5 common botox mistakes to steer clear of

5 common botox mistakes to steer clear of

Wrinkles are a considerable part of the aging process. But that doesn’t imply you can’t do anything to eliminate them. Products and procedures combined with a healthy lifestyle and eating habits can slow aging. This also means steering clear of fine lines and wrinkles from appearing. One such procedure is getting Botulinum toxin-A or Botox done. It helps with excessive sweating, neck spasms, and overactive bladder. Avoid these five mistakes if you’ve just undergone them. Working out Working out is an absolute no-no after you have been to the skin clinic for Botox. As harmless as getting in a workout sounds, it can strain and contract the muscles resulting in decreased effectivity of Botox. The heightened blood flow will wear off the Botulinum toxin faster than expected. Beauty treatments It might sound obvious, but it needs to be discussed nonetheless. We suggest canceling your plans if you plan to get a facial after your Botox appointment. Facial or any other face beauty treatment is a massive no-no after Botox. Avoid procedures for around two weeks to allow the wrinkle relaxers to work magic and settle in their rightful place. If you are waiting long enough, the combined effect of your facial and Botox will be surprisingly gorgeous skin.
8 signs of hearing loss that shouldn’t be ignored

8 signs of hearing loss that shouldn’t be ignored

If “seeing is believing,” what is hearing? Hearing, too, is an important part of communication and plays an indispensable role in helping one perceive the world. Roughly 1.8 million people aged 12 and above in the country are affected by severe hearing loss. Owing to technological advancement, several facilities, including hearing aids and assistive learning devices, have been devised to help individuals who are hard of hearing. Timely detection of hearing problems helps doctors recommend suitable interventions. Here are some warning signs of hearing loss: Inability to understand what others say In the initial stages of losing their hearing, individuals cannot typically understand what others are saying, especially in crowded places. They may ask others to repeat themselves frequently and find it difficult to hold conversations. Difficulty hearing the other person over the phone Phone conversations can be harrowing for those with hearing difficulties, as they often find it difficult to follow the other person over a call. Thus, individuals who are hard of hearing and live alone may experience loneliness because of their inability to communicate over the phone. Tendency to increase TV or radio volume Those who are hard of hearing may find it difficult to hear dialogues or music playing on TV or radio.
5 alarming signs of esophageal cancer

5 alarming signs of esophageal cancer

Esophageal cancer involves the growth of cancerous cells in a person’s esophagus. The esophagus is a long tube that carries food from the throat to the stomach. Some of its symptoms may resemble other illnesses, such as eosinophilic esophagitis. Like the latter, esophageal cancer also features the rapid growth of cells along the inner lining of the esophagus. To avoid the confusion caused by such overlap, here are some typical early signs of esophageal cancer: Swallowing difficulties People with esophageal cancer experience an aggressive growth of cells in the inner lining of the esophagus. Due to this, such individuals have trouble swallowing even the most malleable of foods around. Essentially, this effect is a result of the narrowing of one’s food pipe due to the growth of cells. Along with swallowing difficulty, people with esophageal cancer frequently choke on their food. Gradually, this particular symptom worsens, and people with esophageal cancer find it increasingly difficult and painful to ingest any food. Hoarseness in voice In its initial stages, esophageal cancer also makes its presence felt by causing people with the condition to develop a hoarse and scratchy voice. The cancerous cells not only paralyze the vocal cords and disrupt the nerve signals sent to and from a person’s larynx.
5 common errors people make while drinking water

5 common errors people make while drinking water

All living organisms need water for survival. Staying hydrated has various health benefits and helps keep many health conditions at bay. Health experts advise drinking six to eight glasses of water daily. Though drinking water might seem simple, there is a right way to do it. Unbeknownst to many, people are bound to make certain mistakes while drinking water. Keep reading to learn more about such common mistakes to steer clear of. Common mistakes people make while drinking water There are many things to be aware of while drinking water besides meeting one’s daily water intake requirements. Some common mistakes people make while drinking water can negatively affect their health. Some common errors include gulping water too quickly, drinking while standing, and having water just before a meal. Gulping water quickly When you drink too fast, your body cannot absorb the water properly. As a result, the nerves in your stomach will be tense, causing indigestion due to the imbalance of fluid levels. It will also cause bloating when you consume a large volume of water. To avoid this, ensure you sip the water slowly and carefully. Drinking water while standing Even though it is common for people to drink water while standing, it is one of the common mistakes to avoid.
7 home remedies to delay periods

7 home remedies to delay periods

Those who get periods may frequently wish they could postpone them. Periods can cause cramps, mood changes, breast tenderness, bloating, and other PMS symptoms, in addition to monthly blood discharge. As a result, one may feel compelled to postpone their period, especially if they are traveling or have an important event to attend. There are numerous tips, ranging from working out to drinking vinegar water, for naturally postponing periods. Here are a few easy ways to delay periods. Home remedies for delaying one’s period might or might not be successful. Some people might have success with it, while others might not. Or, in most cases, the remedy might work the first time but not the second. There is not enough scientific evidence to support the idea that natural remedies can delay one’s menstrual cycle. However, these can reduce symptoms and make periods more bearable. Some of the easy ways to delay periods are as follows: Drinking lime juice for delaying period Since lime juice is acidic and potent in vitamin C, it may reduce bleeding and delay the start of one’s period. Many believe that adding a few drops of lemon juice to hot water and drinking it every day for at least a week before one’s period will cause it to be delayed.
7 early signs of arthritis

7 early signs of arthritis

Joint pain is a common occurrence in most elderly patients. But some often fail to get it checked and receive a proper diagnosis. Most older patients, and some young ones, who experience joint pain are diagnosed with one or other forms of arthritis. Rheumatoid and osteoarthritis are two of the most common forms of the disease. Inflammation of joints is a primary symptom in all forms of arthritis. An early diagnosis is essential for better treatment and management of the condition. Pain Those with joint pain should get it checked as early as possible. One of the questions your doctor might ask is how suddenly or gradually the pain developed. The persistence of the pain is another factor that needs to be considered. The diagnosis will also determine whether or not the pain worsens with increased activity and decreases when one rests. Tenderness Tenderness and inflammation of joints is a warning sign of rheumatoid arthritis. In osteoarthritis, the cartilage of the joints wears away, which can result in tenderness and pain. Tenderness is often present in combination with other symptoms like joint swelling, pain, and redness. Stiff joints Stiff joints are one of the earliest warning signs of arthritis. It is described as discomfort in the joints after spending some time being inactive.
5 early signs of bone weakening

5 early signs of bone weakening

It is normal for the bones to lose density and become weaker with age. Bone weakness develops gradually in most cases, but the onset can be quicker in people suffering from health issues like osteoporosis. This post lists a few common early warning signs of bone weakening that help identify the problem. Individuals who experience these should visit a healthcare professional to identify the cause and learn about the remedies to strengthen their bones. Lower back pain When a person has osteoporosis, their bone density reduces dramatically. In such a situation, the bones of the vertebrae, which are located one below the other in the spine, can come under increasing pressure. Sometimes, this pressure causes the lower-back bones to collapse or become compressed, resulting in massive discomfort and pain. Chronic back pain is among the earliest signs of osteoporosis. Receding gums The gums and jaw are closely connected to the bone structure in the head and face. So, if a person’s jawbone becomes weak, or, in other words, they lose bone in their jaw, it can cause their gums to recede from their teeth. In such instances, one should visit a dentist to check whether the problem is because of weak bones in the region.
5 early signs of weak bones and management tips

5 early signs of weak bones and management tips

Bones are to the body as bricks to a building: they hold the structure upright and protect the organs. Bones also act as mineral powerhouses and facilitate the development of blood cells. Due to the various functions bones serve, they are indispensable to overall well-being. Consequently, weakening bones pose a health risk that should not be ignored. Here are some early signs of weakening bones and tips for strengthening the bones: Early signs Fractures due to brittle bones People with brittle bones may suffer from fractures with even the slightest of movements and deal with severe mobility issues as a result. Such abnormal fractures are typically signs of weak bones. Changes in posture Weak bones, particularly in the spine, can cause changes in posture, leading to stooping or bending forward. Problems with breathing Often, when the spinal bones are weak, one may suffer from breathing problems due to the inability of the ribs to expand fully. Thus, bone weakening is associated with shortness of breath. Fatigue Weak bones may cause difficulties sleeping, which can contribute to fatigue. Additionally, weak bones can lead to health conditions like osteoporosis, which may require treatment that causes side effects like extreme fatigue. Changes in height A chronic stooped posture caused by weak bones may eventually lead to several postural issues and a consequent reduction in height.