8 poor habits that worsen skin health

8 poor habits that worsen skin health

Clear skin is rarely a result of sporadic visits to the salon or expensive treatments. To maintain healthy skin, one must consistently follow a combination of good habits involving one’s hygiene, food intake, and sleep patterns. At times, one may discover that no amount of store-bought products is able to heal one’s blemishes and acne. More often than not, the following poor habits may be the cause of one’s skin problems. Not wearing sunscreen Extreme UV exposure can cause skin irritation, pigmentation, sunburn, premature aging, or even skin cancer. One’s advised to apply sunscreen on exposed skin and wear sunglasses to protect one’s eyes. Sunscreen with a lightweight formula is more suitable for oily skin, while tinted sunscreen with built-in moisturizers can work well for dry or sensitive skin. Using dirty makeup blenders, and brushes Makeup brushes and beauty blenders can accumulate dirt and bacteria and cause skin infections. Cleaning them with warm water and gentle, non-toxic shampoo every one or two weeks can ensure better skin health. Sleeping with makeup on Makeup clogs the skin pores, damages skin cells, and prevents the skin from breathing or healing. This results in fine lines and acne breakouts. Touching one’s face frequently Hands come in contact with dirt, grime, and bacteria more frequently than other exposed parts of one’s skin.
How coffee helps lower the risk of diabetes

How coffee helps lower the risk of diabetes

Foods and beverages directly affect a person’s blood glucose levels. So, people with diabetes should carefully evaluate their food habits and choices and exercise caution before incorporating anything new into their meal plans. Many people start their day with a cup of coffee. While more research is required to know for sure, some studies suggest that the beverage may reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes if had in moderation. Polyphenols in coffee may lower type 2 diabetes risk Caffeine and polyphenols are two of the many compounds in coffee that positively affect the body. Polyphenols have antioxidant properties that aid in treating various illnesses, including type 2 diabetes, heart problems, and cancer. Moreover, diabetes increases the risk of a heart attack or stroke. Since antioxidants like polyphenols benefit heart health, they can help mitigate this risk. Magnesium in coffee may reduce the condition’s occurrence Coffee also contains magnesium and chromium. A higher magnesium intake has been linked to a lower incidence of type 2 diabetes. However, coffee has a lower concentration of these ingredients than other foods. Hence, individuals must not rely entirely on this beverage as a source of magnesium and chromium. 3 to 4 cups daily may lower one’s risk A particular study found that people who increased their daily coffee intake by more than one cup over four years had an 11% lower risk of type 2 diabetes than those who did not.
7 harmful baby product ingredients to avoid

7 harmful baby product ingredients to avoid

As a new parent, one may have to choose from several brands in each category of baby products, ranging from sunscreens, body lotion, and bath essentials to baby cribs and diapers. Parents would want the best products for their children, but not everything expensive or marketed as organic is good for a baby’s skin and health. Some of the ingredients found in common products can be harmful. Here are seven such ingredients to avoid: Synthetic fragrances Many baby care and cleaning products come with refreshing scents marked as “fragrance” on the label, as the FDA does not require companies to share ingredients used to make the scent. But most fragrances contain harmful synthetic musks or chemicals that may cause allergic reactions in babies. Even if there is no immediate reaction, the fragrance may be absorbed into the skin, posing reproductive or developmental health risks. One should also check products labeled as “unscented” to verify if they are entirely fragrance-free. Bleach Chlorine bleach is found in baby laundry detergents, washing powders, mildew removers, and toilet bowl cleaners. Bleach is linked to lung diseases and skin and eye irritation. Babies have sensitive skin, making them vulnerable to harsh chemicals. Long-term exposure to bleach and other reactive substances like ammonia can cause a burning sensation in the throat, eye irritation, or breathing issues in babies.
8 side effects of excessive caffeine consumption

8 side effects of excessive caffeine consumption

If brewing yourself a warm cup of tea or coffee is among your first tasks of the day, you are not alone. Three in four people who consume caffeine in the country report having a caffeinated beverage at least once daily. In limited quantities, caffeine has several health benefits, including increased alertness, reduced risk of cardiovascular diseases, and enhanced mood. However, in excess, this cuppa that cheers can have several detrimental side effects: Insomnia Insomnia is one of the most common side effects of excessive caffeine. A study found that caffeine six hours before bedtime reduced sleep time by one hour. It is best to avoid caffeinated beverages after sunset and generally limit caffeine intake even during the day to enhance the quality of sleep. Moreover, although caffeine typically stays in one’s system for five hours, it may remain in one’s body for anywhere between one to nine hours, depending on the person. Hence, one must observe one’s caffeine intake and consequent effects on sleep patterns and control their intake accordingly. Headache Frequent caffeine intake can trigger throbbing pain on the sides of one’s head. Such headaches are commonly called “caffeine headaches” and are particularly prevalent among individuals already prone to migraine.
Tips for managing seizures at school and the workplace

Tips for managing seizures at school and the workplace

Epilepsy is a common brain disorder that can cause recurring seizures. It can affect people of all ages, but older adults and children are more susceptible. As per estimates, around 3.4 million people in our country live with epilepsy, including 3 million adults and 470,000 children. As children and adults spend most of their time outside, it is imperative to know how to manage epilepsy and seizures and prevent complications. Tips for managing seizures in schools If a child has epilepsy, parents must work with the school to ensure their kids are cared for during school hours. Here are some tips for managing epilepsy and seizures at school: Educate key school personnel Teachers, administrators, students, and nurses are a pivotal part of the school ecosystem. Parents should visit the school and meet such individuals to discuss the child’s needs. They must be educated about epilepsy, its treatment, and, of course, seizure first aid. It helps ensure the child’s safety during school hours. Avoid triggers While at school, the teachers and staff should take sufficient care to ensure students prone to seizures are not exposed to potential triggers, such as bright lights. Keeping a record of identified triggers is an important tip for managing seizures in kids.
5 household items that are linked with cancer

5 household items that are linked with cancer

The prime cause of cancer is unknown, but studies associate constant exposure to certain chemical components with an increased risk of developing the condition. Statistics indicate that cancer is the second leading cause of death in the country, next to heart disease. Some risk factors are more prominent, like inherited flawed genes, radiation exposure, and unhealthy lifestyle habits. But here are some unsuspecting things surrounding us that may add to the problem . Hair straightener Chemical hair straighteners and relaxers contain harmful chemicals like parabens, bisphenol A, metals, or formaldehyde. According to experts, these chemicals may increase the risk of developing uterine cancer. These chemicals get more easily absorbed into the scalp. According to research, using straighteners has been linked to an increased risk of hormone-related cancers in women. Talcum powder Talc, a mineral mainly used in making talcum powder, is mined from the earth. In its natural form, the substance contains asbestos, a carcinogen strongly linked to different cancers. Talc miners, for instance, who are exposed to it for a long time may be at risk of lung cancer. Alternatively, women using talc near the private parts may be at risk of developing ovarian cancer. Asbestos-free talc can be a relatively safer option.
6 tasty and heart-healthy foods to eat

6 tasty and heart-healthy foods to eat

A healthy heart is a necessity for a healthy life. Whether you have already made some changes or are thinking about it, we are here to share information that can help. Coronary heart diseases are a common affliction these days. One of the significant contributors to heart disease is the food we eat. Therefore, it is essential to change our food preferences and switch to foods that are healthy for the heart without compromising on their taste. Avocado The green fleshy fruit is a perfect addition to eggs or on its own as guacamole. It is an amazing food to add to the grocery list considering its benefits for the heart. The fruit is a natural source of healthy fat and is sodium-free, transfat-free, and cholesterol-free. Almost 75% of the fat in avocados is unsaturated, taking it to the top of the list of heart-healthy foods. It also has plenty of fiber, reducing the risk of heart disease. Dark chocolate Yes, chocolate is lovely to eat when adding foods to the menu that are good for the heart. Dark chocolate specifically has higher protein and fiber content. Plus, the higher cocoa content lowers the amount of sugar in it. Choose a dark chocolate concentration that is palatable to you.
6 techniques to prevent migraine before sleeping

6 techniques to prevent migraine before sleeping

Migraines are not normal headaches as they can develop abruptly and cause severe throbbing pain and a pulsing sensation on one side of the head. These symptoms are usually accompanied by increased nausea, vomiting, and light sensitivity making it even more painful to manage in broad daylight. Migraines can also develop at night, thus affecting sleep. So, it is better to make favorable lifestyle changes to prevent these headaches from wreaking havoc at night. Avoid heavy meals Eating a heavy meal right before bed is never a good idea. Doctors advise eating a couple of hours before and allowing the body to digest the foods. Also, it is better to avoid stimulant beverages like caffeine at night. To prevent migraines, it is best to drink enough water throughout the day and refrain from drinking a lot of water before bed. A full bladder can break the sleep cycle, and exertion can trigger migraines. Limit the use of electronic devices Smartphones can be tempting to use at night with all the information overload that is happening daily. But the blue light emitted from electronic viewing devices tricks the brain into thinking it’s daytime. This affects the body’s natural sleep-wake cycle making it difficult to fall asleep.