8 common allergens that can affect breathing

8 common allergens that can affect breathing

The swelling or narrowing of one’s throat or the airways to the lungs may lead to wheezing. It may further result in shortness of breath as the lugs cannot hold the necessary air when affected by swelling or mucus buildup. While such symptoms are commonly associated with asthma and chronic pulmonary disease, they may also be triggered by reactions to allergens. Therefore, one should be aware of the common allergens that affect breathing. Pollen Pollen from certain trees, grasses, and ragweed is a common trigger of asthma. The fine yellowish powder may also trigger hay fever (allergic rhinitis). But the type of pollen that causes the problem may differ from person to person and from place to place. Bee sting Someone with an allergic reaction to bee stings may suffer from anaphylaxis. It is a severe life-threatening allergic reaction, which may lead to trouble breathing and swallowing. Mold Many people suffer from mold allergies. They have a sensitive immune system that identifies minute, airborne mold spores as foreign invaders and develops allergy-causing antibodies to fight them. This results in symptoms like coughing and shortness of breath. Dust mites Dust mites are difficult to see without a microscope. They thrive in warm, humid environments, such as in bedding, carpeting, and upholstered furniture at home.
5 early signs of multiple sclerosis

5 early signs of multiple sclerosis

Multiple sclerosis is a chronic disorder that affects the nervous system. If one does not undergo the necessary treatment in the initial stages of this condition, one may develop brain and spinal cord disabilities. Therefore, it is recommended to consult a healthcare expert immediately when typical symptoms start showing. Some common indicators of multiple sclerosis are slurred speech, unexplained tingling sensations, and frequent tiredness. Some of the slightly more imperceptible early signs of multiple sclerosis include: Vision problems Currently, there is no cure for multiple sclerosis. However, doctors conduct optical tests on individuals to diagnose and treat the condition. In most cases, a person’s vision starts faltering when the condition emerges within them. Some common early signs of multiple sclerosis include eye pain even in the absence of injuries, blurred vision, progressively worsening shortsightedness or farsightedness, double vision, and sudden and unexplained color blindness. People tend to overlook vision-related problems that emerge out of nothing. On the contrary, they must consult their local healthcare expert immediately as these problems are common early signs of multiple sclerosis. Bowel problems During the initial stages of multiple sclerosis, bowel-related issues such as constipation and incontinence are fairly common in individuals. Again, the frequent nature of such symptoms causes people to ignore them, something that can be a massive mistake in the long run.
5 food allergens that can cause breathing issues

5 food allergens that can cause breathing issues

Food allergies are common in most children and adults, and the number of people diagnosed with them has steadily risen. It has been estimated that a minimum of 8% of the younger population has some food allergy. It is, therefore, critical to be aware of common food allergens and their effect on digestion and breathing. This information helps parents look after their children and be prepared for any warning signs and symptoms. Eggs One of the common food allergens that affect breathing in people is eggs. Although, most children outgrow their allergy to eggs by the time they reach the age of 16 years. Some common symptoms of an egg allergy are digestive distress, stomach ache, hives, rashes, and respiratory problems. Some severe cases might also have patients experience anaphylaxis after ingesting egg whites; in fact, the whites tend to be a more prevalent allergen compared to the egg yolk. Like in most allergies, avoiding eggs is one of the safest ways to avoid allergic reactions. Fish About 7% of the adult population suffers from fish allergy. Like most other food allergies, fish allergy is also commonly developed in the early years. However, it can manifest and be diagnosed later in life.
6 worst cities for people with allergies

6 worst cities for people with allergies

Small towns and villages usually outperform big cities, with lower levels of noise, water contamination, and other environmental factors affecting a person’s quality of life. But what makes a city particularly repulsive for people with allergies? Principally, it is the climate, average temperature, humidity, and air quality. These factors play a major part in the concentration of allergens in any city. Based on these factors, here are the country’s worst cities for people with allergies. Scranton, Pennsylvania Scranton’s high average humidity level (82 percent) and the record number of certified allergists (253) assigned to improve the city’s air quality are testaments to its unenviable allergen capital status. The city’s burgeoning railway and mining industry contribute to its poor air quality. Furthermore, the region has a large population of birch trees (a leading cause of allergies), and its grass and tree pollen seasons overlap, making sneeze seasons longer. These factors make Scranton arguably one of the worst cities for people with allergies to stay in. Richmond, Virginia Like Scranton, Richmond has a high pollen count throughout the year. Additionally, this city has fewer allergists to manage its air quality and allergen levels, an aspect that negatively influences these attributes. Richmond also has a large percentage of people using allergy treatments regularly.
5 worst cities allergy sufferers should avoid

5 worst cities allergy sufferers should avoid

Allergies can be tough to live with. Studies indicate that environmental factors such as tree and grass pollen, dust mites, and mold trigger this condition. Some common allergic reactions include sneezing, coughing, watery eyes, runny or stuffy nose, or even swollen mucous membranes. Due to their climatic or geographical features, some cities may be bad for allergy sufferers. Keep reading to learn about cities that are best avoided if you are battling allergies. Scranton, PA According to a survey by the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America (AAFA ), Scranton recorded below-average scores for spring and pollen allergies. Additionally, the allergy care program is not appropriate due to the lack of availability of allergy specialists, especially during the spring and fall allergy seasons. One of the reasons behind the pollen count upsurge is the birch tree growth surrounding the city’s coal banks that trigger a reaction. Wichita, KS Wichita is another city that scores below-average points in allergy management. Due to the rising temperatures during spring, tree growth increases, leading to more pollen production. This pattern also leads to a general increase in over-the-counter (OTC) treatment options to manage allergy symptoms. McAllen, TX The cedar pollen carried into the city by the mountain breeze is a significant trigger of allergy symptoms.
6 foods to eat for managing diabetes and CKD

6 foods to eat for managing diabetes and CKD

Diabetes, a health condition that affects blood sugar levels often has kidney disease as one of its complications. Research suggests that one in three adults in the country with diabetes also develops chronic kidney disease over time. Foods rich in nutritional value can play a major role in controlling both these conditions. One must limit certain foods and add others to ensure they get the right nutrition. Furthermore, one may follow a nutritionist-recommended food plan. Top six foods to eat for managing diabetes and CKD Apples Fresh fruits such as apples are incredibly beneficial for kidney health and chronic kidney disease (CKD). They contain vitamin C, which is good for the immune system and healthy tissues. Furthermore, they are rich in antioxidants and low in calories. Moreover, they do not cause any spikes in blood sugar levels. Onions This vegetable does not only add flavor to the food but also provides immense nutritional value. Onions contain fewer amounts of potassium and are rich in flavonoids – a powerful antioxidant. Additionally, onions are beneficial foods for diabetes and CKD as they help lower blood glucose levels and even improve glucose tolerance in type-2 diabetes patients. Pasta Typically, pasta is low in potassium and phosphorus.
Eczema – Types, early signs, and triggers

Eczema – Types, early signs, and triggers

Eczema is an inflammatory skin condition that results in blistered, dry, and scaly patches on the skin. Eczema is a group of skin disorders. Each type results in a mix of symptoms that are similar and distinct. It is most frequently characterized by itchy skin. This skin condition can appear in childhood, adolescence, or adulthood, with severity ranging from mild to severe. Here are a few of the early signs of various types of eczema. Early signs of eczema There are several types of eczema, and each has its own set of symptoms. Among the types are: Atopic dermatitis This is the most common type of eczema. In this case, it starts as a severe itch. Severely irritated skin may crack and bleed or drip clear liquid. Other symptoms vary according to age and the severity of the illness. Symptoms in babies include dry, itchy skin, fussiness, and difficulty sleeping. Adults typically exhibit symptoms on their hands, eyelids, and beneath their eyes. It causes thick, dry, cracked skin that itches or burns. Eczema most commonly appears behind the knees and inside the elbows. It can also appear on the neck, wrists, ankles, and the tops of the thighs. The skin may swell, darken, and thicken over time.
6 foods that can contribute to cancer risk

6 foods that can contribute to cancer risk

The number of people being diagnosed with cancer appears to be steadily rising. As a result, it has become more important to take note of the factors that could be contributing to the disease, including the added amount of chemicals and pollutants surrounding us. Although more studies are needed to know for sure, certain foods can help decrease cancer risk. Similarly, some foods can increase the risk of developing different cancers. Refined sugar Excessive intake of refined sugar is a primary cause of many common lifestyle disorders. It is also associated with an increased possibility of cancer. Some foods with refined sugar that can increase cancer risk are breakfast cereals and processed and packaged foods. Processed meat Processed meats like sausages, pepperoni, and hot dogs are a source of harmful compounds. Research suggests the regular intake of these cured meats considerably increases cancer risk. A daily intake of one and a half ounces of processed meat can increase rectal cancer risk by as much as 18%. If complete elimination is not an option, adding nitrite and nitrate-free meats to meals is advisable. Chips Salt is a potential carcinogen, which means it can increase cancer risk, especially if added excessively to meals.