant damage to one’s teeth over a period of time. Here are some foods that can damage teeth: Oranges Citrus fruits are rich in vitamin C, which is great for reducing inflammation in the body. However, citrus-rich foods like lemons and oranges contain a lot of acid, which can cause erosion of the outer layer of a person’s teeth. When the enamel erodes from the teeth, they are exposed to infections, bacterial presence, and decay. Therefore, while it is okay to eat citrus-heavy fruits occasionally, one must eat them in moderation to keep their teeth’s enamel intact. Soft drinks Soft drinks increase blood sugar and tend to make the bones weaker if they are consumed frequently over a while. Among all these, it is unsurprising that soft drinks are just as bad for one’s teeth as they are for all the other organs and bodily systems.
Top 6 foods to avoid before bedtime

Top 6 foods to avoid before bedtime

A restful sleep is essential to help the body repair and rejuvenate. Further, frequent disruptions in the sleep cycle can invariably damage overall health. Sleep problems can develop due to factors like stress, chronic pain, or something as simple as what one chooses to eat right before bed. Eating habits can play a role in determining sleep quality. So, here are some of the foods to avoid before bedtime to get complete rest at night. 1. Tomatoes Tomatoes are one of the richest sources of a carotenoid called lycopene. So, they exhibit anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that help in strengthening the immune system. Moreover, tomatoes are so versatile that they can be easily added to any recipe for flavor or texture. However, excessive intake of tomatoes can have an impact on sleep. The amino acids in tomatoes may keep the brain active and cause acid reflux, disrupting sleep. 2. Oranges As vitamin C-rich fruits, oranges can add nutrients and flavor to dinnertime salads. But, the high level of acids in this citrus fruit may do more bad than good when it comes to sleep. The fruit can cause acid reflux and trigger the bladder, making one wake up often at night.
5 mistakes new hearing aid owners must avoid

5 mistakes new hearing aid owners must avoid

Hearing aids make a significant difference in the lives of people with hearing difficulties. These devices capture sounds from the environment and make them louder before sending them to the wearer’s ear. However, individuals should pick a suitable model after consulting a healthcare professional for the best results. One should also avoid making the following mistakes when buying hearing aids, as it could result in a poor user experience and other problems. Not reading the instructions Every hearing aid comes with an instruction manual, which users should read. While healthcare professionals usually teach patients the basics about the device, one must try to read the printed instructions themselves. The manual may contain additional information on how the product works and offer insights into its key features. Being dishonest about hearing loss Many people are dishonest about the extent of their hearing loss during a hearing examination. This can cause the expert to prescribe an incorrect model, which might not make much difference when the individual uses it. An incorrect assessment might also compel one to replace the hearing aid multiple times to find the right fit, which means spending more money than necessary. Not carrying spare batteries The batteries of some hearing aids discharge quickly.
9 types of common disabilities

9 types of common disabilities

One can come across several types of disabilities in one’s life. The word disability includes a broad spectrum of conditions that result in physical, emotional, cognitive, and sensory impairments. Some of these disabilities may be congenital, while others may develop gradually due to an underlying health condition or an injury or accident. Each of these disabilities has its set of unique challenges. Here, let’s delve into the top 9 conditions that may cause disabilities. Musculoskeletal system and connective tissue disorders The musculoskeletal system comprises ligaments, cartilage, bones, and connective tissues. It connects all the bones in the body, facilitating movement and motion. Disabilities can occur due to musculoskeletal conditions such as arthritis, fibromyalgia, spine disorders, scoliosis, ruptured discs, carpal tunnel syndrome, and degenerative disc disease. Mood disorders Disabilities can also occur due to mood disorders such as bipolar disorder, major depressive disorder, cyclothymic disorder, seasonal affective disorder (SAD), persistent depressive disorder (dysthymia), depression related to mental health issues, and premenstrual dysphoric disorder. Nervous system disorders The nervous system comprises the brain, spinal cord, sensory organs, and nerves. Disabilities may develop due to several congenital or underlying health conditions related to the nervous system, such as infections like meningitis and polio, functional disorders like epilepsy and neuralgia, degenerative diseases like multiple sclerosis and Parkinson’s disease, and structural disorders like Bell’s palsy and brain or spinal cord injuries.