6 unhealthy habits that can damage one’s teeth

6 unhealthy habits that can damage one’s teeth

Besides enhancing one’s smile, healthy teeth reflect one’s personal hygiene and overall physical health. Unfortunately, over a quarter of adults in the country suffer from untreated tooth decay. Oral health is essential to one’s life and should not be overlooked. Timely detection of oral health conditions and a healthy lifestyle can help facilitate healthier teeth and gums. In addition, it is essential to avoid certain unhealthy habits that can damage one’s teeth: Biting one’s nails Nail biting is a common but highly unhealthy habit that can damage one’s teeth and jaw considerably over time. It can even lead to jaw dysfunction and cause teeth cracking and pain. Painting one’s nails is an effective way to curtail this habit. Not gargling after every meal Several food particles typically get lodged in cavities and between the teeth after meals. Gargling after every meal is essential to ensure that these particles get dislodged easily. Moreover, gargling removes tartar and bacteria accumulated in the teeth. One may use a mouthwash or simply gargle a solution of salt and water after meals to ensure good oral hygiene. Grinding one’s teeth Many adults are affected by teeth grinding, also known as bruxism. Often a subconscious habit, it can occur during the day in up to one-third of adults and at night in 1 in 10 individuals.
6 effects of gastric sleeve surgery

6 effects of gastric sleeve surgery

Gastric sleeve is a bariatric surgery also known as sleeve gastrectomy. It involves the removal of a portion of the stomach. It is a safe and popular option for people looking to make significant changes to their body mass. While this surgery can offer life-changing benefits, one should understand its effects before opting for the procedure. From short-term discomfort to long-term changes in eating habits, one should know what to expect following the surgery. Diarrhea A common side effect of gastric sleeve bariatric surgery is diarrhea or loose stools. This could be attributed to the intake of liquid food for a while after the surgery. However, once the patients move to solid foods, diarrhea can go away on its own. Back pain Excessive body mass is known to strain the back muscles. While a gastric sleeve is a bariatric surgery that helps reduce this strain, the muscles continue to hold on to the tension state for a while after the procedure. The tension remains till the spine does not realign to the new body structure. Back pain can also result from the loss of adipose tissue that cushions the spine. Nausea and vomiting Nausea is a common after-effect of most surgical procedures.
5 common habits that degrade healthy bones

5 common habits that degrade healthy bones

Bone generation is an ongoing process. The human body constantly creates new bones to maintain a strong skeletal structure. As a person ages, the process of maintaining healthy bone structure slows down and can begin as early as the 20s or 30s, resulting in a loss of bone density. Unhealthy lifestyle choices and nutrition mistakes can accelerate this process, leading to premature bone loss. Read on to learn more about unhealthy habits to avoid for healthy bones. Eating unhealthy foods Excessive salt consumption harms the bones because the processed salt found in chips, fried foods, and fried snacks forces the body to lose calcium faster than it can be replenished. Also, drinking beverages that are rich in refined sugars, preservatives, artificial coloring, and additives all impact bone health. Flavored sodas, packaged fruit juices, and carbonated beverages are unhealthy food choices that trigger calcium loss, thus weakening the bones. Daily nutrition directly impacts bone health, especially the vital joints for mobility. Leading a sedentary lifestyle Sitting for hours on end and not being proactive can also lead to bone health deterioration. Simple physical activities like walking, jogging, or lifting weights help improve bone density. However, neglecting the 30 minutes of exercise recommended by physical therapists will only increase the risk of bone loss and fractures.
Top 5 healthy foods to eat to boost fertility

Top 5 healthy foods to eat to boost fertility

Fertility issues are common these days, affecting nearly 15% of couples. While conceiving and becoming parents can be physically and emotionally demanding, especially for first-time parents, one can opt for various treatment alternatives to ease the process. Moreover, changes in lifestyle and nutritional habits can help improve fertility. However, remember that severe complications like a blocked fallopian tube necessitate immediate intervention by a health expert. Read on to learn about healthy foods that improve fertility. Top 5 foods that can improve fertility Sunflower seeds This food item is a rich source of vitamin E – a nutrient that has been found to boost sperm count and motility in a few patients. The seeds are also high in selenium and folate, which are crucial for fertility in both genders – male and female. In addition to the above, sunflower seeds contain generous amounts of omega-3 fatty acids that can regulate hormones and improve blood flow to the uterus. Avocados Fruits such as avocados can also prove immensely helpful in increasing the folate count in the body. Moreover, it has been found that this fruit is also rich in potassium and vitamin K, which can regulate blood pressure and hormonal levels. But while eating the fruit, one must remember that it contains high amounts of calories – approximately 150kcal for half an avocado.
6 common signs that may indicate weak immunity

6 common signs that may indicate weak immunity

The immune system is the primary defense mechanism employed by the body to actively protect against disease and prevent health complications in the long run. Even changes in daily nutrition and certain unhealthy lifestyle choices directly impact immunity. But the more important concern here is to identify the signs of a weak immune system so that immediate treatment and preventive care can be given for recovery. Here are the top indicators of weakened immunity. Elevated stress Stress is often referred to as the silent predator as it causes a high rise in cortisol levels in the body. An excess release of cortisol in the bloodstream lowers the white blood cell (WBC) count, the body’s central disease-fighting cells. Low WBC triggers a hormonal imbalance that directly affects a person’s immunity, leaving the body vulnerable to known diseases. Continuous stress can severely affect organ function and cognitive health. Fever Developing a fever indicates the body’s immune system is working hard to fight off a reaction or infection. There are also multiple autoimmune responses (triggers of the immune system) that directly impact a person’s overall health. With fever, a person also develops fatigue that impacts their daily routine. Frequent sickness An illness that persists or takes longer to recover from is a clear sign of a weak immune system.
Top 4 sleeping positions for neck and spine pain

Top 4 sleeping positions for neck and spine pain

For many adults, neck and back pain are common occurrences. The reasons can vary from bad posture, a sedentary lifestyle, or a chronic health disorder. Most often, the culprit is the wrong sleeping position. The position you sleep in can affect your neck and spine health. So it is essential to adopt some of the best sleeping positions for the neck and spine to ensure you do not wake up again with a sore neck or back. Here are a few positions that can help prevent and alleviate neck and spine pain: Recline the back Sleeping on your back in a reclining position can help alleviate and avoid pain caused by isthmic spondylolisthesis. Invest in an adjustable bed since you can’t recline a normal bed. You can align it in a way that gives you the most comfort and support. Reclining can benefit your spine by forming an angle between your trunk and thighs. This will lower the pressure on your back. Keeping a pillow underneath the knees Lay on your back and place a pillow under your knees. The pillow helps to maintain the natural curve of your spine. For extra support, you can place a small, soft towel rolled up right beneath the small of your back.
6 clothes that may affect one’s health

6 clothes that may affect one’s health

People enjoy wearing outfits that they come across on social media. It can be quite enjoyable to anticipate upcoming fashion trends. But there might be occasions when you might notice rashes on your skin without any underlying cause. And this could be due to the damaging effects on your well-being due to certain outfits in your wardrobe. Therefore, it is important to be mindful of these six clothes that could harm your health. Skinny jeans Despite their fashion appeal, skinny jeans may compress nerves in the groin and legs, reducing blood flow to the lower legs. The phenomenon could lead to muscle damage, numbness, and swelling. The tight clothing may also damage the skin barrier that protects you from infections. Therefore, you should reduce the time spent in skinny jeans or switch to more comfortable options. Control-top tights Restrictive shapewear like stockings and spandex may lead to pressing against your body. It could result in excessively pushing against your organs, resulting in stomach pain and acid reflux. While you could still wear control-top tights, save them for special occasions and reduce the time you spend wearing them. Leggings The clothing items are usually much closer to the body and rub against the skin.
4 signs of excess sugar intake and how it can affect dental health

4 signs of excess sugar intake and how it can affect dental health

Excess sugar is linked to multiple health issues, from diabetes to cardiovascular diseases and chronic illnesses. With the increasing availability of packaged foods and baked goods at local stores, it is possible to go overboard with sugar if one is not careful. However, one can keep an eye out for common signs of excessive sugar and limit sweetened food and drink. So, here are a few signs of high sugar intake to recognize: Frequent sugar cravings If one eats too much sugar, they will continue to crave sugary foods and beverages. This is because sugar intake releases dopamine, which is responsible for feelings of pleasure in the brain, so one can crave this feeling and indulge in more sweet foods. So, if one notices persistent cravings, it could be a sign that they need to limit sugary foods and find healthier alternatives. Energy crash This is a common and often unnoticed sign of excess sugar intake. Contrary to popular belief, sugar does not lead to constant energy throughout the day. The ingredient is responsible for an instant boost or rush of energy as the body gets busy utilizing this sugar. However, due to a rapid rise in blood glucose, the body produces insulin to balance the excess sugar.