5 types of foods to avoid for managing lung cancer

5 types of foods to avoid for managing lung cancer

Lung cancer is caused due to unfavorable lifestyle habits and exposure to certain environmental toxins and industrial chemicals. Its symptoms often do not appear until the disease has advanced. While food doesn’t directly cure the condition, following a nutritious meal plan plays a significant role in its management. Having said that, it is equally important to understand which foods can worsen the condition. Here are some foods to avoid for managing lung cancer. Processed meats Processed meats, such as bacon, salami, sausage, bacon, corned beef, hot dogs, and canned meat are known to contain high levels of preservatives and additives. These substances, like nitrites and nitrates, have been linked to an increased risk of cancer. In addition, the high sodium content in processed meats can lead to fluid retention, which can worsen breathing difficulties among lung cancer patients. One can instead opt for lean, unprocessed meats or plant-based protein sources. For a satisfying meal, consider choosing whole foods rich in complex carbohydrates such as rice, barley, millet, corn, and oats. Fatty foods Fatty and oily foods, including chips, burgers, and the likes may aggravate one’s symptoms of lung cancer and cause inflammation, indigestion, or loss of appetite. They are not only deprived of nutrients but may also interfere with one’s treatment process.
4 foods to avoid for better bone health

4 foods to avoid for better bone health

Bones are the foundation of the human body. Several factors affect bone health, including lifestyle habits, exercise routines, the environment, and, most importantly, nutrition. Some foods, like green leafy vegetables, nuts, fruits, fatty fish, and milk, are suitable for the bones, while others are harmful if eaten too often. Here are a few foods to avoid to prevent conditions like osteoporosis and maintain better bone health in the long run. Coffee Caffeine is among the worst beverages for bone health. Caffeine reduces the bones’ capability to absorb calcium, an essential nutrient that keeps them strong. As a result, people who drink coffee several times a day for years are likelier to develop brittle bones and similar issues. Beef liver Animal-derived vitamin A is loaded with retinol, an element that speeds up osteoclast activity within one’s bones. This activity leads to conditions like osteoporosis and increases the risk of frequent bone injuries. While beef liver is incredibly delicious and has a host of health benefits, its high retinol levels make it dangerous for the bones. As a result, individuals wanting to build healthy bones should eat it in moderation or leave it out of their meals entirely. Soda Sodas and soft drinks have high amounts of phosphoric acid, which can weaken the bones.
Atopic dermatitis in infants – Signs and management tips

Atopic dermatitis in infants – Signs and management tips

Eczema, or atopic dermatitis, is characterized by itchy, dry, bumpy skin and redness, rashes, and crusts on the skin’s surface. Up to 25% of children are affected by it within the initial years of their lives. The condition has no cure; however, its symptoms may be controlled with a skincare routine and lifestyle changes, even among children and infants. Here are the signs and management tips for atopic dermatitis in infants. Signs of atopic dermatitis in infants Pigmented rashes Infants with atopic dermatitis may develop pigmented rashes all over their bodies, especially on the forehead, cheeks, scalp, and sometimes around the groin area. These rashes are usually red among infants with light skin and grayish, purplish, or brownish in babies with darker complexions. Thickened and scaly skin Eczema may be thicker and scalier among infants than adults. This condition, called lichenification, may appear on the hands, wrists, knees, or elbows, particularly when the baby begins crawling. Inflamed skin Atopic dermatitis may additionally cause inflammation, scaly skin, and rashes around the ears, eyelids, and mouth in children. Pus-filled blisters Infants with eczema may experience dry, itchy scales that may convert to blisters. Itchy bumps Itchy bumps or papules on the skin also point toward eczema in babies.
5 common causes of itchy skin

5 common causes of itchy skin

Discomforts that develop on the surface of the skin can be frustrating to deal with, especially when these are caused by conditions that may be chronic in nature. Something as basic as itchy skin can seriously affect one’s routine if the symptom is left unchecked. Many underlying triggers of a skin itch might develop as mild symptoms but can eventually progress into something more severe. Here are 5 common causes of itchy skin: Skin diseases and disorders One of the most common causes of itchy skin is linked to several known and common skin disorders like eczema (atopic dermatitis), psoriasis, and even dry skin or xerosis. Apart from this, skin irritation can also be caused by scabies, burns, scars, hives, and insect bites, which can lead to mild to moderate itching. Allergic reactions Apart from internal triggers of itching skin, several types of materials and exposure to environmental pollutants can also cause skin rashes that cause itching to develop suddenly. For example, soaps contain compounds that can trigger a dermatitis reaction when the lather comes in contact with the skin. The same goes for lotions, perfumes, deodorants, antiperspirants, and fragrances used for the skin. Even many common types of fabrics, like wool or synthetic blends, can trigger a topical allergic reaction.
9 heart-healthy breakfast recipes to try

9 heart-healthy breakfast recipes to try

Eating a good breakfast activates the metabolism and gives the body the energy to break its overnight fast. It is the first and most important meal of the day that provides essential nutrition to support all organ and body functions. For individuals who don’t have the time to prepare breakfast from scratch, here are a few simple recipes that are excellent for supporting cardiovascular function and overall metabolism and can be easily prepared. Oatmeal with berries It is one of the simplest breakfast recipes to try out, made with very few ingredients and using minimal effort. Oats contain healthy beta-glucans that manage cholesterol, and assorted berries provide the antioxidant effect to prevent free radical damage. Avocado with toast Avocado is a natural source of healthy omega-3 fatty acids that promote excellent cardiovascular health and lower the risk of heart attacks. It also helps lower bad cholesterol and prevents fat buildup in the arteries that could lead to a stroke. Vegetable omelet Eggs contain high-quality proteins, and fresh vegetables like onions, tomatoes, diced bell peppers, and spinach provide the essential nutrients to promote a healthy outlook. Greek yogurt parfait This simple and creative recipe can easily be made for breakfast. Ingredients include some Greek yogurt full of probiotics and protein, topped off with various nutrient-rich fresh fruits.
6 unusual triggers for cold sores

6 unusual triggers for cold sores

A cold sore is a condition in which individuals develop blisters on or around their lips. These fluid-filled blisters are caused by the herpes simplex virus (HSV), which jumps from person to person through close contact or sharing items like lipstick or utensils. The virus gets activated and flared up by specific triggers every so often, resulting in an outbreak of cold sores. Here are some unusual triggers for cold sores: Sunlight The sun triggers some aspects of the herpes simplex virus to cause rabid cold sore outbreaks. The sun’s UV rays inflame and irritate the skin if exposed for too long. People with cold sores will suffer the irritation and inflammation caused by UV rays in the form of blisters in and around their lips. UV rays tend to suppress an individual’s immune system and activate or awaken the dormant elements of cold sores in some people. Apart from UV rays, freezing temperatures can also trigger blistering by drying up one’s lips. All in all, if an individual has cold sores already, they must avoid being exposed to the sun constantly. Fatigue People with cold sores who are exhausted or rundown are more likely to experience flare-ups of the condition.
10 early signs of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis

10 early signs of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis

Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), also called Lou Gehrig’s disease after the famous baseball player who succumbed to the disease, is a motor-neuron condition characterized by the breaking down of nerve cells in the body and leading to a degeneration of the brain and spinal cord. Approximately 5.2 per 1,00,000 individuals are affected by this neurodegenerative disease each year nationwide. Here are some early warning signs of ALS that can facilitate timely intervention: Early warning signs of ALS Difficulty walking This health condition begins with muscular weakness, which eventually poses difficulty standing and walking. Thus, ALS patients may require assistive devices like crutches or wheelchairs as the disease progresses. Problems with chewing and swallowing Since ALS involves the weakening of the masseter and temporalis muscles responsible for chewing and swallowing, individuals with ALS face difficulties carrying out these activities independently and may require assistance while having their meals. Muscle cramping Muscle cramping is a highly prevalent symptom among patients with ALS, reportedly affecting 95% of patients with this condition. Spasticity Muscle weakness due to ALS may progress to muscle tightness or spasticity, making it difficult for patients with this disease to move the different muscles in their bodies. Loss of control over emotional expression Some patients with ALS may experience a momentary loss of control over their emotional expressions, such as crying or laughing.
5 heart-healthy breakfast ideas to try today

5 heart-healthy breakfast ideas to try today

Eating nutritious foods is incredibly essential, especially for those with heart conditions. Certain ingredients can affect the organ and worsen existing issues, while others can help maintain heart health without compromising taste. When switching to a healthier food plan, experts recommend starting the day with the right breakfast. This first meal should support the heart and provide energy for the tasks ahead. Here are five heart-healthy breakfast ideas to try today. Whole wheat pancakes Adding whole grains to meals is a great way to keep heart health in check and potentially decrease the risk of developing cardiac diseases. Experts suggest whole grains can also help reduce cholesterol and the risk of a stroke. One of the best ways to consume whole wheat in the mornings is to make whole wheat pancakes for breakfast. Follow the usual pancake recipe, but use whole wheat flour over unhealthy varieties. Have them with seasonal fruits and a little blueberry syrup for extra deliciousness! Quinoa breakfast bowl Quinoa is another heart-healthy food that can easily be incorporated into breakfast. It contains a lot of fiber, which can help lower the risk of heart disease and diabetes and keep cholesterol and blood sugar in check. Since this ingredient is also rich in antioxidants, it may help prevent heart damage.