7 teeth-whitening hacks for brighter smiles

7 teeth-whitening hacks for brighter smiles

A smile is the best ornament an individual can flaunt, and an ornament with glistening pearls is the most invaluable accessory. Besides, pearl-white teeth are a dream come true for most. Therefore, alongside getting professional teeth cleanups regularly and having nutritious meals, following simple teeth-whitening tips can provide long-lasting positive outcomes. Moreover, one may practice such hacks at home with readily available products, so here are some natural teeth-whitening tips for white, healthy teeth: Oil pulling Oil pulling, a traditional, alternative-medicine practice originating in India, requires one to swish one tablespoon of any form of edible oil around one’s mouth. This can be done for a certain amount of time, initially for 5-10 minutes and then extending to 20 minutes. Although oil pulling is not directly associated with white teeth, it helps remove stains from the teeth and eliminates plaque and gingivitis-causing bacteria. Thus, this practice, combined with other teeth-whitening remedies, can significantly contribute to white and healthy teeth. Fruit for teeth whitening Fruits like strawberries, watermelons, pineapples, and papayas help maintain teeth whiteness. For example, one may purchase teeth-whitening gels containing bromelain, papain, etc., or rub fruit peels against one’s teeth for the best results. However, directly rubbing one’s teeth with pieces of fruit is not recommended, as it can worsen the color of the teeth.
5 foods to avoid when dealing with atrial fibrillation

5 foods to avoid when dealing with atrial fibrillation

Atrial fibrillation of AFib is a condition that causes rapid or irregular beating in the upper chambers of the heart. This is a type of arrhythmia or irregular heartbeat that can result in a stroke and other heart-related issues if left untreated. The condition can be managed by making several lifestyle changes, including better nutrition. Food is a key component of health and can help avoid a variety of illnesses. Foods to avoid with atrial fibrillation Caffeine Excessive intake of caffeine can quicken the heartbeat and induce premature heartbeats. Caffeine intake should be reduced to avoid triggering AFib. To avoid accidentally choosing caffeinated foods and drinks, one should read the labels, especially for beverages like sodas, tea, and herbal supplements, to check for caffeine. One can limit the amount of coffee they have in the day if it cannot be eliminated entirely. Salt Excessive salt intake raises blood pressure and increases the risk of AFib. So, people with hypertension, AFib, or sleep apnea should monitor and limit their sodium intake. Although salt is a common ingredient in foods, switching to less processed foods and using sodium-free seasoning can help reduce the daily salt intake. One should also avoid foods with high salt content, such as pizza, soups, burritos, and tacos.
5 alarming signs of headaches

5 alarming signs of headaches

Headaches are quite common, even among children. But the degree of headache may be different during different events. If you’re prone to getting headaches often, it is advised to note the frequency and the degree of pain and symptoms. We emphasize paying close attention to these details as some signs of headaches can indicate an underlying medical condition. This article highlights signs of headaches that could pose a serious problem. Thunderclap This type of headache is characterized by a sudden onset of pain that peaks within 60 seconds. This symptom can have serious underlying issues, such as internal bleeding in the brain. This could easily lead to brain hemorrhage, leading to a stroke or aneurysm. Painkillers and sleep are not the only solutions to this issue. One should call 911 or head straight to the hospital if one experiences this symptom. High fever High fever accompanied by headache is an alarming sign that one needs to watch out for. It usually indicates an infection, run-of-the-mill sinusitis, among other conditions. The doctor would look for more signs before concluding the problem. If one experiences a stiff neck with headache and fever, it is quite possible that it could be meningitis. This complication may also cause confusion and difficulty talking, which needs to be treated immediately.
6 silent warning signs of skin cancer

6 silent warning signs of skin cancer

Skin cancer usually occurs because of abnormal cell growth in the body. While the disease is common in areas exposed to the sun, it can develop across other regions of the body. Unfortunately, it is easy to misdiagnose signs of skin cancer for other skin diseases. But statistically, about 1 in 5 people in the country develop the condition by age 70. So, it is imperative to be mindful of these skin cancer warning signs. Lesions Sometimes people develop slightly raised, flat, large lesions on the legs or face. But in the beginning, these may appear as painless spots on the skin, which may not be any cause for alarm. However, if these lesions turn red, purple, or brown, it might be a sign of Kaposi Sarcoma (KS) and should be diagnosed at the earliest. Mole irregularities Unusual changes in the moles present on one’s skin may indicate the presence of melanoma. A few indicators to watch for include when one half of the mole does not look like the other or the mole has irregular borders. The color of a mole may also differ from one area to the other. One should also check if the mole changes in shape, color, and size.
4 healthy foods that help lower the risk of skin cancer

4 healthy foods that help lower the risk of skin cancer

Skin cancer develops when there is an abnormal growth of cells on the skin which is overexposed to the sun. However, that is not the only area where skin cancer can develop, so always look for symptoms in areas not exposed to the sun. Reducing the risk of skin cancer is possible by limiting sun exposure and opting for healthy food choices. Keep reading to learn about foods that keep skin cancer at bay. Carrots They have an abundance of beta-carotene, which helps by converting to vitamin A. Studies suggest that foods rich in beta-carotene have proven to reduce the risk of some cancers, including skin cancer. Some good sources of this compound include orange-colored vegetables like squash and sweet potatoes and fruits like cantaloupe, apricots, and even mangoes. This compound is also known for keeping the immune system strong, which helps fend off diseases. Guava Guavas are a great source of lycopene, a fantastic example of a preventive measure against skin cancer. This red-pigmented compound is found in other food sources like watermelon, tomatoes, papaya, blood oranges, apricots, and even pink grapefruit. Research suggests that people who ate tomato paste regularly, as opposed to those who didn’t, were less likely to be sunburned.
4 easy ways to detect ovulation at home

4 easy ways to detect ovulation at home

Tracking ovulation or the fertility window is an integral part of making pregnancy decisions, whether to prevent pregnancy or to go ahead with it. There are many available methods in the market to track the ovulation cycle. Let’s discuss some of the easy and natural ways of detecting the ovulation cycle in the comfort of your home. Always speak to your gynecologist regarding any complications and proceed with care. Basal body temperature method This basal body temperature refers to the internal body temperature, which is noted when you first wake up in the morning. This body temperature typically changes throughout the menstrual cycle, where it is usually at around 96-98 degrees Fahrenheit, while during the ovulation period, the temperature usually changes to 97-99 degrees Fahrenheit. This is due to the increased levels of progesterone levels in the body. So it is usually recommended that you detect your ovulation cycle by taking your body temperature and noting it down every morning for a few days. Menstrual tracking This is a very straightforward method of tracking your ovulation cycle. You can either use an app to track your cycle or even do a calculation on your own. Every female with a uterus has a 28-day menstrual cycle which involves the ovulation period as well.
16 early warning signs of autism in children

16 early warning signs of autism in children

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a developmental disability that is caused by differences in the brain. Those with ASD often have problems with social interaction and communication and display restricted or repetitive behaviors. ASD may also cause differences in learning, moving, or paying attention. These differences can make it challenging for autistic people to navigate through life, making it important to diagnose it early. Thus, here are some early warning signs of autism. Among younger children: Some common early signs of autism in young children include: Not responding to their name Avoiding eye contact Not smiling when someone smiles at them Getting upset if they do not like a particular taste, smell, or sound Engaging in repetitive movements such as flapping their hands, flicking their fingers, or rocking their body Not talking as much as other children Not engaging in as much pretend play Repeating the same phrases without understanding the meaning It is important to note that one child with ASD may not necessarily have the same symptoms as another. The symptoms and their severity differ with each individual. Among older children: In older children, early signs of autism may include: The inability to understand what others are thinking or feeling (lack of empathy) Unusual speech, such as repeating phrases or talking ‘at’ others Liking a strict daily routine and getting very upset if it changes Having a very keen interest in certain subjects and activities Getting very upset if someone asks them to do something Difficulty in making friends Taking things very literally, or a lack of understanding of common idioms and phrases Finding it difficult to verbalize feelings Autism may also manifest differently based on a child’s gender.
5 common early signs of multiple sclerosis

5 common early signs of multiple sclerosis

Multiple sclerosis is a disease that affects the central nervous system. It is an immune-mediated condition that forces the body’s immune system to attack the protective covering of nerve cells. The resulting damage affects the nerve’s ability to communicate and, as a result, compromises organ function. While the disorder cannot be cured, prompt treatment helps improve the patient’s quality of life. Here are some early signs of multiple sclerosis that help with a timely diagnosis. Fatigue Around 80% of people with this health disorder experience fatigue. There is a high chance of a multiple sclerosis diagnosis if no underlying health complications or infections can explain this tiredness. Fatigue is one of the first signs as the physical limitations start affecting the patient’s daily routine. MS fatigue triggers an overwhelming sense of tiredness despite having a relaxing day. Numbness and tingling Numbness and tingling in the limbs is another early sign of multiple sclerosis. These sensations are usually observed around the extremities of the arms and feet and may persist simultaneously in one or more limbs. Specific movements can also trigger shock responses that travel across joints. Gait and vision problems Feeling off-balance or lightheaded or experiencing problems with gait and posture are advancing symptoms.