5 things to avoid to manage geographic atrophy

5 things to avoid to manage geographic atrophy

When dry age-related macular degeneration progresses to an advanced stage, it is known as geographic atrophy (GA). It is called “geographic” because the regions of atrophy look similar to a map when a doctor examines the retina. GA reduces a person’s ability to read, drive, and recognize faces by affecting their central vision. While GA cannot be cured entirely, here are a few things to avoid to slow down its progression: Exposure to sun The sun’s ultraviolet light can have harmful effects on the eyes. This will cause GA to progress quickly. So, one should avoid stepping out in the sun as much as possible. If going out is unavoidable, it is best to wear sun protection. These include sunglasses that have UV protection and a wide-brimmed hat. Irregular eye check-ups With GA, it is important to monitor the progression of the disorder. This can help in taking measures that can help in effectively managing the condition. However, this is only possible when one schedules and attains regular eye check-ups. Therefore, missing out on eye appointments is one of the major things to avoid if one wants to take better care of their eyes with GA. High blood pressure and cholesterol levels Hypertension or high blood pressure can cause faster degeneration of the retina.
5 foods that worsen congestion

5 foods that worsen congestion

Nasal congestion causes things such as the inability to smell, changes in one’s voice and taste buds, and, in many cases, headaches. Nasal congestion is often a symptom of other health issues, such as sinusitis and the common cold. Certain foods, such as ginger and green leafy vegetables, tend to reduce the severity of nasal congestion. On the other hand, some foods simply make the symptoms worse. Here is a list of some such foods. 1. Tacos When discussing the foods that worsen nasal congestion, spicy foods are among the top ones. Tacos are delicious but make people’s ears ring and their noses run for hours. Spicy foods like tacos create a lot of histamine in a person’s body. This chemical can cause allergic reactions and inflammation in the sinus area. As a result, if someone already has a congested nose, eating a taco is destined to worsen matters. 2. Milk Although dairy products may affect different people differently, many regular milk drinkers have found increased mucus production in their lungs and noses. There is a significant correlation between chronic sinusitis flare-ups and milk consumption. In many individuals, milk facilitates the production of nasal polyps, a common precursor to sinusitis and congestion.
10 foods that may trigger or worsen lung disease

10 foods that may trigger or worsen lung disease

Lung disease refers to any problem in the lungs that prevents the organ from functioning properly. Several factors, such as age, pollution, and genetics, may influence lung complications. But, one often overlooks the fact that even their lifestyle habits, such as the type of food they eat, could damage the organ or worsen an existing illness. So, here are ten foods that may trigger or worsen any type of lung disease. Salty foods Foods high in sodium content may lead to fluid retention, which may cause bloating and inflammation. The resultant pressure on the lungs could make it difficult to breathe. Sodas Some studies have found links between the frequent consumption of sodas and cancer that may develop in the lungs. Therefore, to manage the organ’s health, it is best to avoid sugary drinks such as sodas and speak to an expert about alternative foods. French fries Fried foods like french fries are rich in unhealthy oils that may trigger gastrointestinal discomfort, which might make it difficult to breathe. Moreover, eating these foods regularly could lead to other health problems like high cholesterol and blood pressure, which could exacerbate lung diseases. Bacon Processed meats like bacon, salami, and chorizo contain nitrates to preserve the food that may worsen symptoms in patients with asthma or COPD.
6 foods to steer clear of with high blood pressure

6 foods to steer clear of with high blood pressure

In the human health system, a few significant metrics indicate cardiovascular health and blood pressure is one of them. Maintaining healthy blood pressure levels requires a nutritious combination of wholesome food and supplements, especially nitric oxide supplements, that can help increase blood flow and lower blood pressure. While some food choices may appear harmless, they can, in fact, cause problems with cardiovascular health. Limiting such food items is the first step towards a heart-healthy lifestyle. Salt Excessive sodium intake is a well-known contributor to high blood pressure. Processed foods, including canned soups, salty snacks like pretzels and chips, and restaurant-prepared meals, are often high in sodium. The body retains more water to dilute the excess sodium, increasing blood pressure levels. Instead, choosing low-sodium alternatives, using herbs and spices for flavor, and incorporating fresh, whole foods can help mitigate this risk. Sugar Consuming excessive sugar, mainly through sugary drinks, candies, and processed snacks, has been linked to increased blood pressure levels. It is often associated with its ability to cause insulin resistance. A high sugar intake triggers the body to produce more insulin, which can lead to the narrowing of blood vessels and an eventual rise in blood pressure. Caffeine While the effects of caffeine on blood pressure can vary, excessive intake may lead to a temporary spike in blood pressure.
6 common signs and symptoms of angioedema

6 common signs and symptoms of angioedema

Angioedema is a distinctive medical condition that flares with sudden, localized swelling beneath the skin’s surface. This swelling primarily targets areas like the eyes, lips, hands, and feet, distinguishing it from other forms of swelling. It is caused by fluid buildup that impacts the subcutaneous and submucosal layers of tissues in the impacted region. In most cases, an allergic reaction is the leading cause of angioedema. Here are some common signs to look out for. Pronounced swelling The most prominent symptom of angioedema is swelling, which occurs predominantly around the eyes, lips, cheeks, hands, and feet and manifests in deeper layers of the skin. Unlike the raised, itchy patches characteristic of hives, angioedema presents with a more profound, localized swelling. This swelling may cause discomfort, especially in areas where the skin is tightly stretched, such as around the eyes. Swift and sudden onset Angioedema distinguishes itself by its abrupt onset. Unlike other forms of swelling that may develop gradually, angioedema often emerges swiftly, sometimes within minutes. This rapid progression is a notable feature, underscoring the urgency of prompt recognition and intervention. The sudden nature of angioedema can be particularly alarming for individuals experiencing it for the first time, necessitating immediate attention.
5 foods that may help provide relief from angioedema

5 foods that may help provide relief from angioedema

Angioedema is a chronic condition marked by sudden and severe swelling in the deeper layers of the skin, often occurring around the eyes, lips, throat, and sometimes even the hands and feet. Various factors can trigger it, including allergies, insect bites, certain treatments, anxiety, stress, or underlying health issues. Treatment options for angioedema depend on the cause, but what one eats daily can also significantly manage this condition. Types of angioedema Allergic angioedema may be triggered by food, pollen, and other allergens, while hereditary ones can occur due to abnormally mutated genes in one’s family. Idiopathic angioedema has no known cause but may be triggered by certain ongoing treatments. Angioedema of any type usually leads to symptoms like painful swelling, vision problems, breathing difficulties due to inflamed airways, dizziness, or even collapsing. Infections, pregnancy, or birth control may also trigger the condition. In severe cases, a person might require hospitalization. Foods that can help with angioedema Certain foods are known to help provide relief from angioedema. Some of them are as follows: 1. Fruits and vegetables like tomatoes Many plant-based foods are good sources of quercetin, including tomatoes, broccoli, apples, grapes, berries, onions, and leafy greens. Quercetin is a natural antioxidant and anti-inflammatory compound found in various fruits and vegetables.
6 signs and symptoms of hemophilia

6 signs and symptoms of hemophilia

Hemophilia is a rare genetic disorder that affects a person’s ability to produce sufficient blood-clotting proteins or clotting factors. Consequently, the blood does not clot properly, making the individual more susceptible to bleeding and complications. The severity of the condition is related to the amount of these clotting factors, with lower levels increasing the risk of bleeding. Symptoms of hemophilia typically appear between 8 to 36 months, depending on the severity of the condition. Frequent bleeding from the gums and nosebleeds Those with a mild form of hemophilia tend to experience frequent bruising of the gums or the mucous membranes of the nose. Because of this, there are frequent instances of gum bleeding or nosebleeds. This type of bleeding lasts only for a short while in most cases. But in some cases, the bleeding can be too severe and require emergency medical care. Severe bleeding after an injury or surgery Extreme and uncontrollable bleeding during surgery or after an injury generally occurs in the cases of mild or moderate hemophilia. In most cases where diagnosis of hemophilia has not yet happened, this symptom is encountered accidentally. The unusual bleeding leads to further tests and examinations, often pointing to hemophilia. In severe cases, the bleeding can be spontaneous and occur with a tiny bruise or during minor procedures such as tooth extraction.
6 early signs of liver cancer

6 early signs of liver cancer

Liver cancer is a potentially life-threatening condition that can sometimes remain silent in its early stages. However, in other cases, it does show a few early warning signs. Recognizing these signs and detecting the condition early is crucial for increasing the chances of its treatment being effective. So, here are a few early warning signs of liver cancer that one must look out for in order to take prompt action. Loss of appetite A sudden loss of appetite is one of the most common signs of a liver-related ailment, including liver cancer. One may find themselves lacking interest in eating, even after hours of not consuming anything. One may also feel full upon eating a minimal amount of food. These signs can be a serious cause of concern and require immediate medical attention. Jaundice Another telltale sign of liver disease, including liver cancer, is jaundice. Jaundice is characterized by yellowing of the skin and the whites of the eyes. It happens when the liver cannot properly process bilirubin, a waste product. Abdominal pain and swelling If a person experiences persistent discomfort or pain in the upper right side of their abdomen, they must consult a medical professional, as this could be a warning sign of liver cancer.