6 early arthritis signs one should not ignore

6 early arthritis signs one should not ignore

Arthritis is a health condition in which a person suffers from joint inflammation. It is a degenerative disease that causes problems such as joint pain, stiffness, and limited mobility and flexibility. While arthritis generally occurs in senior citizens, even young adults can suffer from this condition. Diagnosing the disease in its early stages is necessary to slow down its progress. Considering that, some of the early signs of arthritis are discussed below: Joint stiffness in the morning One of the earliest signs of arthritis can be experienced right when one wakes up in the morning. People with this condition feel a lack of flexibility after sleeping or sitting for a prolonged period. This sensation makes such individuals feel the need for lubricating their stiff, rusty joints. Early morning stiffness is usually a common occurrence. However, if this stiffness lasts more than 30 minutes, it is an indicator of rheumatoid arthritis, one of the most debilitative kinds of arthritis. So, if one feels prolonged stiffness in their joints on waking up with alarming frequency, they need to consult their healthcare provider immediately. Pain in the limbs In addition to the stiffness of the joints, pain in the hands and legs is an early sign of all kinds of arthritis.
7 early warning signs of autism in children

7 early warning signs of autism in children

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a condition that usually affects a child’s ability to communicate and socialize, thus impacting their growth. Some children may show signs at the age of around 18 months to 3 years, while some symptoms may not show up until kids start attending school. Various factors like premature birth or a family history of the condition can lead to developing autism. Some common warning signs of the condition are listed below. Early warning signs of autism It can sometimes be challenging for parents or caregivers to detect ASD in kids. The symptoms differ from person to person, and some may not seem serious enough to warrant more attention than usual childish mischief. But it’s best to be aware of the common warning signs listed below. Lack of joint attention Joint attention can be defined as one’s ability to look back and forth between objects, people, or events quickly. Usually, by the age of 12 months, parents can grab the attention of their children, who react or mimic the parent’s reactions, for example, a smile. Kids can also look back and forth between the object and the parent. This skill enables people later to interact socially, exchange emotional expressions, and develop a bond with others.
7 early signs of bone cancer

7 early signs of bone cancer

Primary bone cancers (bone sarcomas) are rare conditions that can develop in any bone of the body. There are several types of bone cancers, including chondrosarcoma, Ewing’s sarcoma, and osteosarcoma. Given their rare occurrence, the symptoms may often be misdiagnosed as those of other health conditions. So, one should keep an eye out for the following early signs of bone cancer, as doing so could ensure that one receives prompt diagnosis and treatment. Pain Pain could be triggered by several health complications and injuries. However, in the case of bone cancer, initially, the pain may not be constant. However, it could worsen at night or when the affected area is being moved, such as when walking with a tumor in the leg bone. With time the pain could become constant and may worsen with physical activity. Breathing problems Cancer that develops in the bones may also spread to organs like the lungs. If the cancer has reached this region, one may experience breathing difficulties. They may also experience other early signs of bone cancer, like chest pain, wheezing, chronic cough, and coughing blood. One should consult an expert right away if they experience any such symptoms. Fractures Those with bone cancer are likely to experience sudden fractures, as the tumor could weaken the bone to the extent that it breaks even with the slightest pressure.
7 mistakes to avoid for a healthy bladder

7 mistakes to avoid for a healthy bladder

One may not give much thought to their urinary hygiene and eating habits, but they can have a significant impact on overall health. The bladder is responsible for holding and releasing urine, and certain peeing mistakes and poor food choices can affect bladder health. This, in turn, increases the risk of hormonal issues, kidney problems, and infections. So, here are a few common mistakes to avoid for a healthy bladder: Ignoring the urge to pee One may postpone attending nature’s call if they are busy with work or other activities. While this does not immediately affect the bladder, ignoring the urge to pee and letting urine accumulate in the bladder for a long period can lead to chronic overstretching. This, in turn, can damage bladder control. So, one should avoid this mistake by taking regular bathroom breaks whenever they feel the urge. Peeing too often If holding pee in unnecessarily is a mistake, so is going to the bathroom too often. Frequent trips to the bathroom can train the bladder to become overactive. If one feels the need to pee every hour or so to the point that it affects their daily life, they should seek medical help. An overactive bladder may also be a sign of health conditions like diabetes, poor kidney function, infections, or even cancer.
4 things to avoid when dealing with lupus

4 things to avoid when dealing with lupus

Lupus is an autoimmune condition that affects people in multiple ways. Primarily, it causes inflammation of the skin and joints, and also the brain, heart, and lungs. As a result, one may experience fatigue, joint pain or stiffness, skin rashes, kidney problems, dry eyes, chest pain, mouth sores, and low blood cell count. Recognizing these early signs can help one seek timely treatment. Additionally, here are some things to avoid when dealing with the condition: Unhealthy foods Healthy foods are imperative for managing lupus symptoms. While there is no doctor-recommended list of foods for the condition, one can benefit from excluding the following trigger foods – Garlic: Garlic tends to enhance the production and activity of white blood cells, which can help fight infections like the cold or flu. But for conditions like lupus, where the immune system is overactive, garlic intake may backfire. While not entirely bad for health, garlic is best eaten in smaller quantities and avoided during flare-ups. – Processed food: Processed food like sausages, pork, red meat, bacon, and other packaged junk food contains high amounts of saturated fats, which can trigger lupus flares. – Sugary foods : Sugary foods like sweets, cakes, donuts, and syrups are associated with many health issues and are best avoided.
6 ways to enhance bone health and strength

6 ways to enhance bone health and strength

Our bones perform various crucial functions, like facilitating movement, providing the body with a structure, and protecting the internal organs. But unfortunately, many people do not have healthy bones. Around ten million nationwide have osteoporosis, while 44 million have bone-density issues. Low bone density and weak bones increase the risk of fractures and mobility problems. The following are a few ways to prevent bone diseases and build strong and healthy bones. Choose calcium-rich foods Bones are the primary calcium reservoirs, with nearly 99% of the body’s calcium concentrated in them. Thus, calcium is vital for optimal bone health and physical well-being. To acquire calcium, one’s meal plan should consist of foods rich in this nutrient, such as dairy and dairy products (if one is not lactose intolerant), soybeans, leafy green vegetables, figs, and lentils. Have foods rich in vitamin D Studies have shown that the body requires vitamin D to produce a specific hormone essential for optimal calcium absorption. Therefore, besides having foods high in calcium, one should incorporate vitamin D-rich foods into their meals. Salmon, tuna, beef liver, eggs, mushrooms, and vitamin D-fortified orange juice are a few foods that ensure calcium absorption and facilitate stronger bones. Engage in physical activity Exercise has many positive effects on the bones and the muscles.
5 daily activities that boost mental health

5 daily activities that boost mental health

Mental health is about the brain’s functioning and everything else that impacts it. It is an umbrella term for psychological and social well-being and the ability to regulate and address emotions. Given its deep-rooted effect on daily life, it has garnered more attention, popularity, and support in recent years. Therefore, here are the five daily activities that can positively affect mental health. So let us learn more about each of them in detail: Get quality sleep Quality sleep plays a significant role in governing one’s mental health. Those who do not get enough sleep, or experience disrupted sleep, have reported more frequent mental distress than others. Building healthy sleep habits (such as avoiding caffeine after 3 pm and sleeping and waking at the same hours daily) can help improve sleep quality and mental health. Reduce social media Constantly scrolling through social media may cause one to compare their life to that of others. This can lead to feelings of low self-worth and can cause anxiety or depression. Therefore, one must limit their social media screen time and take up more meaningful activities or hobbies instead. Strengthen relationships Positive relationships with loved ones can also significantly improve one’s mental health. For instance, having a stable and reliable group of friends can reduce feelings of loneliness, increase access to emotional support, and add meaning to one’s life.
5 essential questions to ask a pulmonologist

5 essential questions to ask a pulmonologist

Human lives are dependent on the health of a pair of lungs, which deliver oxygen to the cells and remove carbon dioxide from the body. Consequently, lung problems must be addressed promptly to avoid further complications and detect diseases like asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Individuals with symptoms like wheezing, shortness of breath, and chronic cough should see a pulmonologist for timely diagnosis and treatment. Here are some key questions to ask a pulmonologist: What is causing my symptoms? Understanding the underlying cause(s) of a problem is essential to figure out an effective treatment course with one’s pulmonologist. Sometimes, treatments may help address the symptoms but may not deal with the root cause, which may cause the disease to relapse. For example, living in a highly polluted region may have caused or contributed to one’s asthma, or an unhealthy lifestyle may have been a significant cause of a COPD diagnosis. Discussing one’s lifestyle, geographical area, genetic factors, etc., with a pulmonologist can help one identify the possible root cause of lung disease. What are my treatment options, possible side effects, and best intervention? Almost every treatment course may have some side effects. Individuals with certain lung conditions or weak immunities may not be able to withstand the side effects of certain treatments and might require a different approach.