8 signs that should prompt one to visit a dermatologist

8 signs that should prompt one to visit a dermatologist

Despite external care and efforts to maintain healthy skin, one may experience various skin issues during one’s lifetime. While some may be caused due to a particular physical activity, changes in lifestyle, hormonal changes, or family history, some signs may be the precursor for serious health concerns. So it’s important to get these symptoms checked professionally to get expert advice and treatment. Here are 10 signs that should prompt one to consult a dermatologist. Persistent acne Breakouts may occur as a result of stress, unexpected changes in one’s eating habits, or during adolescence. While breakouts are normal, experiencing persistent aches without any significant changes in one’s lifestyle can be a cause for concern. Blemishes The damaged skin cells around a zit or acne leave pigmented spots and cause blemishes. These spots may fade gradually or with easy home remedies, but it’s better to have a dermatologist examine them if any areas do not lighten with time. Increase in size of dark circles The common causes of dark circles include lack of sleep, dehydration, advancing age, or excessive sun exposure. However, underlying health diseases like eczema or thyroid problems may also cause it. So, if one sees that the dark circles are growing in size elliptically, one should consult a doctor.
10 side effects of sleep deprivation

10 side effects of sleep deprivation

Getting a good night’s rest helps the body and mind recover from the physical and mental exhaustion one experiences throughout the day. Adequate rest is not only essential for recovery but also for maintaining vital metabolic and hormonal functions that are required to keep the organs running and prevent health complications. One should also prioritize rest to avoid dealing with the side effects of sleep deprivation that can affect overall health: Memory problems The brain needs adequate rest at night to be energized and function properly during the day. Lack of sleep affects cognitive functions that control memory. Sleep deprivation has a major impact on the connections the brain forms at rest that control short- and long-term memory. Poor analytical thinking Sleep deprivation also affects rational thinking and the ability to process information. One may also have trouble focusing, which can affect decision-making even when it comes to routine tasks. Mood swings Sleep deprivation affects the hormonal balance in the body and, as a result, the mood. Persistent lack of sleep can make one more irritable, short or quick-tempered, and emotionally unstable, increasing the risk of anxiety or depression. Elevated blood pressure and glucose Sleep regulates metabolic activities and processes, so without proper rest, the digestive and circulatory systems will not be able to function at optimal capacity.
25 questions to ask a gastroenterologist

25 questions to ask a gastroenterologist

Gastroenterologists specialize in diagnosing and treating gastrointestinal (GI) or digestive conditions. These may occur anywhere along the digestive tract, such as the esophagus, stomach, gallbladder, pancreas, liver, intestines, colon, and rectum. Some common GI diseases include cirrhosis, Crohn’s Disease, GERD, irritable bowel syndrome, ulcerative colitis, pancreatitis, colon polyps, and certain forms of cancer. When visiting a gastroenterologist, having a list of questions for your doctor can help put your mind at ease. Seemingly uncomfortable questions to ask your gastroenterologist Diagnosis-related questions It is natural to be worried and imagine the worst scenarios before getting your diagnosis. Rather than continuing with that line of thought, it is advisable to ask your doctor questions like: What tests will be conducted to diagnose the condition? How should I better prepare for these tests? Are the tests conducted one after the other or simultaneously? How long will the results take, and do I visit you with the results? Are there any risks associated with these tests? Ailment-related questions Once you have gotten diagnosed, it is best to truly understand the condition by asking the following questions: What are the possible underlying causes of the condition? How will this condition affect my daily life? What symptoms should I watch out for?
5 questions to ask a gastroenterologist

5 questions to ask a gastroenterologist

The digestion and excretion processes are vital for maintaining our overall health. Yet complications with the gastrointestinal system, such as constipation and gas, are least discussed. And this is because people are primarily uncomfortable talking about their gastrointestinal health. Fortunately, a gastroenterologist could address any queries one may have about gastrointestinal health and also recommend remedies and treatment methods. So here are a few questions that one can ask their gastroenterologist. What is the cause of excessive gas? One of the most common factors in gastrointestinal health that most people do not talk about is passing too much gas. The condition could occur due to flatulence, i.e., swallowing more air than usual or eating food that is difficult to digest. Gasses may also build up when the body digests food and needs to get rid of it through flatulence or belching. However, too much gas could also occur because of health problems such as recurring indigestion, Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), and Inflammatory Bowel Disorder (IBD). So one is better off speaking to an expert who will help them diagnose the condition. Are unusually colored feces normal? An individual might find that the color of their feces is different occasionally and worry about it.
11 excellent foods that help manage migraine episodes

11 excellent foods that help manage migraine episodes

Though migraine headaches are not considered dangerous, the throbbing sensation on one or both sides of the head can seriously impact one’s daily routine. Various sensory, visual, or nutritional triggers can aggravate migraine episodes or cause the discomfort to persist. However, simple changes in daily food habits can provide some relief for patients. A few food items and beverages that help manage migraine symptoms and prevent pain from worsening are listed below. Fatty fish Fatty fish like salmon, herring, mackerel, tuna, sardines, and trout are rich sources of omega-3 fatty acids that naturally counter inflammation and prevent painful migraine flare-ups. Leafy greens Kale, spinach, Swiss chard, turnip greens, and broccoli are rich sources of magnesium and excellent antioxidants that fight inflammation and prevent frequent flare-ups. Sweet potatoes Sweet potatoes boast excellent nutrients, including beta-carotene, vitamin C, potassium, magnesium, and B vitamins, that actively help counter the inflammation triggering migraine attacks. Avocados Avocados are one of the richest sources of plant-based omega-3 fats that help prevent inflammation and fight oxidative stress. Avocados also contain vitamin D and magnesium to alleviate migraine pain. Assorted berries Strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, and blackberries, are all excellent sources of antioxidants with the potential to relieve the pressure on the sinus due to migraine attacks.
6 foods to eat to manage schizophrenia
Diets & Meal Plans

6 foods to eat to manage schizophrenia

Schizophrenia is one of the most complex mental disorders. Individuals struggling with the condition often experience symptoms like delusional thinking, hallucinations, and social isolation. The condition significantly affects cognitive ability, leading to trouble perceiving emotions or controlling behavior. Patients need multidimensional support, including special care and dedicated treatment. Other remedies, such as eating a healthy meal plan, can help. For example, foods can determine one’s mood, so it’s important to know the most nourishing foods for schizophrenia. Here are a few foods that patients with schizophrenia can include in their meal plans: Lentils Lentils are reasonably priced food items that contain many nutrients, from protein and fiber to essential vitamins and antioxidants. These superfoods help boost the production of a brain chemical called serotonin, which regulates one’s mood and behavior. Apart from that, it also stabilizes one’s sugar levels and keeps one energetic. Broccoli Studies show that this cruciferous vegetable has high levels of antioxidants, sulforaphane, vitamins, folic acid, zinc, and fiber. People with schizophrenia may experience chemical imbalances in their brains, which sulforaphane-rich foods like broccoli can regulate. Whole grains People with schizophrenia struggle to satisfy their hunger and may not feel full even after meals. In addition, the patients may also see a hike in their body fat due to schizophrenia treatments.
6 common mistakes that may affect sleep quality

6 common mistakes that may affect sleep quality

Sleep is an integral part of one’s health. Yet, between 50 and 70 million people suffer from sleep or wakefulness disorders, and more than a third of the population reported getting less than 7 to 9 hours of sleep each night, the recommended amount of sleep for healthy adults. Sleep is often overlooked for work, leisure, travel, or other factors. Fortunately, there are ways to improve sleep quality by avoiding these six common sleep mistakes: Not having a consistent bedtime While some people are comfortable with changing sleep schedules daily, most people find adjusting difficult. Setting a consistent bedtime routine can help the body’s internal body clock build a strong sleep-wake cycle, contributing to improved sleep quality as well. Failing to set a bedtime/unwinding routine When assessing sleep physiologically, researchers report a slowing down of brain wave activity, heart rate, breathing, body temperature, and more. Setting an unwinding routine can help reach this stage. To achieve this, you can engage in reading, listen to relaxing music, take a warm shower, or do light stretching. It is also advisable to avoid vigorous exercise just before bed and have a 2-hour gap between your last meal and bedtime. Having a poor sleep environment While sleeping, the environment needs to be conducive to sleep.
6 bad habits that damage healthy teeth

6 bad habits that damage healthy teeth

Caring for the teeth isn’t just about brushing, flossing, and using an expensive mouthwash. Lifestyle habits can also affect one’s oral health. Certain bad habits inadvertently damage the teeth, causing them to become chipped or cracked. They also increase the risk of gum injuries, jaw and bone disorders, and bacterial infections that cause severe discomfort. From biting the nails to eating too much sugar, here are six bad habits that damage the teeth. Biting the fingernails Nail biting is a bad habit people develop unknowingly. Since the nails hold dirt and debris, it’s unhygienic. Biting the nails repeatedly can also cause weaker teeth to chip off. Further, the jaw assumes a protruded position while biting, which can lead to jaw disorders that are hard to rectify. The best way to avoid this habit is to trim the nails regularly. Chewing, grinding, and clenching Chewing hard foods can chip the teeth or erode their surface. Hence, experts recommend softening the foods with saliva before biting them down with brute force. Clenching and grinding are subconscious habits some develop at night. Dentists recommend wearing a mouth guard to prevent the upper and lower jaw from grinding excessively. Using the teeth for unnecessary tasks Using the teeth to cut open strips of sticky tape, packages, or hard substances can cause them to chip off and grind away.