5 subtle signs of hemophilia to be aware of

5 subtle signs of hemophilia to be aware of

The blood needs essential clotting factor VIII proteins to clog an open wound and prevent a person from bleeding. Hemophilia occurs when the blood is missing these clotting factors triggering excessive bleeding without any underlying health complication. It is an inherited bleeding disorder passed down as a genetic mutation from one or both parents carrying defective genes. Following are the available silent signs of developing hemophilia to take notice of and ensure immediate medical attention. Bleeding inside the joints The blood disorder primarily triggers bleeding into the joints, a sign that goes unnoticed well into the advanced stages of hemophilia. It is noticeable only when the pooled blood triggers pain and swelling of the joints. The resulting tightness of muscles and cartilage ultimately affects movement. Bruising and discoloration on the skin surface are also visible signs of excessive blood pooling under the joints. This is commonly referred to as a hematoma. If left unchecked, the bleeding will severely affect joint flexibility and mobility, thus disrupting daily routine. Bleeding in the mouth and gums At first glance, people often assume that poor oral hygiene or an underlying dental problem triggers bleeding in the gums and around the mouth. However, bleeding disorders like hemophilia also exhibit similar signs of progression.
4 early warning signs of a heart attack

4 early warning signs of a heart attack

Throbbing chest pain. Profuse sweating. Dizziness. In this age of unlimited information, most people know the critical indicators of a heart attack. Many even know the steps to follow before a medical team arrives to comfort someone experiencing an attack. However, one can be even more proactive by detecting the initial heart attack signs and visiting the nearest healthcare center to address the situation. These are some hidden heart attack signs: Throbbing backache One of the earliest indicators of heart attacks is stinging pain in other body areas. So, one might experience pain in their back, arms, jaw, neck, and even feet in some cases. Other body areas other than the chest, such as one’s shoulders and abdomen, can feel pain sensations too. Essentially, this happens when the heart triggers certain nerves to provide signals to the other parts of the body regarding, say, a blocked artery in an individual. As one’s nerves are connected to the heart, brain, chest, neck, abdomen, and other parts, one will feel pain signals in these other parts. So, if one experiences an unexplained backache, they must visit their nearest healthcare expert immediately as they may be showing one of the hidden heart attack signs.
4 foods to improve blood count and blood circulation

4 foods to improve blood count and blood circulation

A deficiency of blood cells, red or white, can be extremely dangerous. Blood is the primary carrier of nutrients and oxygen to all body parts. It keeps the body ticking and all the systems interconnected. Therefore, one always needs to choose foods that can help them maintain a healthy blood count and, as a result, boost circulation and lower blood pressure. Some foods for improving blood count and circulation are: Walnuts All nuts are packed with essential omega-3, omega-6, and omega-9 fatty acids. These acids reduce inflammation in the arteries and the possibility of massive blood loss and circulation problems. Walnuts, in particular, contain significant reserves of iron, too, thus boosting hemoglobin levels. Hemoglobin is the primary component of blood, which carries oxygen to all body parts. Individuals can snack on walnuts daily to boost their blood quality and quantity. This aspect makes walnuts quintessential for good health. Red beans Beans are known for their rich reserves of protein. While all beans are helpful, red beans are incredibly healthy and delicious. Boiled red beans possess high levels of iron. As a result, a person’s hemoglobin levels rise when they add red beans to their meal plan, which, in turn, improves blood count.
5 serious diseases that exercise can help prevent

5 serious diseases that exercise can help prevent

Everybody knows that exercise is beneficial, but squeezing in a solid workout session in a jampacked daily schedule may still be challenging for many. Moreover, most people may incorrectly believe that as beneficial as daily exercise is, it does not inhibit the biggest diseases. So, the question is, can exercise avert the deadly cancers and diabetes of this world? Unsurprisingly, the answer is yes. Here are some serious diseases that exercise can prevent: Osteoporosis Bones undergo plenty of wear on a daily basis. Osteoporosis and osteopenia directly result from this and the gradual weakening of one’s bones. These conditions also cause a weakening of muscles. Regular weight-bearing exercises, if done within reasonable limits after consulting with a healthcare expert, can drastically reduce the likelihood of bone mass loss prevention. Simple activities such as walking or jogging can also do the trick over a long period. Targeted strength training exercises are highly effective for this purpose as well. High blood pressure A lack of exercise is directly related to conditions such as hypertension and high blood pressure in individuals. Essentially, these conditions are related to excessive fat accumulation in the body, which mainly happens when one does not participate in regular physical activity such as workouts.
7 incredible ways exercise facilitates healthier skin

7 incredible ways exercise facilitates healthier skin

Healthy skin reflects a thriving body and a healthy immune system. While skincare routines and beauty treatments are essential to maintain skin moisture and remedy skin conditions, exercising one’s way to glowing skin is a relatively new but highly effective route. Today, exercise is recommended for tighter and better-textured skin and to prevent skin diseases. This article provides insight into the different ways in which exercise can contribute to healthy skin: Reverses aging signs A research study demonstrated that individuals aged 65 years and above who maintained basic moderate-intensity aerobics workout routines had skin resembling that of 20-40-year-old individuals. Moreover, recent research suggests that even half an hour of aerobics each day can reverse and prevent signs of aging. Removes toxins from the skin Exercise improves blood flow in the body, which results in more efficient toxin removal from the skin and, consequently, more glowing skin. It also implies that the skin cells are replenished with essential nutrients, resulting in glowing skin and the prevention of skin diseases. Reduces risk for chronic skin problems Exercise releases endorphins or “feel-good” hormones, which considerably reduce stress. Low-stress levels result in bountiful skin health and prevent several skin conditions, such as eczema, psoriasis, and acne.
7 ways exercise helps prevent and manage diabetes

7 ways exercise helps prevent and manage diabetes

Numerous studies have shown the undisputed benefits of physical activity for people with type 2 diabetes. The condition develops when the body cannot produce or process insulin effectively. Insufficient insulin levels result in excess glucose in the bloodstream, which may eventually cause serious health complications like kidney failure, stroke, or blindness. In addition to suitable treatments, regular physical exercise is an early line of defense doctors recommend for people with diabetes. Effects of exercise on diabetes Exercise can help one manage type 2 diabetes symptoms, as regular physical activity may slow the progression of the disease or even reverse its long-term effects. Here are some ways exercise helps people with the condition: Managing blood sugar levels Physical activity combined with good food habits can work wonders for one’s health. Walking, running, swimming, or cycling are cardio-based activities that help keep glucose levels in check and boost the body’s insulin sensitivity. According to the International Journal of Cardiology Research, muscular training also aids in controlling blood sugar levels. Muscle building alone can take up to 80% of the glucose in the body and clear up the bloodstream. Doctors may also recommend walking after meals to manage diabetes. Managing stress Physical and mental stress lead to the release of adrenaline and cortisol into the bloodstream.
Exercise – An effective solution in cancer management

Exercise – An effective solution in cancer management

In the past, doctors typically advised cancer patients to rest and avoid physical activity. However, early exercise cancer research (or research oncology) in the 1990s and 2000s contradicted this advice. This field has grown exponentially over the past decade, with over 1000 randomized controlled trials. Evidence now overwhelmingly suggests that those living with cancer can greatly benefit from being physically active. Therefore, exercise can now be precisely prescribed to address several cancer-related conditions. How does exercise help mitigate cancer-related outcomes? Studies in exercise oncology can be traced back to the 1980s when research by a leading state university found that breast cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy who exercised daily experienced less fatigue, nausea, and disability from the treatments. This kickstarted research in the field to find out the relationship between exercise and cancer. In 2019, a panel of experts found that doing half an hour of aerobic exercise three times a week during and after cancer treatment can ease fatigue, anxiety, and depression and improve quality of life and physical functioning. The panel also concluded that there was no increased risk of lymphedema from resistance exercise twice a week. However, researchers do currently lack evidence as to whether exercise can help improve other health outcomes such as peripheral neuropathy, cardiotoxicity, cognitive functioning, pain, or chemotherapy completion rate.
7 foods that tackle dementia and improve cognition

7 foods that tackle dementia and improve cognition

Dementia is a general term used for impaired thinking, memory loss, or inability to make decisions that can impact one’s ability to perform daily activities. One of the most common types of this phenomenon is Alzheimer’s disease. A person affected by dementia may require treatment to cope with the condition. However, since dementia affects the brain, one should eat these six foods to prevent or delay the onset of age-related cognitive decline or Alzheimer’s disease. Salmon Salmon and other fatty fish like mackerel and tuna are other foods one should eat regularly. These fish varieties are abundant in omega-3 fatty acids with DHA to help prevent dementia. Broccoli Rich in vitamin B and carotenoids, broccoli can reduce homocysteine levels. The compound is an amino acid that may result in brain atrophy, cognitive decline, and dementia. So moderating its levels could benefit one’s overall cognition. Eggs Eggs offer several health benefits, including ones vital for cognitive function. For example, it is abundant in omega-3 fatty acids, which can fight and prevent dementia and maintain overall brain health. Spinach The leafy green is rich in essential B vitamins like folate and B9, which help boost cognitive function. So adding spinach to one’s meals may help prevent or fight the effects of mental health conditions.